RE:Real History
by harish talekar on Mar 14, 2008 07:51 PM Permalink
hahaha, i wonder where is that paki named "golden"...wish he could see this real history
We can create 1 million friendly countries worldwide. But can you deny the fact that Paki, Bangli & Ceylon is our neighbours. Irrespective of religion/caste we should march on the path towards peace and work together to make this region prosperous. It is important that we have created a safe place for our kids and future generations to live. War can never bring peace. We should do this fast as peace is only possible where there are people still alive who has seen partition. US & Russia & Europe will make use of us for their prosperity by selling arms to us. Let us all work together, solve all issues amicably, turn this region nuclear free and make our region a wonderful place for our kids and future kids, where they can read about our enimity only in history books. Let us hope.
by nagesh singh on Mar 14, 2008 08:07 PM Permalink
indeed they are our own blood but their mind is poisoned by Jehadis fanatics.Bad luck Of India -Power greedy Nehru added fire to fuel by not handing over power to Jinnah and preferred (on millions of innocent indian's dead bodies and horrific insults /mass rapes of hindu women folks and uprooting crores of them from land of their fore father's for the time immemorial after making them penny less paupers) partition of India and creation of theocratic Pak -safe heaven and breeding ground for terrorists.Due to Dirty games of power greedy Commie/Congis and gang ,country as well as neighbors are bleeding due to acceptance of communal partition. It is unfortunate that due to MONOPOLISTIC indian media (e.g. TOI/HT/NDTV/CNN IBN/OUTLOOK etc)truth black out and false propaganda (like MTLR of RWANDA -read "An ordinary man " by Paul Rusesabagina) these utterly communal parties are ruling India by befooling minoriteis for their selfish motives.
I think we Indians are too obsessed with Pak and its military capabilities. I agree with Manmohan Singh when he said recently that problems for India will come mostly from within. Various insurgencies and ethnic conflicts (like what Thakre tried to start recently). To that one can add the increasing drug addiction of Indian youth, mostly in Deccan. These are the problems India needs to address to stay a healthy nation. External problems mainly have nuisance value.
RE:Pak obsession!
by Proud Indian on Mar 14, 2008 07:47 PM Permalink
No south ... I think you are a lunatic nutcase or a Pakistani , which is equivalent
RE:Pak obsession!
by Proud Indian on Mar 14, 2008 07:58 PM Permalink
I will not fall for your regional slurs. I am from India and feel at home in any part of it. I am Indian and very very proud to be one!
The politician concerned is diverting attention from the pressing problems of Pakistan to get media coverage. The tail of the dog will wag again when things settle down if ever. Till then their master the chinkies will wag their tail with India.
Dear Pak Nationalist Think once when speaking about India, Now India have more power, Now your nationa is spoling with Terror and it become dangarous to the world and it spoling you, try to improve your econamy insted of improving wepons and miltry.. Pakistan buget is equal to Indian Militry Budget. Govt of Pak is beggning donations with other countries like US. Try improve humanity give freedom to people and women. Never possible to take pak on India with War. They are try to hit on back stab India thruogh Terrorisam. Definetly One day Terror will Kill Entire Pakistan. Beware of your people than India. Hindustan and hindustanis are peace and humanity people they never like war on any country.
Who wants war? No one. Only Pakis(driven by Islam) can give such a statement!!! When a person is weaker, war is an option!!! When a person doesnt agree with u, war is not an option????????? vow!!! Pakis and their stupidity!!! Truth alone triumphs!!! Pakis follow ur religion" To you ur religion, to them theirs". Unfortunately, many Indian muslims, pseudo secularists, marxists, liberals... will call this statement communal..........In your hearts you know very well, who is right!!!