John McCain as President of US wil be bad news for the Leftist thugs in India and their bosses in Beijing. India should hope he gets elected. Jaganniwas Iyer
RE:Nuclear Deal should be implemented
by indiman on May 29, 2008 04:32 AM Permalink
Why?- does the nuclear deal have sometihing about denying proteins to China.
From the very beginning, I was supporting Senator McCain's candidature for the oval office even before media people say so. No astrology, simply owing to his views, it was quite clear that he can be an obvious choice as a republican nominee for the Presidency. Being a republican he does not hold extreme views about events, personalities, philospohies and policies. He is not opinionated. At times he forthrightly disagrees or expresses his overt reservations about strategies adopted by the present administration, be it Iraq or Guantanomo bay. Well that subserves American interest but how come this guy should be an attractive choice for India. With regards to foreign policy, Senator McCain holds a very special position for India as compared to either of the candidates from the democrats-both show a sign of palpable sinophilia. Sen McCain's merit-based Immigration policies will certainly help Indians owing to the nature of Indian immigrants in the US who constitutes a considerable intellectual work force of their country of choice. McCain also holds an unequivocal attitude towards curbing terrorist forces where he finds India as a natural ally. IN TOTATALITY JOHN McCAIN WILL BE A GREAT FRIEND OF INDIA.HE WILL DEFINITIVELY OFFER MORE ADVANTAGES AND GUIDE INDIA-US RELATIONSHIP TO A NEW DIRECTION.
RE:No Nuclear deal; but we need the following things
by ouch on May 28, 2008 02:06 PM Permalink
why dont you go to North Korean and suffer there? Then you will know the bad-effects of communism
RE:No Nuclear deal; but we need the following things
by sanjay on May 28, 2008 02:08 PM Permalink
AntiCongress, Anti BJP=Pro-Communists=Friend of China.
RE:BJP should support nuclear deal only after US apoliges to Modi
by sanjay on May 28, 2008 02:07 PM Permalink
US denied visa to Modi because some section of NRIs opposed his visit to the US. So, US, as such, need not apologise. It only acted on the will of some NRIs.