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No one should be above law
by sajansajan on Mar 11, 2008 09:23 AM  Permalink 

Caesar said power curropts and absolute power curropts absolutely. No matter whether its Manipur or custodial killings in POTA or Chattinsingpura massacre, the draconian laws which place certain people above law will always be misused. Its human. Rather than initiate such laws, judiciary should be strengthened to ensure failings in judicial system are addressed. Police should be empowered to rely on scientific evidence rather than use witnesses which often lead to wrong trials. At political level there is needed a revolution to give the power to people. Today Delhi runs a lot of states like colonies. While mass violations and land grabbing in Delhi Land Ceiling Act etc are pardoned, fundamental rights of small peasants are violated with impunity in the name of development whether its Narmada dam or Nandigram no matter which government is in power. As long as this continues, seperatist movements will only strenthen. Also the rights of different regions need to be recognized rather than run the government for the benefit of those regions which have political clout bcoz of their ever increasing population

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easy way to loose the north east
by anjula samuel on Mar 11, 2008 08:57 AM  Permalink 

enforcement of such draconian laws is an easy way to loose the North East. Chinese dont have to do anything. Indian laws will do it for them.

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Of Sharmila's re-arrest and an enduring struggle
by Nirpinder Singh on Mar 11, 2008 08:20 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

There were some very real incidents that led to this protest. The least that the Armed Forces could do is admit that improvement is needed in the behaviour of their personnel towards civilians. They should also initiate concrete steps towards this by organizing meet the civilian sessions and lectures and demonstrations on the local culture and language for the Armed Forces personnel. It is good to keep in mind that the Soldiers are there to guard not just Indian territory but Indian citizens as well.

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RE:Of Sharmila's re-arrest and an enduring struggle
by R Tyagi on Mar 11, 2008 10:09 AM  Permalink
Yes there were. People in uniform are also human, don't expect them to be robots going around with only single objective. Whenever there is enough reason to believe somebody out-stepped his limits, forces do take care, and they are also very sensitive to people they are ordered to protect.
Problem arises as you don't have a premonition on what an unknown person is upto and one wrong decision will cost you, your and everybody who relies on your decision, his life.
Law is there to help forces do there job with focus on job. Once situation is peaceful, it will cease to be there.

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RE:Of Sharmila's re-arrest and an enduring struggle
by atul kumar on Mar 11, 2008 09:01 AM  Permalink
I am not sure what Sharmila is trying to achieve. if she feels she is living the era or country of Mahatma Gandhi, then she should just forget that. We are a country in the world who are least concerned about the human lives. our policies are made by few babus who run their own feifdom sitting in those swanky cubicals in north block. Sharmila, if you have guts take up arms. Non-violence has lost its place in our India.

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by M A Srinivasan on Mar 11, 2008 05:04 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

By enforcing the Act we are only protecting the ill deeds and misdemeanour atrocities committed by some of the jawans/officers of the Great India Army. Do we really need such an Act ?
Let the Army men concentrate on the Indian Borders NOT on the sari borders of innocent women. Dont convert Democracy into Demonocracy
The politicians including the PM should give assurances that they can wholeheartedly implement at least in the case of human beings.
On the one hand we celebrate Womens day, human rights day National integration day, et all but at the same time WE PEOPLE of INDIA close our eyes on these atrocities.
I fully support the Army for their valour on the front and when they extend their arms to the civilians at the time of national disauters and natural calamities. Such good name should not be spoiled by continuiing the draconian Act.
There are ways and ways to enforce peace in the North east or any part of the country, IF AT ALL our "MEN" in 'Khaki' or 'Khadi' really want to do so.

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by R Tyagi on Mar 11, 2008 05:12 AM  Permalink
It so appears that in your opinion those who instructed deployment of army didn't want to enforce peace and army personnel are fools to control insurgency.
It will be in greater good if you apprise yourself of the ground situation before using vivid imagination.

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by R Tyagi on Mar 11, 2008 05:17 AM  Permalink
And as regards to all celebration talk, you won't need such deployment if the public is well-disciplined and there are no divisionary groups operating in country.
Any breach of law must be dealt with iron hands and armed struggle aimed at law of land crushed beyond memory

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by Thoudam Singh on Mar 11, 2008 08:59 AM  Permalink
Mr. Tyagi

Will you be happy fighting against the British with such law against you. This law is no more suitable at all in this democratic country. The great India should not go with such a black spot all.

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by R Tyagi on Mar 11, 2008 09:16 AM  Permalink
Mr Singh,

We were not a democracy under British. If somebody has to make a point, it is in good health of person and country to use non-violent means e.g. votes, media, etc. If a group of people want to impose its will on the lives of other people through the use of gun then you need to maintain law and order, and if is bigger threat to internal security then civilian law enforcement agencies can take then use of army is needed. And if you don't want to let people protecting constitution die then you need laws to protect them and facilitate them. That should make things sound more reasonable to you..

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by Thoudam Doren Singh on Mar 11, 2008 09:52 AM  Permalink
It is accepted that such law will never bring solution such kind of situation discriminating humanity with such mind mindedness. This is an easy way to loose north east

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by Thoudam Singh on Mar 11, 2008 10:29 AM  Permalink
If you can not follow what is written in the article better stop putting your opinions.

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by Thoudam Doren Singh on Mar 11, 2008 06:54 PM  Permalink
Everyone should be like her for PEACE AND HARMONY.

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by R Tyagi on Mar 11, 2008 10:36 AM  Permalink
Then you may read it again as well. Again just to provide you some background, that region suffers from insurgency which endangers the life and property of citizens living there and functioning of government. Because the local agencies failed in law enforcement and threat perceived is high, center sought help of armed forces and to protect them from consequences of decisions that they have to take in course of duty to protect their and their peers life and achieve the goal of securing peace in area AFSPA was brought in force.
Please go through the article with this background in mind.

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by R Tyagi on Mar 11, 2008 01:23 PM  Permalink
And this is precisely what has led the lady to play with her life. Because somebody was naive enough to jump into something this serious without responsibility.

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by R Tyagi on Mar 11, 2008 10:13 AM  Permalink
Then perhaps you lost knowledge and are thus able to make quite baseless and unreasonable comments...

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by R Tyagi on Mar 11, 2008 01:20 PM  Permalink
That didn't sound like thoughtful words.

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by R Tyagi on Mar 11, 2008 10:00 AM  Permalink
Also, just to let you make better argument in favor of your thinking - That law is not meant to bring any solution. It is to make situation viable for putting forth a solution. You can't do that with shots getting fired around you.

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by Thoudam Singh on Mar 11, 2008 01:14 PM  Permalink
Stop following Bapuji.... GET MORE AND MORE WEAPONS AND FIGHT FOR PEACE.. what a profound thought..!!!

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by Thoudam Singh on Mar 11, 2008 10:48 AM  Permalink
That is right. According to your opinion, the whole country should be under AFSPA.

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by Thoudam Singh on Mar 11, 2008 10:00 AM  Permalink
I accept you lost your balance. So go through the complete content of "Of Sharmila's re-arrest and an enduring struggle" once more.

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by Thoudam Doren Singh on Mar 11, 2008 12:39 PM  Permalink
If this is the case, the country should be under military rule. NO MORE DEMOCRATIC WORD.

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by R Tyagi on Mar 11, 2008 01:12 PM  Permalink
It means that you agree that either you aren't suitable to live in a democracy or you don't think it is right for you.
Keep me out as I don't agree and have quite a firm belief in it as the majority of Indians do.

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by R Tyagi on Mar 11, 2008 10:59 AM  Permalink
If we are unfortunate enough that the whole of country is using arms against itself, then possibly that may be the only way out...

Precondition for anything meaningful in a democracy is peace. If you don't talk but fight in democracy then either it is not suitable or people are not ready for it. I sure believe you are, however the condition you imagined won't happen with people with sound mind around right?

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by R Tyagi on Mar 11, 2008 09:57 AM  Permalink
It looks that reason failed you somewhere in between. Don't just copy-paste prophecies.

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by Surmila Thokchom on Mar 11, 2008 09:46 AM  Permalink
Such law will never bring solution such kind of situation discriminating humanity with such mind mindedness. This is an easy way to loose north east.

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by R Tyagi on Mar 11, 2008 09:50 AM  Permalink
It is quite funny to see words like "discriminating", "mind-mindedness" in reply. Do you have any basis/reasoning for what you are posting? If you do then present rather than just prophesying.

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by Nirpinder Singh on Mar 11, 2008 08:23 AM  Permalink
It is obvious that Mr. Srinivasan has a much more balanced view than Mr. Tyagi. Internal disturbances are never the Armed Forces concern. There is no nation in the world where the Armed Forces have succesfully contained internal disturbances. The Armed Forces are there to protect and to serve the civilian populace not to opress them.

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by R Tyagi on Mar 11, 2008 09:23 AM  Permalink
And regarding use of armed forces, be aware it is not a permanent solution and nobody says it so, but until the situation is peaceful enough for people to exercise their constitutional rights and local law enforcement agencies are able to maintain law and order, you need it.

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by R Tyagi on Mar 11, 2008 09:10 AM  Permalink
Perhaps, he does but then why do you hold elections over there? Why must people use arms rather than votes in a democracy?
It is a law and order problem Mr Singh, if you have to let government work you need people not to use arms. And if they do, you need policing, but police is not meant to tackle groups that are armed beyond there capacity, and that is what happens in this case. Rest I believe you should be able to reason...

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This law should be repealed
by Prashant Pawar on Mar 11, 2008 04:44 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

This is a very oppressive law, its because of these type of things, those people don't want to be a part of India. All Indian army does there is misuse its powers and harass those people. Why wouldn't those people would wanna secede from India?

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RE:This law should be repealed
by M A Srinivasan on Mar 11, 2008 05:14 AM  Permalink
One suggestion. Why cant we extend this LAW to oue dear politicians ?
Then the Act will either be repealed immediately or the nation will be released from the politicos.

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RE:This law should be repealed
by srikanth murthy on Mar 11, 2008 06:22 AM  Permalink
does any one know what are the oppressive clauses of this law??

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RE:This law should be repealed
by ashish nagraj on Mar 11, 2008 09:48 AM  Permalink
Dear Mr Srinivasan
Its always very convinient to take sides of the people who are against the law. Endless arguments can be given in favour of those who are antiestablishment.
Where is the commitment of these people towards soverignity of the country. Isn't that supreme.
There will be no need of the law if people are not acting against the country.
I agreee that politicians are to be blamed for these situations but so are the people who are against the nation.

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look up and read all the details of AFSPA
by alfred kht on Mar 11, 2008 04:31 AM  Permalink 

whether its north east or kashmir or anywhere else in the world,before you say anything just look up and read what AFSPA (in details) is and and share your views.Do you think any1 deserves this?? As for me i can't help but imagine how can our lawmakers n PM sleep peacefully while treating their own people like animals,being slaughtered without even verifying anything at all

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Fate of India
by Santybala on Mar 11, 2008 02:34 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

This is the fate of our country. I don't know what the fourth estate is doing all these days. I remember reading about her in Rediff sometime within the last 2 years and now I see another article that talks about her continuing struggle.

Media keeps talking day in and day out about a known convicts release who happens to be a stardom and does not bring characters such as Sharmila to the public. Wake up media and talk loud until the justice is delivered.

Coming to the law, even if the law is not repealed for whatever reason, if there is any crime committed using this law, atleast accountability should be enforced.

Let us see what the so-called law makers in a DEMOCRATIC India does about it.

True Indian

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RE:Fate of India
by Thoudam Singh on Mar 11, 2008 10:17 AM  Permalink
AFSPA should be scraped immediately before anything happen which will be a black spot on the big face of the GREAT INDIA. It is time to drag the profound attention of International Human Rights Commission through publicity, of course with the help hi-tech Media. The law makers of this country can not be blind anymore.

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every one of us must know her story
by sameer pune on Mar 11, 2008 01:33 AM  Permalink 

sharmila is indian and a hindu
its sad that she has to endure all this
when are we going to open our eyes

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It's a mere international propaganda
by aakash deep verma on Mar 11, 2008 01:11 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

She is the playing card of separatists and our enemy china. Keep always this in mind before harping in favour of humanity.

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RE:It's a mere international propaganda
by alfred kht on Mar 11, 2008 04:20 AM  Permalink
whether its north east or kashmir or anywhere else in the world,before you say anything just look up and read what AFSPA (in details) is and then tell me your views, does anyone deserves this kind of law where people are treated like animals and imagine how you do feel if its was on you.

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RE:It's a mere international propaganda
by M A Srinivasan on Mar 11, 2008 04:46 AM  Permalink
Does Verma says that the judicial committee also played the card of separatists when they in no uncertain terms stated that 'the Act has become a symbol of oppression anobject of hate and an instrument of descrimination and high handedness and should be repealed'
Wah Verma ji Wah !
I personally feel Gandhism still exists in the form of these individuals 'who have nothing else'. More over she is only shunning food which act crores of Indian Janatha are compelled to do everyday by their fellow citizens and the law makers or so called law enforcing authorities.
Hail India ! Mahathma Gandhi ki Jay !! Long live Democracy of India !!!

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RE:It's a mere international propaganda
by Ishan Agarwal on Mar 11, 2008 01:16 AM  Permalink
What sort of moron are you? There isnt't a "card" or conspiracy, its just protesting the situation in parts of northeast INDIA

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RE:It's a mere international propaganda
by aakash deep verma on Mar 11, 2008 01:30 AM  Permalink
Do you have some sort of knowledge about north-east. If not go there and get it. Just theorotically it's a part of india.

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RE:RE:It's a mere international propaganda
by Ishan Agarwal on Mar 11, 2008 02:09 AM  Permalink
Yes, I have been to the Northeast and have a lot of friends from there. Its very much a part of India, and one of the most beautiful parts with superb forests, amazing wildlife, great food, interesting culture and good people; of which we should be proud.
Dare I ask if you have traveled in India? I presume not.

And its spelled theoretically, which is precisely the opposite of the reality that i northeast INDIA.

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RE:RE:RE:It's a mere international propaganda
by Ishan Agarwal on Mar 11, 2008 02:09 AM  Permalink
that is northeast INDIA.

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RE:It's a mere international propaganda
by Sonia Bofors Gandhi on Mar 11, 2008 02:27 AM  Permalink
Whatever you mentioned here is true for Kashmir too. What are your views on Kashmir?

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RE:It's a mere international propaganda
by tony huidrom on Mar 11, 2008 04:10 AM  Permalink
are"nt the north east people nepalis,as we indians use to call them because of their looks.so why keep them with us,just give them to where they belong;nepal,china or burma.that will solve all the problem

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Why Sharmila is fighting a lonely battle?
by Pankaj Kumar Pandey on Mar 11, 2008 01:02 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

The indefinite fast of Sharmila, and the demonstration by few women (fully naked) before armed forces, should have been the sufficient proofs to understand, what people in north-east are going through. Why Sharmila is fighting alone? Entire Manipur should sit on fast until the law is repealed.

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RE:Why Sharmila is fighting a lonely battle?
by Sonia Bofors Gandhi on Mar 11, 2008 02:31 AM  Permalink
Do you know why NE is in this situation? They have all rights to protest at the same time Govt have responsibility to provide security (to general population) and to maintain national integrity.

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