For the last 4 years HE has been sleeping on it. Sonia and gang know they are going to lose the elections, they saved this card for the last minute to get attention.
It never came up for discussion and ratification in the parliament ALL these 4 years. For India' nuclear weapons and civil applications, the deal needs some issues to be corrected. NOW it is too late and all tied up in politics and NOT national interest and security.
Sonia and gang and Communist parties are NOT good for India.
The Nehru family have done irreparable damage to India for which you and our children will continue to pay a high price, we lost Kailash Prabhat, Tibet and parts of Kashmir and now incursions in Sikkim, Nepal and AP....what more do you want??
Nuclear deal can wait---we have ALL the coal in the world, and bio diesel resources AND brains and manpower.
What we lack is LEADERSHIP. India will ALWAYS lag China, we have no Political/administration discipline.
BJP has its faults but at least it brings out the national pride and self esteem of an average Indian.
by ashok kumar on Jun 21, 2008 02:57 AM Permalink
OR continue to sleep outside Sonia's veranda and be a full time naukar-chakar to her and her pilloos(kids).
RE:Chor Party
by ashok kumar on Jun 21, 2008 02:31 AM Permalink
Indira Gandhi was one of the most corrupt leader, she made it an acceptable way of governance. She has a huge swiss account, further fattened by Rajiv and now Sonia and her tatus
People of India want Manmohan singh to go? Thats what I am gievn to understand after reading through a lot of shit here.Well, I think most of the armchair critics are burning midnight oil in theorising. Lets look at the facts. UPA rather congress party has launched several social sector programmes. 1. National rural employment gurantee programme 2. National rural health mission 3. National age old pension 4. Rajiv gandhi grameen vidyutikaran yojana 5. Rajiv gandhi grammen peyjal yojana 6. National urban renewal mission 7. Aam admi beema yojana 8. WAIVING OFF the farmers' loans 9. new agricultural policy
But whats the point? most of us dont even know what this government has achieved.We watch hindi news channels like aaj tak and form opinions and vomit it here on rediff without knowing the true details. in fact most of us writing about the nuke deal wouldnt even know the details of this agreement. PLEASE DONT INDULGE IN HIT AND RUN WRITING.
RE:let him resign: indians dont deserve a great pm like him
by hiral joshi on Jun 21, 2008 01:22 AM Permalink
On paper you can fill pages by writing names of Yojana and missions. Not a single plan has worked properly. He is the weakest PM. He could not even get N-deal signed if he and his party thought its in the national interest. NDA despite of coalition did complete even bigger projects.
RE:let him resign: indians dont deserve a great pm like him
by Sanjay Chawala on Jun 21, 2008 01:37 AM Permalink
NDA did nothing. They made wrong decisions. They brought sensex below 3000 few times. The economy grew by an average of 4% during their tenure. We saw Gujrat riots, famines in Orissa, corruption in defense (Tehalka exposes), kargil war (where govt was caught off hand by pakistan)...........NDA failed on every front.
RE:let him resign: indians dont deserve a great pm like him
by himanshu kumar on Jun 21, 2008 02:14 AM Permalink
which bigger project are you talking of?
RE:let him resign: indians dont deserve a great pm like him
by Rahul Patel on Jun 21, 2008 03:28 AM Permalink
Yes, great list of policies.
So, whats the centre have to show for it? NREGA was implemented better by the BJP-ruled states that Congress-ruled states (fact)...suicides of farmers in Vidharba and Andhra Pradesh are as high as ever (fact), after waiving farmers loans, giving them free power, water and everything else, the debt of Congress-ruled states and central debt has become unsurmountable, and is leading up to an even greater financial crisis (fact)...Urban renewal? Most urban infrastructure development works, everything from road work to city metro lines and so forth, have been slowed down or stopped by the current regime, with the sentiment that city dwellers are not the "aam aadmi"...Congress Allies have subsequently seen themselves defeated in major municipal corporations around India.
I could continue delving into the achievements of the UPA. Truth be told, I don't need to...the government itself is so depressed at the outcome of all their schemes, that it doesn't dare promote them.
RE:let him resign: indians dont deserve a great pm like him
by ny nj on Jun 21, 2008 03:52 AM Permalink
Well said, Rahul. Himanshu, grow up. Dont be a student. Dont think everyone is half-baked like you. We know what is happening to our Country. The PM who is just puppet in the hands of Rahul and Sonia. He can just show his frustration, but wont resign. Useless spineless pm, we had.
RE:let him resign: indians dont deserve a great pm like him
by ashok kumar on Jun 21, 2008 03:15 AM Permalink
every program is with an ulterior motive to buy votes. How much did you get paid?
RE:let him resign: indians dont deserve a great pm like him
by ny nj on Jun 21, 2008 01:52 AM Permalink
Is he Manmohan Singh in disguise. I know he doesn't have any work other than washing cloths in 10 Janpath, but still he got time to write about his Yojana and Missions in Rediff.. wow that is worth reading. ;-)
RE:RE:let him resign: indians dont deserve a great pm like him
by himanshu kumar on Jun 21, 2008 02:19 AM Permalink
dude I am no Manmohan singh but a student who just cleared one of the toughest exams of thw world. And your surprise at reading the programmes vindicate my stand that most of us writing here ahve no idea whats happening outside of our air conditioned offices/homes and we are ready to be fooled by media as well as propaganda.
RE:let him resign: indians dont deserve a great pm like him
by huzefa hakimi on Jun 21, 2008 03:12 AM Permalink
Well Himanshu, many of the people would not listen and just write which are entirely opposite even the editors on rediff. Shortcomings are easier for every one to notice and can not see how the current members of cabinet helped India progress at progress rate equivalent to China in tenure of 5 yrs.
Dr Singh and his cabinet who had lobbied Indians in USA and administration to get this deal through, which NDA was not even able to get on the table, and has brought India to officially enter Nuclear Club without even having NPT is a big achievement and can surely understand ur pt. It is good to see we have couple of few people like u in upcoming generation you care to think and make logical decision.
One needs to remind oneself that it was the same person whose economic reforms transformed India
The impact of these reforms may be gauged from the fact that total foreign investment (including foreign direct investment, portfolio investment, and investment raised on international capital markets) in India grew from a minuscule US $132 million in 1991-92 to $5.3 billion in 1995-96.
P.V. Narasimha Rao decided that India, which in 1991 was on the brink of bankruptcy, would benefit from liberalizing its economy. He appointed an economist, Dr. Manmohan Singh, a former governor of the Reserve Bank of India, as Finance Minister to accomplish his goals. This liberalization was criticized by many socialist Communists at that time.
Had they been in the same position then as they are today. They would have resorted to the same moaning and pissing we are seeing today.
RE:It shows how the legs of visionaries are broken and their eyes blinded in our country.
by huzefa hakimi on Jun 21, 2008 03:19 AM Permalink
True. Commies have made many things impossible, earlier they led obstacle to SEZ, than to privatization and now Nuclear Deal. Well still I think this govt with given limitation has achieved many good for country, which if not today may be tomorrow will be realized.
Some of the people wrote why does not current govt take help of BJP to get this deal around. May be people have forgotten that couple of weeks (when India got the initial process finalized with IEAE) back govt had approached Atal B. Vajapayee to foster support for it and response was lull. Well if later US administration does not entertain this deal, it will be surely a big loss.
Be with or withot N-Deal, this govt has had positive reforms initiated and hopefully will be realized today or tomorrow.
Why the guy did not quit when congress and NCP failed to save kashmiri pandits in Kashmir and stopping terrorism. Why the guy did not quit when AP CM YSReddy given 5% reservation to musalmaans in AP and lot of money to madarsaas to have computer and high speed internet. Why the guy did not quit when Congress Home minister encouraged pakistan to kidnap indian citizen to bargain the life of terrorist Afzal Guru by saying that the terrorist Afzal Guru can not be hanged if we want to save Sarabjeet.
So much damage to the country and hindus by muslim congress.
RE:Why he did not quit against muslim appeasement
by Sanjay Chawala on Jun 21, 2008 01:25 AM Permalink
Because he is an economist not a politician. He doesn't want India to loose on economic front at any cost and therefore, is focused on improving economy which is bringing changes to our lives, country and our outlook.
He wants to think beyond this Hindu-Muslim issues which have plagued us for so many years. Although they are important, these are so sensitive that they need to be handled with care and he alone cannot do it.
RE:Why he did not quit against muslim appeasement
by hiral joshi on Jun 21, 2008 01:32 AM Permalink
Those who want to think beyond H-M issue should not make statement of "minority first". He is first rate hypocrite and spineless. Economy is badly screwed under is able leadership so dont brag about it. Now inflation is ahead of growth figures.
RE:Why he did not quit against muslim appeasement
by Sanjay Chawala on Jun 21, 2008 01:44 AM Permalink
Economy is doing so much better with MMS in power. Inflation is primarily due to food and oil shortage which every country is facing.
Yes, minorities are looked after better under congress rule than BJP. And that is why now Advani is so focused on wooing muslims. So, who is a hypocrite here....congress or BJP?
BTW, MMS is not responsible for these decisions.....but he has to manage coalition. This is the same reason why Vajpayee was not able to do anything in Gujrat.....why don't you call him spineless?
RE:Why he did not quit against muslim appeasement
by farewriter on Jun 21, 2008 06:04 AM Permalink
I dont agree to the fact that congress is in favor of Minorities, because they have never allowed them to become educated or promote them towards basic education. They like to see muslims at the lowest and listen to their musical words and gain votes. Once all muslims get educated and vote rationally, many will start supporting BJP or any nationalistic party in india which can truly serve the country more than hypocratically. In gujarat, Modi got lot of support from Muslims in winning this election. FYI.
RE:Why he did not quit against muslim appeasement
by All Right on Jun 21, 2008 06:48 AM Permalink
Hey Chawla:
Economy is doing so much better?... you are an incorrigible optimist who when under a guillotine is happy that in a short while he's going to lose some weight.. But then you are entitled to your opinions.... and others to theirs..
Good. Let the Left take care of the oil price rise and soaring cost of energy with no option for alternative Nuclear energy.
These bunch of gutter thugs-as all left politician appears to be are simply life a bacteria infecting all weak and healthy and prevent good health of the economy.
Every small or big country near or far consider the Indian leadership gutless and have insulted and pissed on them at every occasion at every international event.
They have brought shame to every hard working educated Indian person all over the world, including our foreign ambassadors. In spite of India being such a big country and a power house of talent.
by isit notso on Jun 21, 2008 12:57 AM Permalink
are koi hai sun ne wala , mere desh ko bachao , please save from the spineless , gutless leeches who rule over us , and this without fail describes all politicians in India regardless of their party color. please koi bachao
I really want Mr. Singh to relinquish his job for two reasons. 1. It will prove that he was not worth while. 2. It will prove Congress party is good for nothing and will lead to a better options for political parties in India.