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by younus siddique on Apr 28, 2008 01:56 PM  Permalink
Dr. Bucaille explains that modern science has worked out the details of the sun%u2019s orbit as follows:

%u201CTo complete one revolution on its own axis, the galaxy and the sun take roughly 250 million years. The sun travels roughly 150 miles per second in the completion of this%u201D (The Bible, the Quran and Science, p. 162).

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by younus siddique on Apr 28, 2008 01:57 PM  Permalink
After describing this, Dr. Bucaille comments:

%u201CThe above is the orbital movement of the sun that was already referred to in the Quran fourteen centuries ago.%u201D (The Bible, the Quran and Science, p. 162)

And yet this is a new finding. As Dr. Bucaille says, the knowledge of the sun%u2019s orbit is an acquisition of modern astronomy (The Bible, the Quran and Science, p. 162).

Two verses in the Quran refer to the orbits of the sun and moon. After mentioning the sun and the moon, Allah says:

%u201CEach one is traveling in an orbit with its own motion%u201D (Quran, 21:33; 36:40).

Even after the Quran was revealed, early commentators could not conceive of the orbits of the sun and moon. The tenth century commentator Tabari could not explain this so he said, %u201CIt is our duty to keep silent when we do not know%u201D (XVII, 15 quoted in The Bible, the Quran and Science, p. 161).

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by Gouriprasad Sharma on Apr 28, 2008 01:54 PM  Permalink
What about growing in moral value. Killing people in the name of god or religion is not growth. A ship swings a lot before it sinks.

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by younus siddique on Apr 28, 2008 01:58 PM  Permalink
MUSLIMS are very strong in their MORALS ....

i think its time for you to teach your HINDU rioters some morals ....which is lacking in your religion ...ask them not to torch any womb and not to rape and burn any woman ...ask them to show some mercy on childrens and elders and also women while rioting ...

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by Gouriprasad Sharma on Apr 28, 2008 02:02 PM  Permalink
Kindly go thru history or take the help of google, u'll feel very bad about u.

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by younus siddique on Apr 28, 2008 02:07 PM  Permalink
i always felt proud about my self to be a MUSLIM and following ISLAM ....otherwise i would have been dancing naked worshiping stones ....calling every TOM,DICK and HARRY as GOD ........

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by Gouriprasad Sharma on Apr 28, 2008 01:56 PM  Permalink
Humanity and repect to other religion should be the fastest growing...

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by Falcon on Apr 28, 2008 02:00 PM  Permalink
Gouriprasad Sharma
Islam only can give the solution for humanity

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by Gouriprasad Sharma on Apr 28, 2008 02:03 PM  Permalink
yes there are so many examples... go thru facts then tell.

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by Avinash on Apr 28, 2008 01:57 PM  Permalink
Mr. younus siddique, Wikipedia is an encyclopedia like "Britinica" created as a free source on the internet, reviewed by persons having knowledge in the relevant fields. The articles on Wiki carries weight over the telecasts of TV Channels like CNN.

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RE:one fool said another fool
by Falcon on Apr 28, 2008 01:52 PM  Permalink
Another athiest moron,,,,, avinash another joined in your hell fire,,,,,

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@ mr.R.K. Reddy
by Avinash on Apr 28, 2008 01:49 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Pl put search words "fastest growing religion" in any interent search engine and see the relevant article available at Wikipedia. You will get a fair idea about the claims and counter-claims regarding the religious growth.

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RE:@ mr.R.K. Reddy
by R K Reddy on Apr 28, 2008 01:51 PM  Permalink
thanks for the suggestion but I did that already, all I found was some new articles. I was trying for some university study. anyways thanks.

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RE:@ mr.R.K. Reddy
by Falcon on Apr 28, 2008 01:51 PM  Permalink
No doubt there are thousands of websites created by chiristins and jews which can produced fabricated data to defame others religion,,,,,,,

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RE:@ mr.R.K. Reddy
by Avinash on Apr 28, 2008 01:53 PM  Permalink
Falcon, when will people like you stop cribbing about every thing? Wiki is a free encyclopedia reviewed by hundreds of scholards in relevant fields and are even open for correction when provided with authentic data.

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RE:@ mr.R.K. Reddy
by R K Reddy on Apr 28, 2008 01:55 PM  Permalink
Wiki does not enjoy repect of acedemics. I am not denying or supporting your claim but Wiki does not enjoy the repect of acedemics.

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RE:@ mr.R.K. Reddy
by Avinash on Apr 28, 2008 02:02 PM  Permalink
Mr. Reddy, are you aware that Wiki is open to correction? They will update their articles when authentic information is provided and prominently display when an article is not "unbiased" They show professionalism rather than taking side with one claimant or another.

Pl visit the web of "Actual Freedom - the thrid alternative" This is an Australian Site and is an alternative to organized religions. It will also enrich your knowledge.

Also download and read "The Necessity of Atheism" feeely available at Project Gutenberg to know more about the "good works" of the religions!

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RE:@ mr.R.K. Reddy
by R K Reddy on Apr 28, 2008 02:06 PM  Permalink
ok thanks

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by Falcon on Apr 28, 2008 01:42 PM  Permalink
Why do you keep on posting same msg which has no logic

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