Tibet is the word on the mouth of every indiividual and I agree,it should be.I am no political expert and so can't comment on SINO-TIBET issues.However I just want to say one thing.....what if some sections of Kashmiris start these protests against India and some nations support it?Let's be with China in it's hour of need....
Tibet was never be the part of China. China entered in tibet under MaoTseTung during "people's war" and slowly captured the 'Buffer State between South Asia (India)and East Asia(China)'. At that time China was supported by Communist USSR. But Mongolia was maintained as a Buffer state between China and USSR. After disintegration of USSR, China has been rising as a Super Power along with US and EU. Now at this time We have golden opportunity to make a global opinion against China. The World should ban China and boycott Beijing Olympics till Tibet gets Independence. And UN should establish %u201CThe Independent, Sovereign, self-governing, democratic, republic of complete Tibet%u201D. We have to emphasis on one point that %u2018Tibet was never be the part of China; Tibet was captured by China%u2019. So Tibet must get independence. China disintegrated Tibet and attached the parts with its different province and showing one of the parts of Tibet as Autonomous Region of Tibet. As far as China is concerned China is nothing but the East Asia other than Mongolia, complete Tibet and South East Asia. Japan, Taiwan are islands and separate nations. I think our leaders and many people fear of disintegration of India if Tibet is set free. But most important thing we should not forget that we are democracy and our integration and unity is unbreakable in spite of any challenging situation or war or foreign efforts to do so. We are not suppressing any state or community ; we are giving equal r
Everybody wants freedom. Now, this is the right time to free Tibet from China. In the past, it is seen that Chinese were not behaving properly with Tibetans. USA should interfere in the matter as done in Iraq & Afghanistan. As far as India is concerned, We should favour Tibet as China is our Enemy and recently, They are demanding for Arunachal Pradesh. Lot of ammunition were recovered from terrorists were Chinese made as they are encouraging terrorists in India. In this circumstances, we should never support China in any conditions because they are snake-eater and snakes never giving any relaxation. Snake and Chinese blood are having same compositions. From:- Robin, Shahjahanpur.UP.
compare this to nandigram/tibet and the rest of the world... this is a response of a govt to its own people in its own country... how different are the west and the east!!!
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: UC Police Chief Victoria Harrison [mailto:ucpdchief@berkeley.edu] Sent: Tue 4/1/2008 6:29 PM Subject: A Letter from UC's Police Chief
During our recent efforts to end the occupation of a tree outside Wheeler Hall, I was surprised and deeply moved by the number of students who went out of their way to express support for the University and its police force. Later that day I received an email from an undergraduate urging me to give you, Berkeley's students, a better sense of the principles behind our approach to the tree-sitters on campus and in the oak grove next to Memorial Stadium. It was a suggestion that made a lot of sense.
First, a confession: I have been the chief of the campus police force for more than 18 years, but in all that time my officers and I have never confronted an ongoing challenge quite like this one. I thought I had seen it all; I was wrong. Yet, even though the situation is unique, the values guiding our response are firmly rooted in the longstanding traditions of our university.
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