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Wrong scorer table !!
by Alok Bhattacharya on May 05, 2007 03:54 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

It is heartening to see that a portal of as big a stature of Rediff is constantly publishing wrong data over the period, on various ocassions, as in this case, the leading goal scorer Odafa Okolie of Churchill Brothers has scored 16 not 15 goals. and still people say that rediff gives the best NFL coverage. Instead visit www.kolkatafootball.com for better coverage, everybody.

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RE:Wrong scorer table !!
by Harish on May 21, 2007 01:42 PM  Permalink
The goal scoring list is updated regularly...dont say it was a mistake, maybe it took time to update. And yes we try and provide the best and detailed coverage of Indian football.

I did visit kolkatafootball.com and I think I have seen many better sites than that. And to claim you provide better coverage...What a joke!!

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RE:RE:Wrong scorer table !!
by pankaj naskar on May 21, 2007 01:45 PM  Permalink
Hey i agree that rediff coverage is best for football league in india.

kolkatafootball.com is poor, not at all user friendly, takes time to load and poor choice of colours and all...even though i am from kolkata i love to come to rediff for football news

way to go rediff, u r the best!

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RE:Wrong scorer table !!
by Leelu on May 21, 2007 01:47 PM  Permalink
that website kolkatafootball.com is like kolkata club performance of this year -- pathetic and boring, nothing to look forward to :))

congrats to dempo!!

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by pankaj naskar on Apr 28, 2007 10:02 PM  Permalink 

rediff coverage is best....points table & all reports r given fastest...thank u

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Al the best for Dempo
by tony dias on Apr 24, 2007 08:01 PM  Permalink 

Keep it up the good work & you will be rewarded. Great victry over the Bengal Tigers East Bengal. Dempo will be the National Football League Champion this year

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by clayton cardoso on Apr 23, 2007 08:23 PM  Permalink 

I think Goas Dempo sports club has everything that a team requires they played as a team and that is what will take them to the Top.
Clayton Cardoso

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good work by rediff .com
by vinod shenbaga on Apr 23, 2007 01:50 AM  Permalink 

atleast you guys are giving coverage to indian football.good to see rediff 's involvement in other sports like football.

this NFL is rocking with the title winners is kept guessing with each round proceeding from mahindra united to east bengal to dempo SC to JCT to churchill bros.

all the best to DEMPO and MAHINDRA UNITED to win this NFL.


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Indian Football Coverage
by Debangshu Banerjee on Apr 20, 2007 06:06 PM  Permalink 

Thanks for the coverage of Indian Football (NFL). Rediff gives the best coverage -- though very brief. We need more live action pix of NFL, stories other than just match reporting, interviews, etc.

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