guru taj bahadur should be inspiring man mohanji, who boldly faced the moghul and never converted, so why convert in duress to the west. be bold , and ask for the safety of india. it is the second largest popolation, we cannot afford aweak PM. A small boy guru gobind was brave why not man mohan singh.
RE:take the teachings of sikh guru
by Proud Hindustani on Jun 20, 2008 11:11 PM Permalink
Unfortunately such heroes were marginalized by Nehru and clan and Congressites for 50 plus years.
Today for such a person to rise again has been made almost impossible by the corrupt politicians. He will be killed. ONLY an army general can do it. The retired Army officers must get active in the political system.
I request everyone wanting to write here to read the complete text of the 123 Nuclear Deal & the Hyde Act, and the related expert Comments by the former Chairpersons of Atomic Energy Commission and Mr Bramha Chellaney, before actually posting the comment. Everything is available on the internet. All that you need to do is to type "123 Nuclear Deal" or "Text of Hyde Act" on the Google Search.
Alternatively, you may send your e mail IDs to me at or post here as to enable me to send the entire document saved in my PC.
Every small or big country near or far consider the Indian leadership gutless and have insulted and pissed on them at every occasion at every international event.
They have brought shame to every hard working educated Indian person all over the world, including our foreign ambassadors. In spite of India being such a big country and a power house of talent.
Congress In already having a Bad image Due to may reasons But Left parties are the worst Educated people to come together to throw out left parties out of Indian They are just always against West .West has contributed everything to this world . Even the Car the Prakash karat is using Is invented by a western guy Even the bulb which is his house given by Thomans Edision (My hero) Even the Microphone what he talks to the fountain pen ,to his mobile To his even his underwear Let him come to street wearing a langoti and on a bullock cark if Left are so much Anti west He should not even allowed Talk him English All the left should be pit and spit in it till they get drowned in that .If west is imperial they have earned that status by their caliber .Youngsetrs should at least Not get demotivated bt Left You know what ? Left parties always get the Votes of the Underprivileged section of the society even if it In kerala or in WB .Once they come to power They do some silly things to make that Section happy life some Releasing presoners from Jails like in Kerala ..Give small discounts to purchase Rice ,hen etc .They try to hamper the educations system wherever they come because once people get educated they wont get their vote .They are real cancer for the India Hate Praksh karat Hate Pinaraiyi Vijayan Hate Brinda karak Hate Red They love China More than India ..They wont talk about China Intrusions India Cant develop any time with RED Wipe them Out In netx
RE:Hate Red Hate Communist !!!
by Proud Hindustani on Jun 20, 2008 10:57 PM Permalink
Do you know that Communism is constitutionally banned/illegal in the democratic system all over the world, except India. Do you know why ? Nehru.
The Indian people should DEMAND this amendment from the next Government to be elected.
RE:Hate Red Hate Communist !!!
by Demo-crazy on Jun 20, 2008 11:19 PM Permalink
Couple of left inventions - AK47, AK 56! Sputnik rocket and outer space travel.
Ask the leftists to choose what they like. Already they have armed the naxals, annd maoists with the first invention. Will they do a favour to us by going to space, with a one way ticket?
Go Puppet go, the nation will get respite from Puppet Raj. He "wants to save his prestige in an international forum." What about prestige inside the nation? Do you have any? You want to impose an unfair and unequal deal on the nation, just for your own history. Did you asked the nation, opposition parties before making the deal? Why not? Congress wanted to get all credit, and use it for blackmailing the voters.
Now it's turn for Dr. Manmohan Singh to wash his hands in order to get rid of the responsibility of Economic Recession! It's undoubtedly great policy to quit the chair when the crisis is at the door step! This is one of the policies that must be kept in the SECRET WHITE PAPERs along with "Corruption" documentation of the Govt!!!
Pseudo-intellectuals like CPI / CPIM are in another drama. It is know to any ILLITERATE PERSON round the globe that Mr. Bush is not having any power to sign documents right at this moment as his tenure is on the verge of completion!!!!
THEREFORE, WHY CPI/CPIM and CONGRESS are making such noises to divert the countrymen? Dr. Singh and Karat-Yechuri, please listen, all the DRAMA stuffs that you are performing, are known to CITIZENS of India. You people are taking advantages of the Economic crisis to hold the power for another term! By the way, UPA will never be allowed to come into the power!!!
All these incidences [if the Rediff news is TRUE (sometime they publish yellow reports)], indicate that INDIAN POLITICIANS ARE BASICALLY HEADLESS CHICKENS as declared by Mr. Ronen Sen, the Ambassador of India to the USA!!! Thank you very much Mr. Sen for putting a good tag on the STUPID, KULAKS, NEO-BOURGEOIS-PROLETARIATS!!! UPA signals the growth of "Regimented Stalinism" in India!
RE:Wow PM, Wow! You people are great examples in bequeathing Responsibilities on the Common people!!!
by Demo-crazy on Jun 20, 2008 11:15 PM Permalink
Wow! very good comment.
It is interesting to note the point that Bush admin cannot sign this now. I am not sure if any of the TV channels spoke of this point. Most of them have shouting brigade as the anchor, not sure if anyone bothered to study in depth.
For the last 4 years HE has been sleeping on it. Sonia and gang know they are going to lose the elections, they saved this card for the last minute to get attention.
It never came up for discussion and ratification in the parliament ALL these 4 years. For India' nuclear weapons and civil applications, the deal needs some issues to be corrected. NOW it is too late and all tied up in politics and NOT national interest and security.
Sonia and gang and Communist parties are NOT good for India.
The Nehru family have done irreparable damage to India for which you and our children will continue to pay a high price, we lost Kailash Prabhat, Tibet and parts of Kashmir and now incursions in Sikkim, Nepal and AP....what more do you want??
Nuclear deal can wait---we have ALL the coal in the world, and bio diesel resources AND brains and manpower.
What we lack is LEADERSHIP. India will ALWAYS lag China, we have no Political/administration discipline.
BJP has its faults but at least it brings out the national pride and self esteem of an average Indian.
by Arijit on Jun 20, 2008 10:17 PM Permalink
Rediff team knows very well! I sometime wonder whether this is a MANUFACTURED NEWS BY REDIFF TEAM! I don't believe these Indian journalists! They may do anything in order to have some gain out of the act!