We are proud of Field marshall Manekshaw. As a matter of honour does any bangladeshi remember him today? They got their freedom because of him. I will be happy if i see even one bangladeshi replying this message.
What to say.. I heard his name first time. What he did for our country is not forgettable. But how many of us (young people) know this great man?? 2-5% of us?
I think if we can honor our Cricketers for winning 25 years ago, then Its a shame that we don't even know about the person who protected our country lifelong.
I really feel that we should recommend a chapter in our primary education textbooks. So that if even 1 child from 1000 schools from India get inspired by such a chapter we can get many such heroes. An India can be more powerful.
RE:Feeling sorry about not knowing this great man....
by Just Junk on Jun 28, 2008 11:11 AM Permalink
I second your thought... To include a chapter of SAM BAHADUR in history book is a good thinking... coz HE was the man who has created history and which everyone is going to take guidelines from...
Shameful," was the response of a wide cross-section of retired and serving armed forces personnel.
Said a Brigadier, "We, as a nation, simply don’t respect or remember our heroes. Cricketing ones are honoured even after 25 years of winning a world cup, soldiering ones are forgotten promptly after the war is over. The nation turns to the armed forces only in times of emergency."
But then, added another officer, what else do you expect from a nation where till recently the Service chiefs were frisked at airports, while even Priyanka Gandhi’s husband Robert Vadra could sail through the security checks. "It’s only after the media took up this issue that the embarrassing matter was resolved," said a Colonel.
A compltete life... a true & great hero a great patriot a big salute.. we're proud of you.. i'm sure whenever there is a need in india of a great army person u won't hesitate to come down to earth again to fight for india..
I wish every indian (muslims,hindu .. )everybody who've born in this great nation india, should do their best to keep the integrity of our mother land.. proove to be a great hero not like a coward ...
Remembering Sam Bahadur The Gift of East Pakistan for Rs. 1000/- by Major Yahya Khan Manekshaw loved bikes as well and bought a James motorcycle from a British Officer for 1600 Rupees in 1947. Just two days before partition, his good friend Major Yahya Khan, who went on to become President of Pakistan, begged Manekshaw to sell him the bike. "What will I use?" asked Manekshaw. To which Yahya replied, "Sir, you will get everything in India, we will get nothing in Pakistan." Manekshaw agreed to sell the bike for a Thousand Rupees and said, "Okay, Yahya take it!" Yahya looked at his superior and said, "Sir, I haven't got a thousand. I will send it to you." Manekshaw was never paid the thousand rupees but says, "Yahya (later President of Pakistan) made up for it by giving me the whole of East Pakistan!".
It was three tears ago that I happen to see him at a function in Mumbai. A small film on him summed up his life. That film had a great impact on me and my family. I was proud proud and a thousand times proud to be an Indian, and it is because of legends like FM Sam Bahadur that we get a sense of how this great nation is truly Great. I salute the Super Man, in Sam Bahudur and envy the people who had an opportunity to work with him in all his endevors.
I felt sorry and ashamed that the funerel of a hero of Sam Bhadur's stature had no PM or president visiting. Do we not care of the blood spent in leading us all. what is up with the new age poticians .
My dad retired from army. He is in India and I am from dubai now but i remember sir m. shaw what my dad use to tell me. Salute sir From and INDIAN TO AN INDIAN.
China is suppressing Tibet and Tibetans (which was never be the part of China before) since 1949. Also China is trying to influence its neighbors forcefully. China is interfering South Asia to block India. From that time to till date we r not taking a firm stance on China dispute. On the contrary we helped 'Red China' to enter in UN (which became permanent member of UN Security Council for which we r struggling for a long time). We r admiring 'Panchasheel & Theory of Peaceful Coexistence' (Which is highly impossible unless and until Tibet becomes Independent- the Buffer State between India and China). Now we have golden opportunity to teach a lesson to China and set them back from our borders. It is "Now or Never" situation for South Asians to oppose China on Tibet issue and force them to set Free Tibet. Independent Tibet is the Natural Right of the Tibetans as Tibet is the part of Central Asian Highland Subcontinent and was never be the part of China-the East Asian nation. Please come together and convince the World to force China to set Tibet Free. China is our real enemy no 1. China is highly unreliable. We should oppose China on Tibet issue. We should Support and Spread 'Free Tibet Movement ..... Independence of Tibet'. Dalai Lama is taking Stance like Mahatma Gandhi took in our Freedom Movement. But majority Tibetans want Independence. We should be with both of them. Here ultimate aim must be Free Tibet. Dalai Lama should demand for Independence and not for autonomy.