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Keep it up KPSGILL
by Raman on Dec 10, 2006 10:01 PM  Permalink 

Keep it up KPSGILL. kEEP IT UP

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Shame Hockey Team India!
by Dinesh Parbate on Dec 10, 2006 08:58 PM  Permalink 

By crashing out during the league games itself, Hokey team India instead of laurels has brought shame to India. Shame Shame! The india hokey Federation , the likes of KPS Gill and Jyothikumaran are to be blamed for this. Solutions:--
1. KPS Gill and Jyothikumaran should immediately be removed from their posts of Hockey Federation
2. Do not send our Hockey team to any major competition for 1 Years. Let them suffer.
3. Concentrate on all aspects of the game at home; DO some introspection
4. Let former players take control of selection panel and let me un biased!

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Sack KPS Gill
by Bugs on Dec 10, 2006 07:48 PM  Permalink 

KPS Gill has begun seeing Indian hockey as his personal domain and driven it to the pits. Imagine losing even to China! What next!!!
KPS Gill needs to be SACKED and URGENTLY before Indian hockey TOTALLY fades out. Someone needs to take charge. Unfortunately there isn't enough money in hockey - else a lot of powerful bigwigs would have loved to get in there to sort out matters (like they did in cricket!). Time the politicians got together and demanded the sacking of KPS Gill to salvage Indian hockey pride!

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Out of top 4 places - Indian Hockey
by Rama Krishna on Dec 10, 2006 06:58 PM  Permalink 

Waht a shame that we are out of the top four - leave out three medal spots.

Hue and cry was made when we lost ONeday series In cricket ith SA. It is time that IHF wakes up and gets things right. The sooner the better, if they come out of petty politics and get rid of present working committe and teh president and have a new one in place and recognise the merit and reward it

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