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Mayawati must resign
by Cutlet Gravy on May 10, 2008 07:57 PM  Permalink 

Mayawati must resign as she has lost all control
of UP's wildlife officials.

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save animals and remove forest officials good for nothing people
by inderjeet singh on May 10, 2008 08:52 AM  Permalink 

the leopard was killed because of people like suman and co. are there in forest deptt enjoying the job and not doing duty 99.99999999% of the govt officials including parliament members and babus dont work for the country but for themselves and keep on devising ways to loot the country but when thewy die they die liek a coward and are better given name as anti national jai hind

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the most dangerous animal
by funnypeople on May 09, 2008 06:21 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I see no other animal as a far greater threat than a human being.
Eg: for the guys who consider that a human being is the only worthy creature to be alive. Go thro the stats & u'll find that the number of humans killed by humans will far outstretch the number of human deaths caused by all other animals put together.
For the guys who wld be posting qns like "if it was ur child...". Yeah, I would have acted upon it & wld have forced the officials to capture the animal immediately.
Comeon guys in this case, they even got the animal trapped. They could have always waited for the officials to arrive.
We humans are the one who are turning this earth into a graveyard for all the species that inhabit this planet.

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RE:the most dangerous animal
by Rationalist on May 09, 2008 06:41 PM  Permalink
Wish these people could be burnt same way without any chance to escape so that they could understand the pain they inflicted on the poor helpless animal.This is truely a uncivilized act.After all the animal was trapped. And the brave villagers took the oppurtunity to seek revange with the dumb animal.Shame on these people for their cheap behaviour with a creature far less intelligent which acts only on the basis of instinct and the villagers stooped down to the level of animal intelligence.

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Apathetic towards environment...Govt, to be wholly blamed ....
by shailesh karkhanis on May 09, 2008 06:13 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

The whole incident needs to be understood carefully.
Due to population explosion humans are exploiting and destroying forests for their own selfish deeds. This reduces the prey base for wild animals, who have nothing to eat but humans.

What will humans do if their houses are destroyed and there is nothing left to eat..they too will start searcing for food and shelter.

So lets not blame the poor animanls. Had the goverment taken a strict measure against humans encroacing forest lands this event would have been averted.

Remember what Mahatma Gandhi said, the humanity of a nation is understood by the way animals are treated in that country.

God has made us more powerful and intelligence that animals. So lets use our intelligence to protect environment, else we will have no oxygen and water left in near future.

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RE:Apathetic towards environment...Govt, to be wholly blamed ....
by funnypeople on May 09, 2008 06:24 PM  Permalink

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Right path in right time
by Debashish Bhattacharjee on May 09, 2008 06:07 PM  Permalink 

The people of that village which is only 200 km from Lucknow has choosen the right path. Instead of blaming them in the name of 'cruelty to wild creatures' we should think unbiasly. The fault goes to Forest personnels and the local administration. If they would taken the decision to handle the matter earlier then this could be averted.

Bravo to villagers !!!

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Wildlife Officials
by hari kk on May 09, 2008 06:03 PM  Permalink 

Looks like cremation of dead animals is the only work done by wildlife officials.. because they didn't do their work, poor people lost their lives and at last that poor animal... would anybody make an enquiry on this incident??? nooo... this is India, anybody can neglect their duty with full support from Govt...

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