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about players selection
by manoj rawat on May 24, 2007 03:59 PM  Permalink 

Very thanks to Rediff making the update of the 11 edition of NFL.iam very dissapionted that no Indian strikers can top the table of highest scorer.Though our Country have lots of talented strikers as well as others positions player but most of the players could not reach tthe higher level because of financial problem aswell they do not have approach

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What happened to indian players!!
by on May 23, 2007 04:16 PM  Permalink 

if someone sees the list of top goalscoreres hardly u see indian names. how will this help if the clubs just for the name of glory continue on using foreigners.....and ignore indian players. i think they should consider this seriously.

anyways....i am very happy as dempo has bought back the NFL back to Goa....on numerous occasions goan teams have faltered on the last occasions....

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DEMPO has clearly won this years NFL
by vinod shenbaga on May 06, 2007 12:08 AM  Permalink 

good to see again the BLUE DEVILS-dempo [chesea united of india] nearing the NFL-2006-07 title.they had won this title in 2005 and in 2006 this title was won by the RED DEVILS-mahindra united [manchester united of india].so the BLUE DEVILS have overthrown the RED DEVILS in last rounds.

waiting for last round actions.superb entertaining NFL this year.hope NFL improves day by day.

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