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Arsenal need to sign up a few more...
by mithun on Jun 24, 2008 01:04 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Nasri seems to be a very good signing by the astute arsene wenger....
He would need to sign a couple of more players though...Ideally someone experience in defence or holding midfield roles and one more striker perhaps because Eduardo will be missing the first half of the season...
And if ronaldo goes to madrid then anyways Man utd will be a crippled side and it will be interesting to see where their goals will come from - both scoring & supply!!!!

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RE:Arsenal need to sign up a few more...
by Pious George on Jun 24, 2008 05:01 PM  Permalink
Hope this time luck will be in Arsenal Side!!!

Arsenal Fan Till I DIE!!!!

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RE:RE:Arsenal need to sign up a few more...
by San Indus on Jun 24, 2008 02:05 PM  Permalink
one more cess fabrigas in the making?

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