If we observe the recent matches played by Sania we may find the lack of Interst in the game..and the dedication..towards the game.She played the game carelessly..she ignored the fact that she is representing India.The reason is simple..She is well off by financially and also in all aspects.she dont bother about the win just like our senior cricketers.Just watch the African Athelets and their spirit.Their countries starving and strugling for food.Even though they are competing in good spirit and dedication.So far as Sania is concerned, she went to Beijing for sight seeing..Let her enjoy at peoples cost.
by Bandhu on Aug 11, 2008 09:51 PM Permalink
Ciranjeevi garu, You are right! Sania as well as our senior cricketers are so careless they forget the spirit of the game and they are representing 110 People.
Look at the way she tells... She wants to join Sunita rao for doubles... Even that will be lost for India.
If she is not well how did she qualified during fitness test,,, our sports authorities also careless.
If we observe the recent matches played by Sania we may find the lack of Interst in the game..and the dedication..towards the game.She played the game carelessly..she ignored the fact that she is representing India.The reason is simple..She is well off by financially and also in all aspects.she dont bother about the win just like our senior cricketers.Just watch the African Athelets and their spirit.Their countries starving and strugling for food.Even though they are competing in good spirit and dedication.So far as Sania is concerned, she went to Beijing for sight seeing..Let her enjoy at peoples cost.
If we observe the recent matches played by Sania we may find the lack of Interst in the game..and the dedication..towards the game.She played the game carelessly..she ignored the fact that she is representing India.The reason is simple..She is well off by financially and also in all aspects.she dont bother about the win just like our senior cricketers.Just watch the African Athelets and their spirit.Their countries starving and strugling for food.Even though they are competing in good spirit and dedication.So far as Sania is concerned, she went to Beijing for sight seeing..Let her enjoy at peoples cost.
To take her for a trip to China at government expenses. Look at her will to compete was absent. We rate as the most hyped and overrated player ever in this country.
by Satya ss on Aug 11, 2008 08:29 PM Permalink
Easy dude..It is great thing to even participate..Like it or not she is the best Womens tennis player that India has ever produced..Why dont you believe her that she is injured..
by Satya ss on Aug 11, 2008 08:30 PM Permalink
Easy dude..It is great thing to even participate..Like it or not she is the best Womens tennis player that India has ever produced..Why dont you believe her that she is injured..
by Satya ss on Aug 11, 2008 08:29 PM Permalink
Easy dude..It is great thing to even participate..Like it or not she is the best Womens tennis player that India has ever produced..Why dont you believe her that she is injured..
by ggvkchiranjeevi on Aug 11, 2008 08:57 PM Permalink
If she is not fit..for whose grace she went to Beijing?To see China?It is not pleasure trip satya...we have to fight till the end..Otherwise simply sit in the home and watch T.v. That is better..She is representing One country..without fitness why she went to china?To fool 110crores of Indians?Do you know how much amount our country invested on her?All that amount belongs to the people of India..Is she aware of this fact..at least Mr. Suresh Kalmadi..?
by Satya ss on Aug 11, 2008 08:29 PM Permalink
Easy dude..It is great thing to even participate..Like it or not she is the best Womens tennis player that India has ever produced..Why dont you believe her that she is injured..