Destruction of evidence in this case suggests a brilliant person is behind these murders. It is well planned and executed murder. Probably Arushi was dead by the time her mobile received message from her friend as usual. It is reported she did not respond as usual. Dr. Talwar's going out and coming back without taking out Arushi can also be interpreted as the time they took to destroy evidence.
RE:A brilliant brain
by Adarsh on Jun 27, 2008 12:04 PM Permalink
Their mobile record also suggests they were not at home for some time. Signal transmission is said to be from a tower of different location than the one near their residence. Durranis mentioning they were out of station that night also may be an indicator to their involvement in destruction of evidence.
such cases are very common in delhi where girl child remain under pressure of family while the vitiated culture gives them freedom to experiment with ideas of open sex later on parents feel they may be socially affected hence they will kill both the girl and the person who is misguiding her as a minor while rest is a coverup plan to misguide the police/cbi/media/public watching it since many days