Jesus told christians to buy swords and enslave, torture, rob, murder and eat non-christians, fake-christians, animals and any one who is not a true-christian, as devils, even if they are their own relatives.
Some christians consider many other christians as fake-christians, especially if they belong to different race, denomination and/or ethnicity. This way christians have an very evil caste system.
Christians, muslims, sikhs and jews have somewhat similar beliefs, although they consider their own god as the only true-god.
Western-white-christians are racists also because they consider non-western-white-christians as fake-christians.
Jesus christ is ravana, allah is kumbhakaran, nanak is meghnath, yahweh is shrupnakha, and sonia gandhi is tadaka. Ref.:
If muslims across India can get Huj subsidy, why do they have a problem with some land being allocated for Amatrnath Yatris? Have shown their hatred for other religions yet again
RE:Amarnath Yatra
by Suman Bhat on Jun 29, 2008 03:29 PM Permalink
Some of the facilities provided by the government are: arrangements for polio, meningitis and influenza vaccinations for pilgrims before departure; a 75-bed hospital and 12 branch offices-cum-dispensaries in Mecca; a 15-bed hospital and 6 branch offices-cum-dispensaries in Medina; three medical teams at Jeddah airport to provide medical care round the clock to Haj pilgrims; 17 ambulances in Mecca and Medina; supply of medicines, medical supplies and critical medical equipment from India. All this adds up to the total money spent by the government to facilitate a hassle-free Haj pilgrimage each year for tens of thousands of Muslims from India. Perhaps our self-righteous and petty Kashmiri politicians in India's only Muslim-majority state should reflect over these facts and tell us whether they think it is at least their moral if not political obligation to be more caring and sensitive to Hindu pilgrims visiting Amarnath. If we can do so much for Indians going on a pilgrimage abroad, should we not be able to do as much if not better for pilgrims at home?
RE:RE:Amarnath Yatra
by Suman Bhat on Jun 29, 2008 03:30 PM Permalink
For Haj 2007, a contingent of 115 doctors (including 63 specialists with post-graduate degrees) and 141 nurses and other para-medical staff, 3 coordinators, 46 assistant Haj officers, 165 Haj assistants and 186 Khadimul Hujjaj were sent from India on short-term deputation to Saudi Arabia. Special attention is given to medical facilities for the pilgrims. Some of the facilities provided by the government are: arrangements for polio, meningitis and influenza vaccinations for pilgrims before departure; a 75-bed hospital and 12 branch offices-cum-dispensaries in Mecca; a 15-bed hospital and 6 branch offices-cum-dispensaries in Medina; three medical teams at Jeddah airport to provide medical care round the clock to Haj pilgrims; 17 ambulances in Mecca and Medina; supply of medicines, medical supplies and critical medical equipment from India. All this adds up to the total money spent by the government to facilitate a hassle-free Haj pilgrimage each year for tens of thousands of Muslims from India.
RE:RE:RE:Amarnath Yatra
by Suman Bhat on Jun 29, 2008 03:31 PM Permalink
Kasmir valley belongs to kashmir pundi Kasmir valley belongs to kashmir pundits, it was ruled by hindu king N there will no peace and prospority till all pundits return and given back the honour of safe lively hood and ruling valley Article 370 is slp on every ind honest tax payer the so called kashmiri protesters and netas like mufites, baigs, gelanis butts another separatists never raised against Pakistan occupation of kashmir these ppl never made any noise when lacs of kahsmiri hindus are butchered and thrown out of valley and their property was given to pakis After UPA govt removed Visa system, everyday many ppl /families across border coming to are given id card and enjoying life under kashmiri and minority tag. these traitors have no problem with pakis but they do not want indians or even their own hindu brothers All kashmiries enjoy life with ind tax payers money and support the terrorism and militancy Ind media / govt is misleading ppl by giving the wrong infos JK should be given to ind army to crub anti nationals and get rid of all pakis,
RE:Amarnath Yatra
by rahul malhotra on Jun 29, 2008 03:34 PM Permalink
Well Said Suman, and while i have absolutely no problems with all the facilities being given to muslims for Huj, its only fair that muslims should not create problems when something similar is done for the hindus within our country. This is just another example of why muslims n islam have become an unpopular lot.
RE:Amarnath Yatra
by abhimanyu on Jun 29, 2008 03:33 PM Permalink
Even after after the bloody partition riots started by Jinnah with his 'partition or civil war' nonsense, India still allowed millions of muslims to live as citizens in India, with their own shariat laws, immunising them from the uniform civil code, allowing them to become presidents and ministers, and even giving them haj funds out of the taxpayers money, which no other nation does.
Even then , these muslims , who are a majority in Kashmir, where their minority Hindu brethren are almost exterminated to the point of extinction by islamic terrorists, and the remaining ones forced out of kashmir, still have a major problem giving a measly 39 hectares to the hindus to build shelters for conducting their Amarnath pilgrimage!!!!!!!
Is it any wonder that Muslims and Islam is intensely hated all over the world, particularly by the Americans and Russians.
RE:Remove congress party from Hindutsn forever
by Arun Arun on Jun 29, 2008 02:40 PM Permalink
Only a Modi mode of treatment will be able to teach them a lesson or two.
RE:Remove congress party from Hindutsn forever
by purnav on Jun 29, 2008 02:39 PM Permalink
Jai Hindu Rashtra!! We should kick muzzies out of Afghanistan,Pakistan,Bangladesh and create a Hindu empire - the dream of every pracharak. All these lands once belong to hinduism so we should get this back
RE:Remove congress party from Hindutsn forever
by salim on Jun 29, 2008 02:42 PM Permalink
All kashmiris regardless of religion denomination is allowed to buy land in kahmir.The case under issue is not a case of BUYING ,but simple transfer of govt land for FREE!!