You are the greatest sportsperson India has ever produced along with the legendary hockey player Dhyanchand. Chess is a global sport unlike cricket and you have shown the world that India is a nation with immense talent.
Vishwanathan Anand really a genius. Kind of play he has shown so far underlines his supremancy &intelegence. I hope he will continue this form & win this tournament.
RE:Anand a genius
by ny nj on Mar 11, 2007 05:04 AM Permalink
Here are some statistics: Anand's performance was 2816, while Topalov ended at a dismal 2691. This means that Anand will be number one on FIDE's April 1st list, something he has been looking forward to and been close to achieving for more than a decade. ( Congrats Anand.
RE:Anand maintains sole lead
by Samudraniel Dasgupta on Mar 10, 2007 03:47 PM Permalink
I believe he is the greatest sportsperson India has produced. He is not only World Class, he is at the Top for decades.This does not mean that I am not fond of people like P T Usha,Leander Paes and Prakash Padukone.If we could have a little less cricket fanaticism, we would have appreciated them more!
This is a pity part that despite the fact that Anand being a "champion of Champions" there is hardly any coverage in the News Papers or in the News.... Media is puppet of business peoples...
RE:You are genius
by Paramesh Waran on Mar 10, 2007 11:33 PM Permalink
The very fact that Anand keeps away from media generated empty hype attests to his intelligence, a prerequisite for a chess champion. Our nincompoop media hacks will run any story if they think that at the end of it there is a free drink and dinner, including portraying Sehwag and Yuvraj and intelligent thinkers!
We are proud of you,,, Wish govt take some positive steps towards other games also ( apart from cricket ) We would have had few more anands, ushas'...anjus' ... rathods....god bless our india....