Its high time India gets its priorities right. there are bigger issues which need to be addressed. India going to moon can be a onetime achievement but what about the never ending issues
RE:Taking Inflation to the Moon
by gaurav srivastav on Jun 20, 2008 03:32 PM Permalink
You r correct. But we should not connect any achievement to any Issues. If you r aware about the never ending issues, you should know by this way ISRO earn the money also. This is not all about reaching on the moon, also we can earn lot of money and space security. Where we r Threatened by China... But Some stupid people on this earth can't understand this, and ever talk about meaningless topic....
RE:Taking Inflation to the Moon
by Shubham Sahai on Jun 20, 2008 04:42 PM Permalink
yes maybe he wants 2 be the first gadha to do dhainchoo dhainchoo on the he is doing here....
RE:Taking Inflation to the Moon
by Adobe on Jun 20, 2008 02:36 PM Permalink
Go back and do some useful work, instead of idling around in the internet. other priorities will work.
I think this is great step to put india on the map of world, for countries having space exploration capabilities. ISRO-will do it for sure.
But i think indian govt. should do more for the farmers, poor indians so that they don't continue to do suicide of hunger or kill there kids/daughter by giving poison to them because they cant earn enough for there families......
if we can solve this, then this will be best achievement a government could do for there civilians, far far far better then putting a bunch of people with indian flag to moon. :(
Kudos to ISRo..u make us proud... i hope we send a Indian to moon and mars in near years to come...
btw am amazed that so few ppl might have raised this news or less interested in adding a harmless congrats for the effort... had it been some news abt a bimbette clad in bikini in maxim..or is srk big or big b... we would have seen 100s of messages in no time...
Whats the use of sending a lunar mission and mapping Moon. US put up a man there 30 yrs back and there after all the countries have backed out of lunar missions as its just waste of time, energy and money.
No doubt space exploration is a very good research but when world is busy setting up International space station and sending missions to other planets we want to go and map moon....for what....allot sites there to Indians.
Please use that time energy and money for putting more satelites for communication, mapping india and for defence purposes or participate with other developed nations for space exploration.
RE:Sheer waste of Money
by soumya on Jun 20, 2008 02:17 PM Permalink
I think if u see in google u can find thr are so many conspiracy theories abt whether US at all sent a man in moon or might just be hoax...come on with the technology of 1969 they sent and came back well unharm...after been exposed to so much harmful neuclear radition across in space... i still believe it was a hoax..US tried 2 mor efailed mission after that... then finally they are resending some one on 2012 or somwthing..after abt 50 yrs... anyways knowing teh unknown is what mankind thrives on..i guess we should encourage it rather than abuse
RE:Sheer waste of Money
by Jitesh Kumar Agrawal on Jun 20, 2008 02:46 PM Permalink
Yeah when the whole world was unable to take in the fact that US has put its man on moon they came out with all those stories. But have they not put up ISS and sent many missions to other planets. So dont go by google stories as they also have Da Vinci Code and killing of Kennedy as many stuff for which there are many stories.
You can see with what mission ISRO is sending the Chandrayan.....mapping Moon, what are we goign to acheive out of it. I am not discouraging but saying dont do things for the sake of doing it, one has to look into economic benefits out of it. India has got scares resources to flitter away my freind.
RE:RE:Sheer waste of Money
by Raghu K on Jun 20, 2008 03:32 PM Permalink
Unfortunately people think with too short term mentality. A generation from now won't have enough resources to live on earth. The only way is to find other planets/moon from where we can extract resources. And the sooner we start on that front the better.
When columbus submitted his plan for travelling to west to the King of Portugal they rejected it for lack of funds - not once but twice. Thinking about it now seems utterly foolish, isn't?
RE:Sheer waste of Money
by Raghu K on Jun 20, 2008 02:41 PM Permalink
There have been conspiracy theories about almost all subjects in this world. That doesn't mean they are all correct. These theories were refuted time and again by well known scientists all over the world. And the samples collected from moon were analyzed & studied by hundreds of people. Do you mean to say every one of them were lying to people?
And BTW, US astronauts landed on moon 6 times. The whole Apollo program was very costly and they had to shut it down. Later their focus changed to space shuttle and international space station. Now they have realized the importance of moon and are planning to send a manned mission by 2010.
RE:Sheer waste of Money
by MP Raju on Jun 20, 2008 02:45 PM Permalink
My only question is that, having the full know-how of a manned moon-mission, and having better technology compared to 1960s, why are they taking 2 years to send a manned mission to moon?
RE:Sheer waste of Money
by Raghu K on Jun 20, 2008 02:56 PM Permalink
I think you'll agree that they need a rocket to go to moon. The one they used in 1960 - the Apollo - is no longer in use and they are working on a new set of vehicles in project constellation. Once they are ready they can return to moon
RE:RE:Sheer waste of Money
by Raghu K on Jun 20, 2008 03:27 PM Permalink
Yes, and the same soil was analysed by hundreds of labs around the world in different countries. All of them agreed its not from earth. So as per your theory they all must be hand in glove with Nixon.
RE:Sheer waste of Money
by dennis john on Jun 20, 2008 02:38 PM Permalink
Even if George bush uses a Russian toilet paper Google and so called perverted media will have stories on it.And people like you will relish on it.When indian oil companies were bankruptacy,what we gaining by such expensive exercises.Instead of trying to satisfy the inflated ego of politicians,scientists and corporates,India must try to spend more money in Food production,rural development.rural education,population control and funds to face the natural calimity.
RE:Sheer waste of Money
by MP Raju on Jun 20, 2008 02:40 PM Permalink
Come on dennis, ISRO is not an organisation built for increasing food production or population control. There are institutions responsible for that.. Ask them to do that..
RE:RE:Sheer waste of Money
by Jitesh Kumar Agrawal on Jun 20, 2008 02:47 PM Permalink
No one is asking ISRO to go and cultivate....what is being said it those resources can be put to better use rather then something whihc does not have any economic benefit out of it.
RE:Sheer waste of Money
by ram mohan on Jun 20, 2008 03:07 PM Permalink
Is the money spend by ISRO being minted at the reserve bank owned by ISRO.It is the money given by the same Goverment of India Which can be used in these which needs urgent funding than sending a bunch of selfish people to moon
RE:Sheer waste of Money
by Raghu K on Jun 20, 2008 03:25 PM Permalink
Unfortunately you don't know that the cost is pennies compared to what we spend on our useless politicians. And nobody is talking about sending a man to moon. This is a spacecraft that will orbit around moon and map it to find what minerals are available there for possible future use. At least read the article before commenting.