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Article ??? Crap
by Aswin Mani on May 27, 2006 10:46 PM  Permalink 

The same lines are repeated in this article. Of late, the standard of writing is appaling. Spelling mistakes, grammatical errors and what not ??? Please improve the standard. Don't let it go to the dogs.

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Whats with Rediff these days?
by krishnan on May 27, 2006 09:54 PM  Permalink 

Whats with rediff these days , making too many silly errors? The content has been repeated , so many silly mistakes like "Lara sweeps Windies cricket awar" and such

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Schumacher pole triggers uproar
by Sai Sudarshan on May 27, 2006 09:16 PM  Permalink 

Please edit your editorial before putting it up on your link ... its so repetitive .. and it appears u just want to cash in on hype .. no substance ..

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by benedict xavier on May 27, 2006 09:16 PM  Permalink 

I watched the qualifying. he stopped close to the barrier, to avoiding hitting it, I noticed that before he could come to that turn the car verved for a brief while. Had he reversed his car he would have made the car behind him slow down, that car could have also hit him. He again would have been accused of poor sportmanship.

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