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by rajesh h on Jun 20, 2008 03:04 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

yes when public cannot afford chappati, roti and petrol ,watch Indians on the moon ,this is our new solgan.

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by Raghu K on Jun 20, 2008 03:07 PM  Permalink
Nice to see a person who cannot afford roti messaging on rediff board.

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by RR on Jun 20, 2008 03:39 PM  Permalink
PUblic in the form of farmers are getting benefit from sattelites launched by ISRO. Fisherman are getting benefitted. Years back someone like you might have raised this question when aryabhatta was launched. You moron. Criticism sld be a constructive one not just for the sake of it.

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by Sharanu on Jun 20, 2008 04:03 PM  Permalink
we said

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by Sharanu on Jun 20, 2008 04:02 PM  Permalink
you fool ,ask our bloody politician for roti ,u cant stop science advancement in the name of roti ,if roti is the only goal why u needed study and have an internet to wrote such shit u could have made a living by begging why did not choose that path

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Abunch of jokers are deciding our fate
by crazyguy on Jun 20, 2008 03:01 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

India should first learn to treat it's people like human being before going for these foolish expensive mission from where it will gain a big zero.
I don't understand who's foolish idea it is where 50% people live under poverty. Must be some old scientist who wants his name to be in Indian history at people's money. Anyway the joker Chidu must come out with extra cess on tax for moon venture.

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RE:Abunch of jokers are deciding our fate
by Raghu K on Jun 20, 2008 03:09 PM  Permalink
Do you know how much is spend for this mission? Its pennies compared to what is spend for our politicians. And you very well know this mission is going to return a "big zero", don't you? Do you at least know what are this missions objectives before commenting?

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RE:Abunch of jokers are deciding our fate
by crazyguy on Jun 20, 2008 03:16 PM  Permalink
mission objective is a bulsh!t. money spent will be 6800crore budgeted and for sure it will be three times like other govt projects. are you a scientist of this project to describe the mission? what is it and how beneficial for india? what the other rich countries have gain out of moon mission and why they have stopped it? don't write like a man who knows everything but see it from your countries prospective where 2500farmers suicide in two years.

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RE:Abunch of jokers are deciding our fate
by Raghu K on Jun 20, 2008 04:27 PM  Permalink
This is what happens when you don't read anything about a subject and start commenting. The estimated cost is just 400 crore and the project currently running well within that. The rich countries including US are co-operating with India in this mission. They have contributed instruments to this mission to study areas that they are interested in. In addition to it, China, Japan and European Space Agency have recently launched similar crafts for exploration of the moon.

And you said mission objective is bullsh!t and in the next subject asked what is it? If you don't know abt it how do you know its a bullsh!t? Read the mission objectives in ISRO website and find out what is it before passing such comments.

And you talked about poor farmers. Recently Govt announced 60,000 core farm loan waiver thats more than 10 times costlier to this project. Definitely we have the priorities set right.

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RE:Abunch of jokers are deciding our fate
by geby jacob on Jun 20, 2008 03:30 PM  Permalink
I don't think u know wat the intention of this space program is , do u crazy guy? National Development is the only way to get rid of poverty.. I hope u've tried to picture things in that way.. Chidambaram is the best finance minister we've ever had.. U're not even worthy to comment on him.. From readin ur statements, its very clear that you're ignorant about the nation's affairs.. Do u know anything abt this scientist who wants his name to go down in history? Do u know what that team is like? They're not bothered abt fame or money, they're a set of few true patriots whos' tryin to show the world that India cannot be branded as a 3rd world country or a poor country.. Get ur facts straight.. n start viewing world and its affairs with a broader outlook..

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RE:Abunch of jokers are deciding our fate
by nims on Jun 20, 2008 03:16 PM  Permalink
Everyone should do there work, instead of criticizing, cant u help any poor or illiterate or cant u help any unemployed to get some work, pick any child from street arrange education and food for them. dude its easy to sit in an AC cabin and point finger go get some life, take responsibility govt. cant do everything they are trying and we should also try for a better INDIA tomorrow

ISRO is doing its job, ie to try n increase technology, capability hats off to them thy hav started from a small hut building weather rockets and today they are developing chandrayan aren't u proud of them.

So do ur part of responsibility

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RE:Abunch of jokers are deciding our fate
by crazyguy on Jun 20, 2008 03:35 PM  Permalink
how do you know i have not done anything? but any person paying one third of his salary as direct tax and about 20% on his commodity buying has every right to ask the jokers sitting in perliament that what the bulsh!t is happening with his money. mind it i sit in my ac cabin in a private company on my own capability and not for the jokers deciding reservation to buy vote.
moreover what you say is the duty of govt and not the individuals to look after it's poor citizens for which they are living king's life without having any quality.

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RE:Abunch of jokers are deciding our fate
by Raghu K on Jun 20, 2008 04:42 PM  Permalink
And what made you sit in your AC cabin and do your work easily? Aren't you communicating with your colleagues all over the country/world using internet and telephone? How will those systems work without the satellites launched by ISRO?

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commies pls intervane
by shakti kapooor on Jun 20, 2008 02:53 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

comiees you rae requested to please stop this adventurous step taken by the ISRO. Muslims has sentimentaly attached to the moon. This will hurt their religious beliefs.

What will happen to our secular democracy?????
really worried.

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RE:commies pls intervane
by S Anto on Jun 20, 2008 02:59 PM  Permalink

what will happen if RAGHU and KETHU swallo moon???

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RE:commies pls intervane
by muzaffar butt on Jun 20, 2008 03:47 PM  Permalink
Muslims won't be hurt by this ISRO's achievement, rather we will pray for the success of the mission.The sun, the moon and all celestial body's are Almighty God's creation.Conducting research on them is in line with Islamic faith.
Muzaffar Butt

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RE:commies pls intervane
by crazyguy on Jun 20, 2008 03:06 PM  Permalink
anybody stopping the blo1dy id!ots spending public money for nothing should be welcome be it communist or rss. if the joker upa come to power again chidambaram will impose 100 cess on tax to public and will increase duty on petrol to 90%.

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RE:commies pls intervane
by geby jacob on Jun 20, 2008 03:32 PM  Permalink
Crazy guy is anti indian.. Probably they shd pack u off to the moon as well .. lol

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is it launching on day or night??
by Indian on Jun 20, 2008 02:52 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Communist has problem with it...they want to know
is it launching on day or night?? :) during day moon will be not visible so government is unnecessary wasting tax payer hard earned money...rather they should give money to WB government...and if launch happening during night then it needs big torch light to check its way ...

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RE:is it launching on day or night??
by crazyguy on Jun 20, 2008 03:07 PM  Permalink
is your father paying the cost of this misadventure?

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RE:is it launching on day or night??
by Arun Mathew on Jun 20, 2008 03:41 PM  Permalink
not only his father your father and my father and also me and you are paying for this. don,t you know money for running his country is collected through taxes which each one of us pays, be it income tax or sales tas, land, road, entertainment tax. each one of us pays. its our hard earned money.

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by old man on Jun 20, 2008 02:39 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies


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by BIJU KRISHNAN on Jun 20, 2008 02:55 PM  Permalink
why do u wanna attack moon??? u are free to stay there and build townships...!

Dont give this idea to Wirpo, Infosys or Satyam, they might build their campuses there.

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by goyyale on Jun 20, 2008 02:46 PM  Permalink
Send so many peoples from OBC,SC and ST cadre to there to run a pieceful moon...

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by Indian on Jun 20, 2008 02:54 PM  Permalink
there also obc, sc, st??? so general category will go to SUN to switch off the light?? no reservation please....

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by vick sanw on Jun 20, 2008 02:51 PM  Permalink
sahi jawaab

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Misplaced priorities
by Michael Ponnudurai on Jun 20, 2008 02:38 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

What the hell are we going to achieve by going to moon.
Let us provide for free and quality education to all upto school final
Let us ensure proper basic amenities, good roads and other infrastructure facilties for all first
Scrap unfruitful investments immediately. Let us do all things to reduce disparity of living standards and faciltites among people and set forth to bring more equality in terms of status.

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RE:Misplaced priorities
by BIJU KRISHNAN on Jun 20, 2008 02:57 PM  Permalink
sometimes u shdnt be so intelligent that you do not find any reason...!

Actually they are sending a mission to check claims by malayalis that there is mallu tea stall on the moon. Thats where neil amstrong had chaya and payam pori when he went there.

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RE:Misplaced priorities
by jayprakash on Jun 20, 2008 02:50 PM  Permalink
See the energy cruch today. The fossil fuels are not going to last too long. Such missions are undertaken by various countries to assess whether such fuel exists on moon or other planets. Similar activities are done to antarctica as well. So keeping our future energy demand in mind such missions are necessary. It is a great job done by our scientists and We all are pround of them.
I agree with u that our priorities should be different but not at the cost of scientific research. Similar can be said about our defence expenditue. It is mandetory. We can not avoid it specially when we have China and Pakistan as our neighbours. We should try and reduce corruption for e.g. bad quality roads built in first place and repaired again and again. It is a trap. So we should try and release such money (un-necessary expenditure) and develop the country's infrastructure.

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RE:Misplaced priorities
by Jitesh Kumar Agrawal on Jun 20, 2008 02:54 PM  Permalink
Your second part makes some sense but the first part absolute bulls*hit. Sorry for being rude my freind but that what it is.

I can agree for antartica but can tell one thing for sure, no space exploration is done for look out for fuel. How do you think that can be brought back to earth and do you think even if uranium is found it can be just dug up and brought back without processing or will anything will make a economic sense. Think again.

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RE:Misplaced priorities
by jayprakash on Jun 20, 2008 02:59 PM  Permalink
the time will tell who is correct and when countries can send so many space shuttles and bring them back successfully on earth... why cant fuel?

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RE:Misplaced priorities
by Jitesh Kumar Agrawal on Jun 20, 2008 03:03 PM  Permalink
Well we cant be alive till eternity unfortunately to see that happen......still dont tell that to anyone else or you would be a big laughing stock.

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RE:Misplaced priorities
by jayprakash on Jun 20, 2008 03:07 PM  Permalink
People usually laugh when they dont believe. What you think... those who have predicted that you can watch a match played on other part of the world can be seen live on a screen may be 100 years back... people must have laughed.... I am sure.... but.... isnt it a reality?
So nothing is impossible my dear friend

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RE:Misplaced priorities
by Raghu K on Jun 20, 2008 03:13 PM  Permalink
When Columbus & Vasco da Gama attempted to find a sea route to India lots of people laughed at them. And the journey they had was terrible, lot of people died and it was very expensive. But looking back, can you think how this world would have been unless a few courageous souls took such risks?

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RE:Misplaced priorities
by nims on Jun 20, 2008 03:20 PM  Permalink
baate karne se kuch nahi hota
i mean nothing can be done just by commenting
go to the roots work there and see the diffrence instead tht lets us provide education.
why dont u start and make others start lik luk for poor mertious child arrange for there food and education

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Any Idea??
by Sanjay on Jun 20, 2008 02:37 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Any idea about the charges of honeymoon packages in Moon???

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RE:Any Idea??
by Niladri Chakraborti on Jun 20, 2008 02:57 PM  Permalink
it will be FOC, subject to landing there alive. in case of casualty, ur servivors will have to pay thru their nose!!!!!

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This is not good
by TruthCom on Jun 20, 2008 02:36 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

as far as I know this is not good to send any mission on Moon... most of the indian muslims predict and rely on moon for daily calander calculation... India is secular country and we should respect the sentiments of others. This mission should be suspended.. I request congress and Communist parties to intervean and stop this anti-muslim work.

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RE:This is not good
by Iyenkar on Jun 20, 2008 03:01 PM  Permalink
yes yes already some sentimental idiots have stopped sedhu project.

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RE:This is not good
by gaurav srivastav on Jun 20, 2008 03:22 PM  Permalink
Some people can't see India's growth at any cost. when we should feel proud on this great achievment by indian scientist, we r talking on fully stupid point.

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Indias Mission to Moon in Sept '08
by raghavendra jagannath avadhani on Jun 20, 2008 02:36 PM  Permalink 

Kudos to ISRO team you all make us proud.

Hope there are no qoutas/ reservation policies emerge in these missions. Indian politics is full of reservations and quotas. god only will save us from such dirty things in the name of vote banks. we cud have achieved much earlier to the whole world all this. But we will never improve on our policies and we will lag behing much more as compared to developed countries. at present we are behind by 30 years and going back to 300 years.

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