Jews are the forefathers of Muslims and Christians. Muslims decended from Jews (Moses from his Slave African woman). Why they are then hell bent to destroy their half-brothers, the Jews. Why they are at loggerheads? If all three unite, they can rule the World !
by Surya Prakash T on Apr 28, 2008 01:01 PM Permalink
Jews,Christians,Muslims......WHO NEXT? Religion is an important guiding force for a person who can otherwise not find his path. World has progressed, literacy is up, peoples understanding has improved. So Whose Next? is a question we need to ask.
During the dark ages of ignorance of comman man, the religion crossed the barrier of individual belief and ruled over both the state and the public life of people. It is time now that the religion is completely relegated to only personal belief and People should become CITIZENS OF THE NEW WORLD which should be free of Religion.
For all those fanatics out there, Why could not Vishnuji take atleast one out of his 10 avtars outside India. Why was birth of Moses, Christ and Mohammad be within a small part of the globe. If Hindu gods chose only to show their presence in India and the Jewish/Christian/Islamic prophets chose only to be in that part of the world, why are we taking it on ourselves to spread these religions and rub it over others. Why could not any of the Gods we worship show their presence in Australia/America etc..
Its time we open eyes. Every body is entitled to their own belief on Religion. Its best they keep it to themselves. In Public Life we need to separate the religion from state.
by Avinash on Apr 28, 2008 12:33 PM Permalink
Moses was a murderer from Egypt hiding in the hills of Sinai. He fooled the Isralites. The origin of Semitic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) itself is tainted. They are still continuing the saga.
RE:ISLAM DONOT HAVE CHOICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by adil inam on Apr 28, 2008 12:36 PM Permalink
Which Christian philosphy r u talking about? Oh Yes, Jesus was beggoten (illegal) son of God & Jesus was crucified. Can you imagine, God died! While no Christian is able to prove these two philosphies from Bible itself. What crap you believe?
RE:RE:ISLAM DONOT HAVE CHOICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by sunny sunny on Apr 28, 2008 01:34 PM Permalink
lol atleast jesus is know as son of god not mohammed
RE:The Real Root cause of Terrorist Violence
by Falcon on Apr 28, 2008 12:29 PM Permalink
You are such an idiotic person which can hardly be described,,,,,,,,,,, Taking a few passages from the Quran out of proper historical and textual context will not give a proper understanding of the religious scripture,,,,,,,,,
RE:RE:The Real Root cause of Terrorist Violence
by Avinash on Apr 28, 2008 12:35 PM Permalink
Falcon, according to your own admission, the Quran has no meaning when "taken out of proper histroical and textual context". Then why the Muslims insist that the same is an irrefutable revealation of some "most merciful creator" It was meant for the inhabitants of 7th century Arabia and not for those living in 21st century.
RE:RE:RE:The Real Root cause of Terrorist Violence
by Techno Savvy on Apr 28, 2008 01:26 PM Permalink
I find these arguments crop every time there is an article on religion and we indulge in this mudslinging for nothing. Avinash if you claim that Islam is a 7th century AD religion pls note our Hinduism is a BC faith. So technically we are worse off than Muslims in terms of antiquity. Fact is if your look at religions with the naked eye there are inconsistencies which may seem contradictory & irrelevant to a normal rational human being. For ex. in Islam the Prophet has repeatedly spoken about marrying virgins and playing with their private parts. Another occassion he encourages women to breastfeed strange men. For us this seems sacrilegious and horrifying to think that a so called Prophet could speak such trash. But to Muslims it can take on a different meaning altogether. In Hinduism the Muslims constantly say we worship idols, that our gods are evil personified and totally fake and in some of our temples there is very little that has been left to the imagination in terms of sexual imagery. Yet we don't find it disgusting and continue to worship. Hence the bottom line in all this is Faith without which there would be no religion.