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Ganguly's inculsion- a spineless decision.
by Varun on Dec 25, 2005 10:24 AM

Dear all,
I was happy to see Ganguly in the Sqad but was deeply shocked the way he was inducted in.
I am happy now with Ganguly in as I am ardent fan of Ganguly.But imagine Ganguly meets Pawar, have 'general cricketing discussion' and merits place in sqad!!
Well, some may say, I am reading too much in-between-the lines.Today Pawar says Ganguly is perfect team man! Few months back(few weeks rather) he was 'not a team man' as describe by his very close associates.
I dont know what to say but one thing I can say with certainty.BCCI and all cricketers are spineless! They neither had guts to say the truth earlier nor they will ever have it in future.They can never take decision un-biasedly or with grit.Dont be surprised if 'Siddhu' realises tomorrow that he has enough cricket left in him and raises the issue in parliament about his selection.He may even be inculded for 'cricketing' reasons.
And we as a spectators will keep on guessing on whats going on??
Thats the way our country runs and so how cricket could be different.
Lastly, aren't we spineless for that matter?? Do we have guts to shun the cricket for a while in backyard to let the 'dirt' die on its own??.Sorry,we can't.Atleast I can't.
As a 'stupid' & 'spineless' cricket crazy, I will spend hrs to watch the match,days to discuss it, yrs to think on it, and probably die one day with 'shattered score cards' and 'records'.
And the show of BCCI and cricketers will go on.If I die, there are 10 others like me already in making ready to 'die'.
Crazy, isen't it??

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''Sourav is a perfect team man''