It's "do or die " situation for UPA Government. Should Congress not go ahead with deal just because Left parties are opposing it, for appeasing China. Will it not be "irresponsible" on the part of Government not to think about India\'s future development? How will they face the electorate in case it does not go ahead with Nuclear deal, so critical for Power generation and also security scenerio in the region. PM is right in saying that He would prefer to resign instead. Left is doing No Good to this country, by opposing it. It seems they are more loyal to China than bothering about India. All parties irrespective of their political compulsions must come out strongly in favour of Deal, failing which patriotic Indians will never forgive them and they will have to pay heavy price for that.
RE:If a person has got a victory from Panchayat Elections, he knows the pain of poor people. But, our Prime Minister never contested a Panchayat / Parliament elections, how does he know the pain of Indian poor.
by sudhir on Jun 20, 2008 10:14 AM Permalink
your idiot karat also never fought an elections and still calls the shot. So shut up communist dog
PM first you quit you are not fit to rule india price of every thing has gone up like any think you are asking us to wait how long we can wait you and PC are unfit to rule this country better you go
RE:PM quit
by Yes We on Jun 20, 2008 10:20 AM Permalink
Honourable Prime Minister,
Your resignation has been accepted with immediate effect (we would have loved to do it with retrospective effect too!). When you became Prime Minister the nation was proud that a capable, clean and competent person has taken charge (though it was during your tenure as Finance minister (1991-96) that prices increased). We thought that you were beyond politics and politicking.
But alas, we are thoroughly shattered. You have buckled down to every pressure - be it on the Nuke deal, Petroleum pricing,taking on the Chinese (Arunachal then, Sikkim now), OBC quota, AIIMS, Ram Sethu..
It is clear that you are a helpless puppet dancing in different directions. No Cabinet minister seems to hear your opinion and views. There is utter chaos in the Union cabinet. Kamal Nath fighting with Chidambaram, Murali Deora with Chidambaram, Kapil Sibal vs Raja, Pranab is a separate satrap who thinks he is senior to you. Sharad Pawar does what he wants. Anbumani is vindictive and destroying even the semblance of order in Healthcare in India. TR Baalu openly accepts his pressure tactics on Public Sector to favour his sons.
There is no semblance of any governance.
You should have gone even within a year. It is not too late. Please go now. Good pension and perquisites are available for former PMs..
We will accept your resignation with full pride.So when are u putting up your papers?
Worry on the inflation rather than the nuke deal. Show more concerns towards inflations rather than succumbing under the US pressure. We would like to see a PM who says he will resign if the inflation goes beyond 9% rather than listen to the nonsense statement on nuke deal. How much are you going to be benefitted financially in the nuke deal?