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Nistelrooy goal
by Rams on Jun 11, 2008 05:55 AM  Permalink 

Whether it is offside or not, the goal given is irreversible. UEFA's reaction is like they would have reveresed the goal if it was offside. What's the point they are trying to score with this reaction? I am not sure whether they have an obligation to react on every controversial goal!

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by Sourav Dasgupta on Jun 10, 2008 09:07 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

The injured player behind the goal counts as a player on the field and therefore it was not offside...who the hell could have predicted this to be a law!!!!

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Message deleted by moderator
by dumbeldor on Jun 10, 2008 09:24 PM  Permalink
if the player was taken outside on referee's consent, then it would be offside. but the player went off the pitch on his own, and had the legal right to get back on it without waiting for ref's permission. so it is not offside.

nevertheless, holland will crumble in the quarters or semis as usual.

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by Rams on Jun 11, 2008 05:51 AM  Permalink
What about Italy? In the first round itself?:)

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Italy are the world champs... but...
by Agastya Viswambhara on Jun 10, 2008 09:03 PM  Permalink 

This is just at the European level. So people who say Italy are no longer world champs should correct themselves. They will remain to be world champs until the result of the next world cup finals. However, that said, Italy dont have the world cup winning squad going into this tournament - Maldini, Totti have retired. De Rossi, Cannavaro, Inzaghi are on the injury list. Other key players such as Pirlo and Luca Toni are there, but still the team is not complete. Tough chance for them to get into the semis is my prediction. It will take them at least 2 years or 2 seasons more to build a decent reputed team in match to their world cuppers. Regards.

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Holland beat Italy in all departments..
by pinto on Jun 10, 2008 08:53 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Wow..at last..after 30 years..Holland beats Italy and how...they really went after the Italians, and beat them in all departments..3-0 was the final score but it could have been 6-2 or something in favour of the dutch..they missed 3 easy one on one chances and all credit goes to buffon...Italians missed couple of good chances too..but I guess this dutch team is looking the best in the tournament so far...along with Germany so they could very well be our Eiro 2008 finalists..

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RE:Holland beat Italy in all departments..
by Philo on Jun 11, 2008 02:22 AM  Permalink
now do u change your opinion after Spain's fabulous show? thats why a game is a game is a game and its a "single" game.

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by Leroy Jethro Gibbs on Jun 10, 2008 07:23 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

hey, can anyone tell me wht is meant by "the goal being offside?" Thnx

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by Anoop Dsouza on Jun 10, 2008 07:35 PM  Permalink
there must be atleast one opposition player (excluding the keeper) between you & the opponents' goal, at the moment when the ball is played to you(This is when you are in the opposite half & not in your half)- if this case is true you are on side else offside. Panucci was behind the goal but still considered to be playing Nistelrooy onside.

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italy will bounce back
by shamanth on Jun 10, 2008 06:21 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

guys, dont jump into conclusions so early...remember u will dont find any team than Italy who has got the best defence and goal conversion rate since decades...it was one of those days which dint turn their way....the likes of cannavaro is due for next match, romania and frace must be very apprehensive.....
italy will surely get into the semi's..just keep watching...

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RE:italy will bounce back
by ANKUR HANDOO on Jun 10, 2008 07:15 PM  Permalink
Cannavaro is injured n was ruled out for the tournament Just before the euro started get a light Shamath

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RE:italy will bounce back
by Vimalan on Jun 10, 2008 07:51 PM  Permalink
Sham, where r u, Cannavaro is ruled out of the Euro due to the injury he had during practice session, we accept, he is the wall for italy, without him the defence became very weak but italy missed number of open chances and dutch goalkeeper also saved some super shots.

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RE:italy will bounce back
by Ankit Jhingran on Jun 10, 2008 09:22 PM  Permalink

Cannavaro is due for the next match...Dude, go gets ur facts first before speaking in public and making a mockery of urslelf..Cannavaro is our of the tournament!! thats all that i want to say, no point talking about football to u!!

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RE:italy will bounce back
by kskumar on Jun 10, 2008 09:24 PM  Permalink
Remember specially the '82 world cup, where they went through the qualifying round without even scoring a goal ! But they took on Brazil, Argentina and Germany and defeated them all comprehensively. Paolo Rossi was the hero scoring six goals including a hatrick against Brazil.

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italy no more the world champs
by vivek singh on Jun 10, 2008 05:19 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

holland alwz looked a better side they have good n attacking player like scheinder,nistelrroy ,italy looked on backfoot without maldini del piero ,totti .

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RE:italy no more the world champs
by Ronny vaz on Jun 10, 2008 05:51 PM  Permalink

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RE:italy no more the world champs
by kamal harish on Jun 10, 2008 06:04 PM  Permalink
Inzaghi is one of the most overrated players in the world...no doubt he has a lot of goals to show for but people dont remember how many sitters he has missed..

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RE:italy no more the world champs
by Ayan Basak on Jun 10, 2008 07:11 PM  Permalink
Don't forget NESTA.
Italy played without their two best central defenders- cannavaro & nesta.
Buffon couldn't adjust with new defenders. But he is exceptionally good, save Italy thrice in 1 to 1 situations (95% cases goal scored), 2 times were Nistelrooy. Genious...
Don't mind. Italy will be champions, just takes times to adjust.....

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RE:italy no more the world champs
by Rohan Shah on Jun 10, 2008 07:25 PM  Permalink
yeah man and i guess italy had more than their share of luck in 06 world cup they must have lost to Australia ... Now their true class is shown

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RE:italy no more the world champs
by kskumar on Jun 10, 2008 09:30 PM  Permalink
Truly, it was poor Lucas Neill of Australia who had the misfortune of being responsible. If he hadn't tackled the Italian [I think it was Del Piero] and no penalty had been awarded things could have been different. It was an out and out legitimate tackle. The Italians were till that time huffing and puffing to get a goal against the spirited Aussies.

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RE:italy no more the world champs
by Philo on Jun 11, 2008 02:24 AM  Permalink
how about USA tying them..

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jelous italians
by saumil shukla on Jun 10, 2008 05:14 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

it was a perfect goal.... italians are just cry babies....
Van nistelrooy will b the top scorer in euro....

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RE:jelous italians
by Ayan Basak on Jun 10, 2008 07:12 PM  Permalink
Trophy to nehi milegi. Keep up hope

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