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by Navneet on Mar 14, 2008 09:04 PM  Permalink 

The rodies cud not answer this question

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Threats external vs. Internal!
by no south on Mar 14, 2008 09:03 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

For India the external threat of Pakistan poses some danger, but not as much as the internal threat. Take the case of Mumbai, for instance. Out of its population of 20 million, it has roughly 4 million UP/Biharis and 8 million ghattees. Now if ghattees follow what Raj tells them to do, they will go ahead and kill 4 million people. Then those 4 million will also retaliate, and few million ghattees will also be killed. So millions can get killed in just one city. Just imagine what can happen to the entire nation. So I conclude our real enemy lies within, and external threats are just bogus.

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RE:Threats external vs. Internal!
by Ghanta on Mar 14, 2008 09:06 PM  Permalink
Yeah killing billion tambis is fine rather than killing even 1 marathi

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RE:Threats external vs. Internal!
by Chandra Prakash on Mar 14, 2008 09:24 PM  Permalink
Ghanta !
What kind of name is this ?

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by imran patel on Mar 14, 2008 09:01 PM  Permalink
There are times when war is surely an option...

- Someone attacks our country, we will not sit back.

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by Chandra Prakash on Mar 14, 2008 09:03 PM  Permalink
... as mother-in-laws are never spared.

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by nasty on Mar 14, 2008 09:03 PM  Permalink
yes.. and all other countries when attacked will be sitting back and watching.. get a life dude...

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by imran patel on Mar 14, 2008 09:07 PM  Permalink
Thats exactly what happened when Hitler invaded Poland. everyone sat back.

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by imran patel on Mar 14, 2008 09:06 PM  Permalink
even if it is Home...

As the head of the family, it is MY RESPONSIBILITY to protect my family. Not the government, not the police.

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by Hari on Mar 14, 2008 09:07 PM  Permalink
yes , we shall sit back and send mother-in-law to front.

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Responsibility of Pakistan Government.
by imran patel on Mar 14, 2008 08:56 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

The first responsibility of a government is to govern within its boundaries.

That is what pakistan Govt needs to get right. Stop spending money and resources in fighting for others.

Again, Kashmiriyat has nothing to do with Islam. It is against the Islamic Principle of equality and free movement of people. It is un-islamic in principle, just like the states in the middle east.

Just like moderates in India have a better say than the extremist, we need the moderate middle class in Pakistan to have more say.

The extremist cannot be converted. They have to be eliminated. But they also have to eliminate their breeding grounds. They need to improve living standards of people in their country.

And this will come through good governance. NOT POLITICS and not India-Bashing.


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RE:Responsibility of Pakistan Government.
by babu on Mar 14, 2008 08:58 PM  Permalink
Imran bhai, Very well said.

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RE:Responsibility of Pakistan Government.
by Chandra Prakash on Mar 14, 2008 09:04 PM  Permalink
Imran Mian ki jai-----

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RE:Responsibility of Pakistan Government.
by Yahoo INDIA on Mar 14, 2008 09:06 PM  Permalink
Nice thoughts...But I have never can see such thoughts from the hindus

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RE:Responsibility of Pakistan Government.
by imran patel on Mar 14, 2008 09:11 PM  Permalink
Then you have not looked HARD enough. There are good thoughts coming from all sections, all communities and all religions.

If we box ourselves in a corner and proclaim to be "Self-righteous", then we will never see/hear good things in others.

We tend to close our ears and keep out mouths open. Lets close our mouths and keep our ears open. We will learn a lot from others.

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islam has passed the test of time and land and it will emerge as winner at last.
by Golden on Mar 14, 2008 08:52 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

yoonan misra roma sab mit gaye jahan se..
bakee abhi hai lekin namon-nishan hamara..
aie abrood-e-gana woh din hai yaad tujhko,
utra tere kinare jab kaarvan hamara?
tauheed ki amanat hai seenon mein hamare,
aasaan naheen mitana namon nisha hamara.
baatil se darne wale aie aasmaan naheen hum,
sau baar kar chuak hai too imtehan hamara.

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RE:islam has passed the test of time and land and it will emerge as winner at last.
by Fried Yakov on Mar 14, 2008 08:57 PM  Permalink
I do not know why you mix up Islam and Pakistan, or do you want to admit that Pakistan is in such a sorry state because it is Islamic? Ithink you could utilise this board better than resorting to proselytizing others.

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RE:islam has passed the test of time and land and it will emerge as winner at last.
by sayed taj on Mar 14, 2008 09:08 PM  Permalink
well said....i think for pakistanis islam is a easy way of winning government position.... grow up u pakis... do not slang Islam on the name of ur ill deeds and pakistan (as both are same)

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RE:islam has passed the test of time and land and it will emerge as winner at last.
by Chandra Prakash on Mar 14, 2008 09:00 PM  Permalink
Golden Puttar, better you accept the fact.
Pakistan today has become a land of impure people...

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there is no such thing as hindu
by shawruk on Mar 14, 2008 08:51 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

There is no such thing as hindu. There aree only thakurs, bramins, kshatriyas, jats, yadavs, and others. No body's proud to be hindu but proud to belong to certain caste. In such a scenario, the soceeity tend to crumble. In india, particularly in north india, everybody is keen to know the surnames which basically give an indication about which tribe one belongs to.

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RE:there is no such thing as hindu
by Veluswamy kumaran on Mar 14, 2008 08:58 PM  Permalink
i kept, my father's name as my last name. When a lady here, asked me whether it is a tribe name. I said, it is not, i removed the tribe name from my name. Because, people used to put behind their name for the sake of pride, i strike it off, when i was in my school, thinking, the pride should come from my name and not from my tribe's name. I'm just saying, you guys, whomever having a last name as their tribe name, can strike it as well, because, if it is giving pride to you to be associated with your caste, it is disgrace for somebody in the country to associate with their caste. So, let us strike off the caste name from our name. If you don't agree for this, here is a catch for you, then we are not eligible for acting against the reservation, as we are not ready to act against the evils of caste systems. Just think about it, instead of abusing me....

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RE:there is no such thing as hindu
by Navneet on Mar 14, 2008 09:09 PM  Permalink
Its a good point to note. In south, they normally put their father'sname after ones own name but in north, ur supposed to put your caste name or tribe name after ones name. For example, what does gupta, malhotra, yadav,panigrahy and all those names means. People seems to be insisting on ur surnames, mostly in north.

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RE:there is no such thing as hindu
by Fried Yakov on Mar 14, 2008 09:01 PM  Permalink
You are wrong- it is true that the wordHindu was coined by Muslims and the British, but the religion they were referring to was and is still calle 'Sanatan Dharma'. Just as there is casteism in Hinduism, deep divisions exist both in Islam and Christian society too. How many times have you seen marraiges between Shias and Sunnis, Shias/ Sunnis and Ahmediyas, Shia / Sunni/ Ahmediya adn Bohras? They even do not go to the same mosque and have separate festivals. Atleast Hindus worship the same deities and have mostly the same festivals.

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RE:there is no such thing as hindu
by sayed taj on Mar 14, 2008 09:13 PM  Permalink
Boss..... before u write something on the blog, y dont u do a little bit of home work??? Muslim are followers of islam....n those who do not follow the sets of pure rules set by a religion called islam how could u even call them muslim???? Shiyas will feed their jhootas to other (against islam) Bohras (into liqours business).... they r not luslim at all.... hwo could a muslim marry some body who is not muslim first of all????

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RE:there is no such thing as hindu
by Fried Yakov on Mar 14, 2008 09:28 PM  Permalink
There my friend lies the difference- Hindus accept that there has been divisions between themselves on the basis of casteism and work now to resolve those differences, and inter caste marraiges are common specially in urban areas. Incontrast most of the Islamic sects think that the other sects are not true Muslims, and adopt a holier than thou attitude.

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Message to Pakistan...
by imran patel on Mar 14, 2008 08:51 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

For Pakistan is is better to do the following if they have to progress an a Nation.

- Reduce influence of Amry on policy. Pakistan is now an Army with a state as oppose to a state with an Army.

- Have your priorities correct. Kashmiris are fighting for "Kashmiriyat". It has nothing to do with ISLAM, Infact it is UN-ISLAMIC.

- Having good relations with India is in the long term interest of Pakistan.

- Stop these proxy wars that the Army is supporting in Kashmir and also in Afganistan.

- Open up your markets to foreign investment.

- Religious tolerance must be high on the agenda.

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RE:Message to Pakistan...
by Chandra Prakash on Mar 14, 2008 09:05 PM  Permalink
Imran Mian ki Jai-------

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Mr. Sayed,
by Indian on Mar 14, 2008 08:50 PM  Permalink 

It's not "there is trouble in Pakistan", Pakistan is the real trouble.

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