dont blame cricket - its just a world cup fever thts abt it! and the makor ppl r into cricket cuz its more easier to understand even a rikshaw wala know how to play - chess is lil difficult to understand and play for every1 - so have patience
see the number of ppl who scrap in rediff for cricket and see the number of messages here..This is the appriciation we give for a person who has really made INDIA proud.. Never mind i still trust india can bounce back in todays game and hit back lankans..all i can do is pray for my team
by on Mar 20, 2007 10:17 AM Permalink
Hey chamdi chor,
If you ever had a brain evern larger than the size of a peanut, you would know not only who Anand is, but also what he is. Now, instead of asking stupid questions which make you look like a monkey, better do some search on google and you will be stumped to see who is Anand.
by Raj on Mar 19, 2007 03:41 PM Permalink
are you an alien coming from a different planet? Even a person from a remote village in india knows about anand. He has made india proud by becoming world number one just recently.
by Rahul on Mar 19, 2007 05:06 PM Permalink
sry Anand,pls forgive him..the guy does not know what he was saying..congrats Vishi..all the best
by Mayank Singh on Mar 19, 2007 07:16 PM Permalink
the biggest @$$h013 i hv seen..damn u ppl just wander around boring cricket..ask a person passionate abt Chess..wat it contains..Chess rockz! so does Vishi!
by Remesh Unnikrishnan on Mar 19, 2007 04:38 PM Permalink
This guy is not an Indian. Leave him...By the way congrats Vishi..You are great!