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Sania a shame. She should quit playing tennis.
by awanish verma on Aug 12, 2008 10:53 PM  Permalink 

I just read a quote in time from 4 times Discus gold medalish from US. "This is olympics. you die before you quit" She should be given a lesson.
She should make a career in modeling and should not fool India's 100 million.

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Sania, so why Beijing? To model a tracksuit. Or to continue first rd crashouts.
by C Kr on Aug 12, 2008 08:09 PM  Permalink 

Golden crashout slam - check out this site soonavala.livejournal.com .

No one that is hyped so much has such a horrendous predictable losing record.

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by Raja Rao on Aug 12, 2008 07:48 PM  Permalink 


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1 down 1 more to go
by Crab on Aug 12, 2008 06:07 PM  Permalink 

the other one is anju boby george. this time the excuse will be the weather in china, sudden opposite wind has reduced her jump considerable.

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Sania is a waste
by Jayakrishnan R on Aug 12, 2008 02:48 PM  Permalink 


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What else can we expect from Sania !!!
by Saurabh Bajaj on Aug 12, 2008 08:47 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Nice to know that Sania has crashed out. People who really give their best tend to get the best. Abhinav has made us all proud by getting us a gold. He deserves all the accolades that he is getting. I guess Sania should just look out for more endorsements. Nothing else.

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RE:What else can we expect from Sania !!!
by awanish verma on Aug 12, 2008 10:03 AM  Permalink
What the heck. Why did she go there at the 1st place also when she was at the point of loosing she quits saying she can not play because of pain. She could at least gracefully finish the game and not frustrate the opponent. 100 Million people banking the hopes on her and she call it quits because of injury. and after that such a rubbish statment that I am taking painkillers for last 6 days and took 4 in the morning to give an excuse. I have lost all my respect for her if she would have been winning and left the game at leading 6-2 2-1 my respect would have been doubled. She and her mother have wasted the indian money, I think she is more busy with modeling and film actors and getting lot of money endorsing products. She should give up all the medals and honors she has received so far.What a shame she has brough for India in Olympics. I do not know what achievment she can claim for has she ever made a grand slam QF except for a lucky chance. It s disgrace she should quit from playing doubles as I know she can not do anything there as well.She is a shame for india.

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RE:What else can we expect from Sania !!!
by Sab Harim on Aug 13, 2008 08:54 PM  Permalink
Sprite..sab clear hai..Why did Sania go to Beijing? Bas yeh clear nahin he..

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dont worry yaar
by gulabo on Aug 12, 2008 08:36 AM  Permalink 

she has very good doubles partner.i.e me.am sure she will won all

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by Albert Adibadla on Aug 12, 2008 08:26 AM  Permalink 


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She is just another muslim who is wasting Indian tax-payers money
by Vishnu Sharma on Aug 12, 2008 01:11 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies


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RE:She is just another muslim who is wasting Indian tax-payers money
by BP on Aug 12, 2008 08:20 AM  Permalink
I am sure this "Vishnu Sharma" is a foreigner writing under a false name to create rifts between Hindus and Muslims. No sane person can otherwise be so petty and parochial in his thinking. I hope Bhagwan / Allah / God will have mercy on him.

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RE:She is just another muslim who is wasting Indian tax-payers money
by Mature Stud on Aug 12, 2008 08:21 AM  Permalink
u are surely a muslim BP...no doubt

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