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RE:congress messed up india's past and present, and now..........
by Pop Head on Mar 27, 2008 12:10 AM  Permalink
If that was only true,the media the BJP, other opposition parties would in unison bray for his head. No need for any other election issue. Rape is more emotive than even Bofors.

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Rahul Gandhi is hopeless.
by Vish on Mar 26, 2008 11:32 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Don't expect anything positive from this fella. To him, power is a given thing. Don't expect any passion for country and it's people from Mr. Gandhi. You feel passionate about some thing if it's hard to achieve.

Looking at his and his family's record so far, it'll most unfortunate for the country if this fella is given power.

It's time to try new kid on block who has passion, vision and record to back it up. My first choice will be Narender Modi.

Don't worry interests of Musalmaans and other minorities will be safe. He is the person who can unite the country with common thread of Hinduvta.

Let's be honest. Unity is the need of this country. There is no other emotional base we can use to unite the country other than Hinduvta. He has charisma to unite very argumentative folks like us.

I'm pretty sure communism, castiest and regionalist will die a abrupt death once Modi takes power. India will develop as a developed power and a force to reckon on world stage. Let's not miss once in lifetime chance.

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RE:Rahul Gandhi is hopeless.
by Pop Head on Mar 26, 2008 11:41 PM  Permalink
Gujus may worship Modi. But don't thing outside Gujuland this is true. We hang our heads in shame that there is an Indian like this - Merchant of Death elected to the chair of CM. He is the only CM who is afraid to step out p of India on the fear he may be hauled up by interpol and face charges for Crimes Against Humanity. Only CM most countries in the world refuse a visa

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RE:Rahul Gandhi is hopeless.
by Vish on Mar 26, 2008 11:44 PM  Permalink
I'm not Gujarati. Modi is my first choice.

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RE:Rahul Gandhi is hopeless.
by Pop Head on Mar 26, 2008 11:47 PM  Permalink
Good for you.

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congress and India
by Arjun on Mar 26, 2008 11:17 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

The biggest problem with Indiann nationalists is they can't appeal to mass population except few brahmin or thakur casts.

Congress though totally unworthy has managed to appeal the mass population for 60 years at the same time keeping India divided and directionless.

My perosnal opinion is BJP RSS must understand the sentiments of other casts, give up typical brahmin arrogance/image, unite all casts and tribals in our land. Then there will be no need for Congress, sonia and Left anymore.

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RE:congress and India
by Vish on Mar 26, 2008 11:42 PM  Permalink
I agree. BJP and RSS have failed miserably to unite the Hindus. Casteists and regionalists have exploited this weakness.

If Hindus are united, everything will fall in place. Casteists, communists, and regionalists will run for the life. Conversions will stop. Power and pride attract people, especially people of profile like converts.

BJP and RSS should start a social revolution as we've ssen in our country to eradicate casteism. This and only this movement will not save the country but also will make this top power in world.

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RE:RE:congress and India
by Pop Head on Mar 26, 2008 11:45 PM  Permalink
And why should there? The leadership of the Sangh Parivar itself is casteists

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RE:congress and India
by Vish on Mar 26, 2008 11:49 PM  Permalink
This is a misconception that RSS and BJP are casteists.

They need to work on their image. Moreover, castiests have unleashed this relentless campaign to portray BJP/RSS in bad light.

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RE:congress and India
by Arjun on Mar 26, 2008 11:58 PM  Permalink
when was the last time we saw RSS or BJP leader shaking hands with ordinary man, walking outside security cordon, or going in tribal areas, or sharing interests with people outside their community?

There is this need of right image and mature attitude towards all hindu casts which BJP-RSS has failed to understand.

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RE:RE:congress and India
by Arjun on Mar 27, 2008 12:02 AM  Permalink
when was the last time we saw RSS or BJP leader shaking hands with ordinary man, walking outside security cordon, or going in tribal areas, or sharing interests with people outside their community?

There is this need of right image and mature attitude towards all hindu casts which BJP-RSS has failed to understand.

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RE:congress and India
by Vish on Mar 27, 2008 01:06 AM  Permalink
Now, you're totally off the point.

Is this criteria of being non-casteist?

Don't forget, big percentage of BJP/RSS leadership is from so-called Backward and lower castes.

Does Modi. Uma, Kalyan Singh ring any bell? There's no bigger proof than giving leadership positions and that too of CM.

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RE:RE:congress and India
by Pop Head on Mar 26, 2008 11:44 PM  Permalink
That's the whole mysetry about - they have absoletely nothing to be arrogrant about and yet they are arrogant. It's a caste thing which the whole world knows about

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Only disciplined youth is asset of India, not all.
by bihari babu on Mar 26, 2008 10:53 PM  Permalink 

This good news that india has 70 % of population are young. Unlike America where most of the population is old. It will help india in growth tremendously. India is work under progress. A lot of work has to be done to build infrastructure, education system based on job skills, ethics in public behaviour.
Youth are passionate and they can do it. But only those who are disciplined, fucused and has been trained to think in positive terms about national issues. Only they can creat future for india. I see a lot of guys on this message board, fighting, abusing each other in the name of cast, region. Are they futur of India ?
No they are liablity. They will take India down. Rahul, if he is interested in leading youth, has to traine some positivity in youth. Otherwise he is another lallo ready to do anything for vote.

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As usual another season of election
by Kvins on Mar 26, 2008 10:52 PM  Permalink 

This is just another season of election.. everyone wants to come up with something or other..There are so many political parties in India ( including regional ) that one day every street in India will have a political party

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RE:My only concern
by Pop Head on Mar 26, 2008 10:24 PM  Permalink
Why BJP during their 7 yr stint in government capture Dawood?

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RE:My only concern
by Pop Head on Mar 26, 2008 10:35 PM  Permalink
You BJP will never tell that you get the job done. Only excuses why it cannot be done. We need a party that lives on excuses

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RE:My only concern
by Pop Head on Mar 26, 2008 11:31 PM  Permalink
I suppose BJP is blemishness. We saw a BJP President taking hefty bribes on air, also BJP MPs involved in sex scandals, corruption etc. And Dhiren you say this happens only in Pakistan? Great!

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RE:My only concern
by Pop Head on Mar 26, 2008 10:38 PM  Permalink
Maybe Juswant Singh will escort Dawood and pardon him as well

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RE:My only concern
by Ram Sharma on Mar 26, 2008 10:47 PM  Permalink
When the issue of taking the terrorists in exchange for passengers was discussed in all party meeting, no one objected. At that time the media made so much hue and cry about the passengers, showing the weeping relatives, which was partly responsible for Jaswant doing what he did. Though it was wrong to do so.

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RE:RE:My only concern
by Pop Head on Mar 26, 2008 11:33 PM  Permalink
So why Advani disowned him? And you call him a leader? A leader is one who sticks by his collegues, collective responsibility

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Congress is end of India
by deepak on Mar 26, 2008 09:56 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

A confused party that doesnt uphold India's majority culture and people spells death for Indian civilization. The Nehru family has been a curse on India.

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RE:Congress is end of India
by Pop Head on Mar 26, 2008 10:04 PM  Permalink
Then how come the Hindu majority keep electing them to power?

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RE:Congress is end of India
by Ram Sharma on Mar 26, 2008 10:15 PM  Permalink
Congress is not getting elected like it used to before 1975. Recently they have lost many assembly elections. During last Lok Sabha polss also they got only 145/540 seats. They r ruling by luck.

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RE:Congress is end of India
by Pop Head on Mar 26, 2008 10:27 PM  Permalink
No luck involved. It was same game of numbers (alliances) which BJP played in 1998 to come to power. If Congress is ruling by luck then the BJP likewise 1998-2004

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RE:Congress is end of India
by Ram Sharma on Mar 26, 2008 10:41 PM  Permalink
BJP did not tie up with its enemies for ruling the countries. Congress is ruling by forming post poll alliance with left (who r its enemy no 1 in WB, Keral & Tripura), DMK (who r friendly with Rajiv killers), NCP etc.

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RE:Congress is end of India
by Pop Head on Mar 26, 2008 10:43 PM  Permalink
You call Jaya, Mamta and Maya friends of BJP, leave alone Nitesh Kumar !!!

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RE:RE:RE:Congress is end of India
by Pop Head on Mar 26, 2008 10:31 PM  Permalink
Call me what you want and you are free to speculate what caste, religion or community I come from. That's your hangup not mine. Of course minority treatment in the Gujurat riots cannot be matched by any other country in the world. Hindus, except in Gujuland, hung their heads in shame

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RE:Congress is end of India
by Subash Shukla on Mar 27, 2008 03:58 AM  Permalink
Ram Sharma, God On, Pandya - why do not you people understand that Pop Head is a Muzzi or a Paki who is writing all these rubbish on this Message Board and you are responding to him and he comes up with another venomous attack. Just ignore him. Beware Pop Head is a Paki or Muzzi or a Jehadi.

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Congress has made Bangalore, India's tech capital, a den of international jehadis
by Tathagata Mukherjee on Mar 26, 2008 09:48 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Its a matter of great shame that Bangalore has become a international Jehadi den.




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RE:Congress has made Bangalore, India's tech capital, a den of international jehadis
by Professor DeenDayal on Mar 26, 2008 09:56 PM  Permalink
And when did this attack on european airports happen, If I may be enlightend Please.

Thank you

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RE:Congress has made Bangalore, India's tech capital, a den of international jehadis
by vinu raj on Mar 26, 2008 10:03 PM  Permalink
Maybe the Professor doesnt have the time to read news. Last year there was an attack on Glasgow airport, which is in the UK and which happens to be in europe. The perpetrators were from Bangalore!!.
Hope that answers your query.Next time try to keep in touch with developments.

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RE:Congress has made Bangalore, India's tech capital, a den of international jehadis
by Tathagata Mukherjee on Mar 26, 2008 10:11 PM  Permalink

He is no Prof. He is faking a Hindu identity, and trying to rationalize, whitewash jehadi acts.

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RE:Congress has made Bangalore, India's tech capital, a den of international jehadis
by Pop Head on Mar 26, 2008 10:07 PM  Permalink
Prof - these Hindu Jehadis will twist facts to convince the world of their perverted mindset. Bangalore became a den for Jehadis during JD(S)-BJP rule - once the fell - the dens are being closed.

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RE:Congress has made Bangalore, India's tech capital, a den of international jehadis
by Pop Head on Mar 26, 2008 10:37 PM  Permalink
If that is humor - it is quite dry.

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RE:RAHUL IF u r son of ur own father( ie Rajiv) then ask Pak to give us DAvoOd
by Pop Head on Mar 26, 2008 09:51 PM  Permalink
Dhiren, why not enlist in our army. You know our army is facing an acute shortage of officers. But then like all Gujus, you won't. You just like to advocate war and not prepared to give your life for the nation. We know the brutality of Gujus - you shamed the nation by your uncivilized behaviour.

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RE:RAHUL IF u r son of ur own father( ie Rajiv) then ask Pak to give us DAvoOd
by Ram Sharma on Mar 26, 2008 09:58 PM  Permalink
why u want only dhiren to b in army, why not yrself? and how do u know if he is not in army?

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RE:RE:RAHUL IF u r son of ur own father( ie Rajiv) then ask Pak to give us DAvoOd
by Pop Head on Mar 26, 2008 10:41 PM  Permalink
I do not advocate war - people like Dhiren do. Let them join the army and fight instead of wasting his time & energy making empty boast of supremacy. Let him die for his beliefs

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RE:RE:RAHUL IF u r son of ur own father( ie Rajiv) then ask Pak to give us DAvoOd
by Vish on Mar 26, 2008 10:01 PM  Permalink
Pop HeadJi,

You're not doing any favor to country by naming peoples' states and castes.

Gujarati people contribution to the nation is second to none. We're proud of people of Gujarat.

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RE:RAHUL IF u r son of ur own father( ie Rajiv) then ask Pak to give us DAvoOd
by Pop Head on Mar 26, 2008 10:11 PM  Permalink
Guju contribution is only words but manpower contribution to defence - pathetic lowest by any state in India. Gujus may feel proud but Rest of India it incites rage since Gujus advocate war and expect rest of India to pay for this, including their lives

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RE:RAHUL IF u r son of ur own father( ie Rajiv) then ask Pak to give us DAvoOd
by Kumar S on Mar 28, 2008 11:51 AM  Permalink
Muh Main Ram Bagal main churi
Gujrati born in India but crazy to birth next generation inUSA/UK/AUST/ anywhere in the world, for US Visa they are making fool even GOd(RAM)they go from Rameshwaram to Veshnoe DEvi Temple for favor, but in evry one eyes Guju are very religious ,

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RE:RAHUL IF u r son of ur own father( ie Rajiv) then ask Pak to give us DAvoOd
by Pop Head on Mar 26, 2008 10:20 PM  Permalink
I mind my business - human rights in the ne country - one day we will try Modi for Human Rights violation

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RE:RE:RE:RAHUL IF u r son of ur own father( ie Rajiv) then ask Pak to give us DAvoOd
by Ram Sharma on Mar 26, 2008 09:59 PM  Permalink
do not use abusive language. keep yr calm & use logic.

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RE:RE:RE:RAHUL IF u r son of ur own father( ie Rajiv) then ask Pak to give us DAvoOd
by Tera Baap on Mar 26, 2008 09:58 PM  Permalink
go to dariapur or juhapura and ask for same..you will get bullet in your head surely!

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RE:RAHUL IF u r son of ur own father( ie Rajiv) then ask Pak to give us DAvoOd
by Tera Baap on Mar 26, 2008 09:57 PM  Permalink
how come javed miandad came in to terrorist list?

is it because he is from indian origin (originally from Gujarat) and hit last ball six in sharjah?

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RE:RAHUL IF u r son of ur own father( ie Rajiv) then ask Pak to give us DAvoOd
by Tera Baap on Mar 26, 2008 10:09 PM  Permalink
you are more than sick..no wonder how terrorist are born!

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RE:RE:RAHUL IF u r son of ur own father( ie Rajiv) then ask Pak to give us DAvoOd
by Tera Baap on Mar 26, 2008 10:09 PM  Permalink
aur haan dhiren kya hindu me shaadi sexual pleasure ke liye karte hai?

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No comparison between Dhoni & Rahul
by Ram Sharma on Mar 26, 2008 09:40 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

There cannot b any comparison between Dhoni & Rahul. Dhoni had first hard earned his place in the team, then he went on to become captain of the one day and 20x20 teams and proved his superiority over others.

What has Rahul done? He went to UP and Gujrat to campaign for Congress. At both places he miserably failed. But congressmen cannot afford to criticise him, so they can b excused for comparing him with Dhoni.

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RE:No comparison between Dhoni & Rahul
by Pop Head on Mar 26, 2008 09:53 PM  Permalink
Advani, Modi and all BJP bigwigs campaigned in UP and came a cropper. Why don't you call them losers as well?

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RE:No comparison between Dhoni & Rahul
by Ram Sharma on Mar 26, 2008 10:01 PM  Permalink
Here the talk is of Rahul not of others and BJP got more seats than congress, despite campaiining by Sonia, Rahul & Priyanka in their home state, which included some safe seats like Amethi. Sonia also wrote a communal letter in Urdu to Muslim ulemas to vote for congress.

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RE:No comparison between Dhoni & Rahul
by Pop Head on Mar 26, 2008 10:13 PM  Permalink
Still BJP came a poor third - just couple of seats more than the Congress

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RE:No comparison between Dhoni & Rahul
by Ram Sharma on Mar 26, 2008 10:31 PM  Permalink
What do u mean by saying 'still'? Here we r talking about Rahul, u raised issue of BJP, so I told that BJP got more seats in UP, though it is the home state of Sonia, Rahul & Priyanka. What do u want to prove?

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RE:No comparison between Dhoni & Rahul
by Pop Head on Mar 26, 2008 10:45 PM  Permalink
It is the home state of the Ayodhya agitation

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