by Sun on May 26, 2008 09:02 AM Permalink
Rahul Gandhi ruling India. Let him win the next elections first. Maya auntie is making preparations in his constituency.
Like u feel the BJP is bunch of jokers, i feel Congress is bigger buunch of jokers, to win this election they promised everything including TV sets??? I think Ciongress has to play lot of similar dirt tricks if wish to come back at Centre
by SSSSS on May 26, 2008 09:32 AM Permalink
To rule, you need to have that in blood. We have seen so many of the Kingdom's fall during the King's rule, and the reason was simple. When the administration turns evil, people start revolting. We are a DEOCRATIC country, and Pankaj, I suggest you to Google the true meaning of that word. We are not bound to any DYNASTY rule. I am damn sure Rahul is no more good than appeasing his foreign girl friend. So I wish good luck to COngress in coming elections.
by Raghu Kenmpegede on May 26, 2008 08:57 AM Permalink
Why do you use fake names like Pankaj Ramani? To me your real name must be "Rahul Gandhi"! He must be the only one in this country who will be wishing for it. Every body else have brain.
RE:Hats off to Arun Jaitely
by B.D on May 26, 2008 08:25 AM Permalink
thanks for wise karnataka people, he save karnataka, from Dev Gowda..!!!!! and his son .........!!!
You may say congress has gained 15 seats more than last assembly elections of 2004. But, they are all the migrants from JDS who came with Mr.Siddaramaiah. They all have won. That is why the increase in seats. Otherwise it would have been a different story.
good now that cong vl hv to introspect. let chidu concentrate on inflation. let mannu b tight on terrorists like afzal gurus. but all this is going to b in dreams only knowing cong culture.
RE:Watch yesterday's interview of Narayana moorthy on aljazeera
by Krishnan Hariharan on May 26, 2008 01:07 AM Permalink
thank u very much man... this video is good... the great Sai Baba of Puttaparthi says "LOVE ALL, SERVE ALL"... i am very much encouraged by Sri Narayana Murthy to follow this dictum