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Fine initiative !
by Dr. Cajetan Coelho on Jul 19, 2005 11:08 AM  Permalink 

May it be a launching pad for many youngsters in our country !

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good start !
by sktyagi on Jul 18, 2005 11:04 AM  Permalink 

I think every player who has doen good in their respective game, from Gawashkar to Kapil Dev to Sachin, P. T. Usha............... Miss. Maheswari Tyagi, and the recent silver winner in the Olympic should start their own coaching institute with full faith and energy in India, so that the Yound India can be the winner of more medals in all the games all over the world.


Becoz the leaders have no tiem to think about it as they r busy in grabbing money, vote using corrupt., criminal, and other illegal resources from all places, either it is a home, or a office or a industry?

We have to start oue own and on our own without talking those bastard leaders into account. Only then India can be a super power in all respect.

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