RE:USA will not help India
by SHUQ on Jun 29, 2008 08:27 AM Permalink
Mujahideen in Afghanistan fought for the Freedom of their Country from the occupation of USSR.
Ben Laden though hired by CIA, in fact help people fight for the freedom of countries in Afghanistan, Chechnya, Bosnia, Kosova, Palestine, and Iraq.
Fortunately All these countries have majority Muslims thats why West and enemies of Islam has tarnished the image for the sake forwarding their ill agenda.
USA pushed oil prices to order to recover the expenses of WAR in Afghanistan(Route to Causpian Sea Oil) and Iraq(World Cheapest and finest Oil).
Asian strongholds, China and India made a mistake by allowing US attacking and occupying Iraq and Afghanistan. Now US has got monopoly over oil. They can increase the oil prices at their will and hurt the hard earned economies of self reliant Asian Countries.
Now it is high time to get rid of US from Asian region Other the whole Asia will among the stooges and puppets of US.
RE:USA will not help India
by RN Iyengar on Jun 25, 2008 06:18 PM Permalink
Dipak Bose: What makes you think you are an expert on USA? So what if Obama's father and step-father were mulims? He never saw his father until he died; about Indonesian step-father, the following is found in wikipedia: "As are almost all Indonesians, Soetoro was nominally a Muslim,[6][9], but the Soetoro–Dunham household in Indonesia was not religious.[2][4] Soetoro's nominal religion has contributed to the incorrect rumor that Obama is a Muslim." So, let us not spread more rumors.
There is no meaning for a communist party in india.They always calculate thier strenght by adding left.Then why u people stand with differnet parties. Combine all parties together to form a big communist union. While sharing power u say secular better comies can dissolve their party in congress.
RE:Gr8 party this BJP is
by samuel on Jun 25, 2008 10:24 AM Permalink
HAR HAR UMABHARTI, HAR HAR ADVANI, HAR HAR BAIL THAKREY.....................................
RE:BJP is unable to fight against UPA government's anti-people policy for last 4 years. It wasted time to attack the Left for nothing. Advani will get another post of OPPOSITION LEADER-IN-WAITING after elections.
by Ravan Raj on Jun 25, 2008 10:34 AM Permalink
Why to attack left alone? LEFT is an essential part of congress (more or less a congress group).It does not have any standard political or economic policy other than supporting china.People showed and will show the rotten politics of congis-commies.But the PM-in waiting prkash karat has to go more to reach beyond brainless kerala and WB caders.
RE:If left were not available here with 61 seats in Lok Sabha, people could not have recognised that what is 1-2-3. In the 60 years, first time an international deal came to public for discussion.
by ouch on Jun 25, 2008 09:55 AM Permalink
if left were not available, India would have matched China by now, it is due to these china loving traitors that west bengal and kerala are backward industrially and bangladeshi illegal immigrants are having a free run in India and poor people are being killed by Naxalites who are supported by CPI and CPI(M)
RE:Greed of BJP is not less than the Congress. It dreams its credit and huge income debit.
by All Right on Jun 25, 2008 02:27 PM Permalink
Why is a huge income debit equal to
By the way, do you seriously think that after reading your crap on Rediff, people are going to visit your blog?...
the N Deal made a lot of Indian validity and puts it in league with western nations..Pak & China would also be on alert..India alone cannot control Islamic terror. It needs US on its side.
RE:India needed US on its side
by Dipak Bose on Jun 25, 2008 10:45 AM Permalink
USA has created Islamic Terror: 1) Jimmy Carter created Muzzahadins in afghanistan 2) Reagan created Zia Ul Haque and Ben Laden 3) Clinton created Taliban 4) Clinton created Islamic state of Bosnia 5) Pakistan created 9/11 and got rewards from USA of $10 Billion so far plus all free weapons 6) George Bush created another Islamic state of Kosovo. 7) USA pushed up oil prices to make the Arab Skeikhs fantastically rich.
Thus, USA will not help India. Obama's father and step father are both Muslims.