Russian Vishy playing against all russians people. It is great for anand to perform top against this group which breathe chess Kramnik - Russian Gruschuk - Russian Aronian - Armenia (OLD USSR) Gelfant - Now in Israil but from old Russion(Belarus) Moro %u2013 Russian Svidler - Russian
Hey Vishy you are true the Champion of India. Its really sick that Indian Media is giving headaches to readers with their overdose coverage on selfish Cricketers like Sachin tendulkar who play for themselves rather than their country. Its the Silent Champions like Vishy who bring accolades to India!!
Hats off to you Vishy! Go one step ahead and get that 28K ELO rating. My prayers are with you.
for god sake do not compare Anand with cricketers. Anand is too big a personality to be compared with any other sportsperson in India. His records in last 15 years is, more or less, impeccable. So please do not insult him by comparing him with cricketers.
RE:Khisiani Billi Khamba Noche - Pakistanis crying about Asia Hockey
by YHWH on Sep 19, 2007 04:41 PM Permalink
Dear L a u d e! we are discussing chess here. Please find an appropriate page to post your comments.