Pakistan is a nuclear power but what is the size of Pakistan Economy.Comparison between India and Pakistan is useless. Mukesh and Anil Ambani total wealth is more Pakistan Economy.
RE:Pakistan is a nuclear power but what is the size of Pakistan Economy.
by venu v on Mar 14, 2008 08:50 PM Permalink
our miltry budget is more than pak economy
RE:Pakistan is a nuclear power but what is the size of Pakistan Economy.
by Golden on Mar 14, 2008 08:50 PM Permalink
is this the same mukesh ambani, who stole some thousands of crores of money of bsnl? we dont need thieves in our community. be happy with your thieves businessmen.
RE:Pakistan is a nuclear power but what is the size of Pakistan Economy.
by nasty on Mar 14, 2008 08:59 PM Permalink
ok u can be happy with your Zardari and Nawaz sharif who are eating up ur entire economy and still u have elected them as your leaders... at least we have a few names like Ambani and Tata to be proud about though our leaders are no better than yours... can u pls name a few businessmen in your country with world wide recognition
RE:Pakistan is a nuclear power but what is the size of Pakistan Economy.
by Chandra Prakash on Mar 14, 2008 09:08 PM Permalink
... well, main business there in Pakistan today is terrorism. Hence we have over ten million names.... Ha ha ha-------
RE:Pakistan is a nuclear power but what is the size of Pakistan Economy.
by Chandra Prakash on Mar 14, 2008 08:55 PM Permalink
Now Golden Puttar will be cursed by all gujjus for this comment....
I wonder ,who blogs here.. comes any topic and here comes islam or hindu bashing.. Grow up guys and respect all the relegions. I am a proud hindu and I not need to bash islam to be a proper hindu ,vise versa is also true..
RE:how come every topic leads to Islam here??
by Chandra Prakash on Mar 14, 2008 08:48 PM Permalink
Ajit Pandey is giving 'gyaan'. He must be a 'paanda' from Benarash !
RE:Nuclear weapons will soon fall in hands of jihadi forces
by ozefa on Mar 14, 2008 08:41 PM Permalink
Jihadi will work of USA ( u wont find any terrorist attack on usa since 9/11) USA understands the need of the time ( Its time of third world war)
RE:RE:Nuclear weapons will soon fall in hands of jihadi forces
by ozefa on Mar 14, 2008 08:42 PM Permalink
usa has a screat undersatn with jihadi Its time of islam to win