by Vikas D on May 08, 2007 12:31 AM Permalink
That is a mean thing to say. She has done well, may be not well enough but she is still in top 50. She needs to work to her potential and regain some of the glory back.. I think she is a very good player. Go Sania, go!!
Just because she is confident that will lose she is suger coating that clay is ideal for prepration etc.She knows tht she has no chance on clay or whatever surface she plays on.
RE:You cant win nothing you overhyped idiot
by on May 07, 2007 07:28 PM Permalink
So, why don't you go out and play some tennis?If you cannot do that, atleast let her play - winning or losing comes later. How many of these players do you think are making their mark out there? Please support the players instead of discouraging them.
Media - Please do not hype everything that is being said. Give coverage to topics adequately.
RE:You cant win nothing you overhyped idiot
by May Day on May 07, 2007 07:38 PM Permalink
Thats what i am saying. She is not worth to be reported every other day for her pathetic performance. She has won noting and won a B grade tourament in Hyd.Thats it. If she was not buxom no one would have cared.And dont tell me that stupid reason "why cant you go and play". I have the right to crticize and according to you only someone like leander and bhupathi can criticize her is so wrong. She is paid crores and the media and the advertizers are taking her to the sky. What do the fans get? A first round exit? Always cribbing about injuries? Just forget her and concentare on issues that affect sports. The stinking media is still behind her ranking 50 something jsut because she entered the 4th round in some grand slam some 3 years back.....what losers.
RE:You cant win nothing you overhyped idiot
by Satya ss on May 08, 2007 11:14 AM Permalink
But she's the only one woman out of .5 billion women who has atleast won a few matches in tennis. Until we find another who can even be half-ass good as her, we can shut up.