RE:Media turning Mafia!
by Pop Head on Mar 26, 2008 04:28 PM Permalink
Firefly - just because news is not palpable to you it does not mean that it is not palpable to the majority in this country. Today competition is intense in the media sector - if they are as you say providing news that does not find a need-fit with their audience, then their audience will go else where. The reason why Rahul hogs the headlines is that he is popular with the audience/readers. So instead of complaining, why not patronize media or blog which do not highlight Rahul instead of acting as sour puss
Lot has been said about the population of india that it is 70% young. Have you analysed the real reason for it. Probably not. that is why we are celeberating such an stupid idea. The reason the nation is young because the majority of Indians &0% dont get health care, adequate food and social security in old age. So we die young. This so called youth of today will also perish very soon. This exploitative policy of Congress will keep serving the vested interest. they keep quoting that gandhi ji said AHIMSA but Gandhi ji also said after independence that Congress party should be disbanded since it has achieved its aim of gaining independence and it should be converted to "LOK SEVA DAL". Rest in "second SALVO"
RE:Why doesnt Congress start this trend themselves?
by Pop Head on Mar 26, 2008 04:18 PM Permalink
Block head old youths of Congress are youths compared to Vajpayee-Advani duo. At least Congress is talking and giving representation to youth. The BJP is projecting a senile dinosaur as an alternative PM
RE:Why doesnt Congress start this trend themselves?
by ajay bhathire on Mar 26, 2008 04:13 PM Permalink
It is not only the REDIFF blame the whole media, for giving him the credit more than he deserves. It is the useless who can be such suckers to get news about famous people. They dont care whether the person deserves it or not
RE:RE:Why doesnt Congress start this trend themselves?
by ajay bhathire on Mar 26, 2008 04:24 PM Permalink
Nowadays u have to see the news channels also and check what type of news they show, what they highlight most, what they concentrate on. Of course they do some go do things, but the other news are crap.
RE:Why doesnt Congress start this trend themselves?
by Raghav Rao on Mar 26, 2008 04:39 PM Permalink
Rahul baba has done a lot for Congress in elections. In case you still have any doubts about his vote catching charishma please ask Narendra Modi or Mayavati.
Media people are crap. Just to raise the TRP ratings they will come down to any level. See the media is showing persons like Dhoni and Rahul Gandhi as hereos. The very next day to increase the TRPs they can portray the same hereos as villians. The media people they dont care about the celebrities. They are selfish and mean minded.
by Pop Head on Mar 26, 2008 04:14 PM Permalink
Media cannot attempt to raise their TRP unless their audience consider anyone as news worthy. So Rahul is news worthy - that's what you say.
by ajay bhathire on Mar 26, 2008 05:41 PM Permalink
I will give u few more examples about media crap news. See when Dhoni became famous during early days of his career, how media used used to blabber about his hair style, showing it in TV for the whole day. How they shamelessly show about the personal lives of famous people without caring whether it hurts them or not. Do they have any right to show that? NO. These media persons are suckers. They are always eager for news. Recently in the news they showed the encounter specialists like Daya Nayak and other as villians. Few years before they showed them as hereos. Also I think a day will come when media will show news about the undergarments colour and restroom visits of famous persons.
I appriciate Rahul for asking youth to come forward & take mantle of governance from old. He should speak to his mother to remove all old gaurds from central ministry & hand over reins to young. He should replace manmohan singh as PM.scindia should replace Arjun singh . same way shivraj patil , pranab should be replaced.
Dear Readers, We dont necessary need youth wht youth leaders in hariyana did when police Brutualy handeld factory workers, Why mr, Gandhi is ot talking abt Small & Mediun Enterprise, instead provideing loan waver why government does not provides them water canal on minimum anual charges?Whay government does not stop Lotary mafiya & Matka business in rural India due to which farmers are sucideing? Why government takeing over Farm lands on lower rates? Why Bulder mafiya is not being traped by government? If we are spending above 30% of our budget on defence how come Tererists are entaring in India? Why all ports are not being operated properly why does not government answere need of labour unions? Dear Elder Brother Rahul Bhai... If You can help us out with such problam all Youth is with you to run this Nation :) please Help us I know you Can do it :)