You have taken your time and now its Election time. Showing lesser inclination to PM seat now !! Manu we know this trick. At the time of Election Nation and National interests first. After elections Self and kith n kin first. Nation last.
RE:Resign now!! Manu we know this trick
by holydevil on Jun 20, 2008 09:15 AM Permalink
U r a shameless idiot....who really doesnt know anything about what this N-deal is and comes here and leaves a stupid senseless comment!!!!
The sooner he quits, the better it would be for the country.
No doubt, Congress is trying to blackmail the Communists. Many experts including several former Chiefs of Atomic Energy Commission have opined that India will be selling itself to US if it goes ahead with the 123 Nuclear Deal. But the Congress is hell bent on signing the agreement which is heavily loaded against the interests of the country. A detailed analysis of the text of the agreement and the Hyde Act will reveal even to an imbecile as to how US could armtwist India including making India to agree for any future sanctions against Iran.
Considering all these aspects, it would be better if this lameduck PM resigns and salvages at least some self respect.
RE:PM's Resignation
by dilip patnaik on Jun 20, 2008 09:20 AM Permalink
hope you are writing this without going into detail. you are repeating what CPI to say.
kam kar muh dho arram kar..your way of thinking is not going to impress any one
RE:PM's Resignation
by Anand YNI on Jun 20, 2008 09:41 AM Permalink
Dear Dilip,
Thanks for the comments.
I am NOT an expert on this subject but I read and try to understand what experts have to say on this issue.
Please open yesterday's Just in page and go to the heading, "DMK supports Nuclear Deal". I have written the detailed text of what the experts have said about the deal. If you still have any doubt whether I have gone through the matter, please get back to me. I will post another detailed analysis by another expert. If you are still not satisfied, I can send you yet another (or more) analysis. Please do not forget to write your e mail ID.
Let us not play gimmicks with this nuclear deal without examining its salient features whether it is in the best interest of our country or not! The Union Govt. had a very sufficient time at their disposal and if at all, they were so serious & keen to push through this deal, they could have gone for referendum when they were fully aware of stiff opposition of left parties against signing of this bill since very beginning. One should not forget that the left Parties are supporting this UPA lead Union Govt.on need based issues without being in the Ministry. The left parties have certain principles & stick to their ideologies. Had it not been, they could not have ruled the state like West Bengal for nearly half century!
RE:A nuclear deal.
by vibhore awasthy on Jun 20, 2008 09:24 AM Permalink
yes..and we know what bengal is right now. home of bandhs, strikes and violence. dont forget nandigram. left are one of the reasons of this country not prosperousing.
by MaKSo on Jun 20, 2008 09:44 AM Permalink
I think, Soniya is more involved in her family matters. Soniya aunty aap ko yaad dilana chahte hai ki hamara desh Bharat aap ko yaad kar raha hai..
by ghatotkach on Jun 20, 2008 09:08 AM Permalink
By your logic if all politicians of India go to Shirdi before elections all of them can become PM. interesting.. i hope prakash karat doesnt go to Shirdi.. :)
by Watchman on Jun 20, 2008 09:13 AM Permalink
if he does he needs to apologise to proletriat. ha ha ha ha bowing before man's dictums. Communism is OUT for ages now and these guys - old fart Bardhan, always frowning Raja, etc etc are arpund still
Prime Minister should act now and protect the interest of the nation. India can not progress in the present times without the support of international communities either to arrest terrorism, eliminate poverty and enrich the modern technology.
Communists have their own agenda - owned or outsourced. Their number has increased purely on the mercy of major parties in states as well as in center. In a democratic country there should not be any possibility to manipulate things and progress.
Right from the beginning the Congress party mismanaged our country's economy. They had no vision. They divided the people on the basis of caste and religion, sidelined all patriotic, intelligent men with vision to take the country forward, in order to perpetuate family rule. Instead of doing things good for the country, they were busy in perpetuating one family rule. It is PVN who gave a new face to the economy and ABV who gave a new thrust to the economy by encouraging ONGC to scout for oil wells in other countries, allowed private participation in exploring oil fields within the country. Congress failed in this respect and we are suffering for that. It is high time Congress party is thrown out of this country for ever.
RE:Nuclear Deal
by MaKSo on Jun 20, 2008 10:05 AM Permalink
But, i think you forget the disinvestment, BJP is main culprit of privatization of profit making PSUs. And one man who was Telecom Minister, even tried to sell the stste owned telecom giant to his Friends (Dhiru Baba & Company), a very big thanks to his big brother who killed him, otherwise don't know he had a plan to sell our country in 50% DISCOUNT.
RE:Nuclear Deal
by V S on Jun 20, 2008 09:03 AM Permalink
yes congress has screwed india in it's 4 yr of mis-rule. inflation is out of control ..all their garibi hatao schemes are a failure and stock market is in the dumps.
Dr.MMS threating now AT THE END OF HIS TERM to resign id N DEAL is not through.Alaughing stock. More MMS talk about this more he exposes himself as a arrogent men.It also raise suspision that WHY HE IS MAKING IT A PRESTIGE ISSUE? WHAT ARE HIS GAINS?WHY SO MUCH HURRY WHEN BOTH BUSH AND MMS ARE AT THE END OF A TERM? GOD SAVE FROM SUCH POLITICIAN.LET HIM RESIGN AND THEN AFTER DO NOT COME BACK TO PARLIAMENT.
RE:Earlier is better.So Be It.
by MaKSo on Jun 20, 2008 10:09 AM Permalink
In this way we can say MMS is a papet of Mrs. Soniya Gandhi's hand..until unless Soniya gives instructions, He is not even able to attend his natures call.
RE:Earlier is better.So Be It.
by ruchita on Jun 20, 2008 09:10 AM Permalink
He is not even Elected by people of India in 2003 elections, he is elected by corrupted politicians...who want to play the game of the at the end of his term he's looking for something to show that he's an PM OF INDIA...Ha...ha...what a PM...