Dear Friends, The last nuclear reactor installed in US was in 1979, if its a better form of power why US has not increased Nuke power generation, why they are promoting Wind and Solar energy. Why Congress doesnot declare the complete 123 agreement in front of the people if its good for the people of india. Why? Why? Why?
RE:When was the Last Nuclear Reactor installed in USA
by Lakshmanan on Jun 20, 2008 10:36 AM Permalink
What Marxisit is doing in their rules states is, comrades are taking law in their hands raping women, bombing houses, looting belongings of others, frightening and killing their opponents, etc.
Its very wise on Dr Manmohan Singh to go ahead with the deal. The pressure from Comrades is only becuase of its anti US stance and nothing more. Their view that there are burning issues like farmers loans, fertilizers to be tackled than the nuclear power.!! They do not see what is to be done for future..! Go ahead Dr Singh we will support you!
RE:Go ahead!!
by raj malhotra on Jun 20, 2008 10:28 AM Permalink
If UPA sign any agreement with USA , how will they please the community which are the main vote bank for congress. For them vote bank is more important than country's development. Everwhere we are lacking. During previous Govt. regime the rates of mobile hand set and mobile call down immensly, but since this govt. took over nothing happen. They makes only Committees and regulator but their reports dont come if something comes out they dont implement it. waha ri upa govt.
You do not come across such statements from PMs and that too from a persona like Mr Manmohan Singh. In life, if a person stands for his judgment and conviction, he deserves a chance.History is a great judge; what,as human beings, we can do is to keep the doors open. Let us go ahead with the nuclear deal with USA despite strong differences and contentious by-laws. Mistakes can be corrceted where as opportunities cannot be repeated.
RE:FM sunte raho!!! aank band karke vote daalthe raho!!
by Truly Indian on Jun 20, 2008 10:28 AM Permalink
abey paagal, aankh bandh karke itne din support kiya.. abi neendh se uta kya tum commies ??
RE:FM sunte raho!!! aank band karke vote daalthe raho!!
by raj malhotra on Jun 20, 2008 10:24 AM Permalink
election season is coming, now UPA will try to do some work for their own benefit for the sake of vote bank politics becuase the first four year was honeymoon period for the UPA Government. That is the main congress policy dont do anything till election comes
Mr Singh, What a shame you are. You are just threatening everyone with your negative attitude. And you are infact reflecting your own failure as the leader of the nation. You just found a lame reason to sum-up your own failure as a leader. Its sooner better than later you do it. So that we may have a someone with a back borne to the job.
RE:What a shame you are
by Visweshwar Ganesh on Jun 20, 2008 10:21 AM Permalink
shame on u padmavathi!! if you are typing this horrible comment today u must thank MM singh for his economic liberation policy. You have taken your freedom o expression for granted
RE:What a shame you are
by abi on Jun 20, 2008 11:11 AM Permalink
This kind of talk should not come from a top indian economist. He can fill the loopwholes in that agreement instead of accepting blindly as it is.
RE:What a shame you are
by shiva ns on Jun 20, 2008 10:32 AM Permalink
Mr.Ganesh, I agree with Padmavathi.... May be he has done economic liberation policy... thats long back.... not in last four years.. He is not the only one who can take credit of that success. But look at him as a PM for last four years. Has he done anything for country? More than his photo, Sonia was famous in media. For a to z, he has to beg permission from Sonia. that is shame as a PM. all chamcha giri for gaddi and such cheap dynastic politics from congis.. If now he can raise a voice against his own party, what he was doing for last four years. Its only crocodile tears for upcoming elections... nothing else
The congress should show maturity by going through with the deal even if it means early elections as the deal is india's best intrests as we will get the latest tech and our nuke reactors now running at 50% capacity due to lack of fuel can run at full capacity. and the communists are opposing this deal solely on the orders of their bosses from china. pls everyone throw the communists out of the lok sabha in the next elections. they ev played enough games with india s national intrests at a time wen we need to take strategic decisions to take our country forward
Mr.MM Singh Now u proved yourself.Sack out these italian and chinese spy workers and show ur power.All the best!!.soniya is only the party President and you are the PM.Communists are only paper tigers. U should treat them the same eway.
RE:Mr.MM Singh Now u proved yourself.Sack out these italian and chinese spy workers and show ur power.All the best!!.soniya is only the party President and you are the PM.Communists are only paper tigers. U should treat them the same eway.
by swedeshi on Jun 20, 2008 10:18 AM Permalink
Manmohansigh proved himself as a CIA agent too.
If Dr Manmohan Singh resigns he will get even more popular.he is responsible for transforming the economy of the nation. a no nonsence secular person.he makes us proud be an Indian.