It is now well accepted that the Left leaders are traitors who keep mum on terrorism,chinese intrusions,SIMI,illegal infiltrations etc...but are vociferous about this historic deal as they are about Ayodhya,ramsethu,Gujrat,etc...Soniaji, the country wants you to accept the deal.Please be true to her.
RE:Why bother about the Left?
by JGN on Jun 22, 2008 01:14 PM Permalink
Let us assume that the "Left leaders are traitors" but what is being done by the "patrotic" parties for containing these menaces? Another Rath Yatra? Or another arms deal to allow some Italian or some other foreigner to reap rich dividends????
RE:Why bother about the Left?
by arun singh on Jun 22, 2008 12:39 PM Permalink
Why are you not making same passionate appeal for Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline? Nuke deal or no deal, what is the harm going ahead with this project? Is it not going to help India ease energy crisis?
RE:RE:Why bother about the Left?
by JGN on Jun 22, 2008 01:16 PM Permalink
No, that deal is also not favourable to our Country. We have enough coal reserves to produce electricity for the next 50 years (all the power plants under construction in our Country are Thermal Power Plants).
Let us not bother too much about "global warming" and such thngs as the developed countries are responsible for the same.
RE:Why bother about the Left?
by JGN on Jun 22, 2008 02:57 PM Permalink
Pakistan and guarantee!!!! Are you joking? They are not even able to assure the safety of even their own VVIPs (not to speak of common-man).
Guys, we all suck. Whether we are Muslims, Hindus, or Christians. As long as we belong to the Asian sub-continent, we suck! Period ! The UPA government is desperate to sign the nuclear deal only for these reasons. a) A face saving act for Manmohan Singh b) Strategic relations with the United States c) for Manmohan Singh to talk big at the G8 Hokkaido summit.
If the UPA government is so concerned about energy then why is it dilly dallying over the Iran gas pipeline. By the same token (energy), which the UPA government is using, it should push harder for the pipeline!
At the onset, almost all Indian Scientists were against the nuclear deal. All the pro BJP'ites must get that into their psyche. How much ever they may bark and cry hoarse about Islamic terrorism which is not even related to this topic in the first place! Even if India agrees to become America's poodle, the BJP'ites must realise that Americas interests come first!!! A case in point would be the events after 9/11 when the BJP like a "loyal poodle" ran to the US and gave it a list of terror camps operating in the porus Pakistan-Afghan borders. And what happened ?I guess it was one of the tightest slaps the US gave India in 50 years when it flatly denied the assistance.Why? Because American interests come first !!! Then comes our half black and brown skin. And then comes the BJP, the saviour of India and the whole world. Yes, if it has become our habit to become slaves, then by all means we must go ahead.
RE:Indian Energy : the right perspective.
by overblown on Jun 22, 2008 02:46 PM Permalink
your name says it all, no wonder you are bjp bashing. Chal mohammad chai la.
RE:Indian Energy : the right perspective.
by JGN on Jun 22, 2008 01:08 PM Permalink
The delay over Iran gas pipe line is due to uncertainty of the safety of the pipe line itself as it is running through an enemy country and they have demanded exhorbitant price for laying the pipe line itself.
Here also the solution is to enter into an agreement where we agree to pay for the gas delivered to us in our Country and not to bother about the pipe-line itself. It should be the head-ache of Iran and Pakistan.
Btw what BJP has got to do with the nuclear deal? It is the Congress party which is eager to conclude the agreement by hook or by crook.
No country has permanent enemies or permanent friends. That is the basic principle of diplomacy. Naturally US will act in her interest only. Of course Uncle Same got up to the threat of Islamic terrorism after a bomb exploded in their kitchen though we have been at the receiving end of the same for a long time. A neighbouring country always wanted to "bleed us through a thousand cuts" !
by JGN on Jun 22, 2008 01:11 PM Permalink
It is fashionable to blame the "commies" for every thing. Those who are blaming the "commies" are ignorant of history.
No body will talk abut a government which allowed one Mr. flee from our country with about Rs. 21 Crores of the tax-payers money and about the President of a party with a difference who was caught on camera accepting bundles of notes!!!!!!!!
RE:How did Americas strategic alliance help Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Russia, Japan, China ??
by arun singh on Jun 22, 2008 12:05 PM Permalink
Every country has the right to watch its national interests, including America. Why other countries always expect America to work in their interests rather than in its own interest?
Commis are not so bad !! Why can't we develop our own technology, afterall half of US scientists are Indians !! What about nuclear power plants being a security risk ? Later US will ask us to buy security systems to protect our nuclear power plants. US is controlling world economy and nuclear powers have formed groups against india. China is getting more privileges vis a vis India. Dependancy on other countries will not be good for us. We didn't have power for 50 years, nothing happened. It does not matter if don't have it for next 20 years. What difference does it make to the common man ? Does it reduce his electricity bill ? It is not about commis and congresis, it is about what we need and how we need it !!
RE:Commis are not so bad !!!
by subhendu mal on Jun 22, 2008 04:08 PM Permalink
you are probably the communist supporter like other fools but you forget their roles in the china war during 1962. they are opposing this deal not beacuse of indias interest rather fulfilling the chinese interest. they are biggest traitors and anti nationational. they do not want to see the developed and storng india because of china. we have taken so much time to develop india after so many years of independence because of our association with russia a poor counrty. A poor country can not help another country to develop. what help we got from russia except a psycological advantage and to satisfy our communist that we are anti USA
by Virgo on Jun 22, 2008 10:33 AM Permalink
In the next couple of decades, India needs a strategic alliance if we are to survive mounting adventurism against us by the Chinese commies, Islamic terrorists and the pakis.
The nuke deal is a symbolic start of this strategic alliance with the US. Besides, we need nuclear power for our growing energy needs. We lack abundance in fossil fuels. Nuclear energy, solar, and wind power are the only untapped sources left for us.
The meffing Indian comnmies, lap dogs of the Chinese want to make sure we will not succeed in building a strong and prosperous India. Our commie traitors are taking orders from their Chinese masters to do everything possible to stymie our progress.
by Virgo on Jun 22, 2008 10:35 AM Permalink
It is time to ban all commie parties and hang the antinational traitors before it is too late.
the leftists are antinationals. they oppose any opportunity for India to become developed country. Their game plan is clear. Keep india poor, and keep winning elections. Slowly giveaway parts of india to China and make India a colony of Chins like Tibet. Destroy Hindus and convert India to a muslim nation. All patriots must come forward and fight the left tooth and nail. LONG LIVE INDIA. DOWN WITH THE COMMUNISTS !!
by Vishnu Sharma on Jun 22, 2008 08:27 AM Permalink
DREAM on. This is what you communists want !
It will never happen.
All Nationalistic parties hold NATIONAL UNITY as sacred.
Religion and caste no where figure in our list of priorities.
If the LEFTIST trouble makers are locked up there will be no one left to make trouble and instigate the masses with false and hysterical propaganda.
All INDIANs will enjoy being productive, well off, Environmentally conscious,civic and polite citizens in a POWERFUL NEW UNION.
There will be no one to pit one class against the other and one caste against the other or one religion against the other.
Sarva Dharma Sambhava. That is the corner stone of our philosophy.
Only soul destroying atheists like the communists and their acolytes in the INDIAN MEDIA AND PRESS relish in attacking Hindus all the time because they think that Hindus can be eternally bullied and are a soft target.