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copied from rogerfederer.com
by muhil_78 on Feb 25, 2006 10:41 PM  Permalink 

The content of the news is copied from www.rogerfederer.com, but not referring it. Good journalism:-)

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Sampras-Federer Comparison
by Viswanathan Nair on Feb 25, 2006 10:17 PM  Permalink 

You have given the statitics wrongly,may be it is a slip. Sampras has 7 Wimbledon,2 Australian and 5 US Open titles to his credit. You have given in the article, the same as,3 Wimbledon,1 Australian and 2 US Open titles.

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by Mayank on Feb 25, 2006 08:41 PM  Permalink 

Many places it is stated that Pete has been the no. 1 for a record run of 286 weeks and at some places 108 weeks. Please someone throw light on it!

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