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Cristiano Ronaldo arrested
by Anja on Mar 08, 2006 08:26 AM  Permalink 

Cristiano Ronaldo repect poeple and he does not go out and rape poeple that not him at all. That really sick who ever said that he raped her. she should have shame in herself.

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ronaldo dnt do it
by rachel on Oct 19, 2005 11:27 PM  Permalink 

ronaldo so did not rape any one it isn't in his nature he isnt like that he wudnt harm a fly and he deffinately wudnt rape anyone not even if he was forced to.

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by heyz on Oct 19, 2005 11:26 PM  Permalink 

seems like its back in vogue, from police constable to star footballer, they'r rapin

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