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by vivek mittal on Jun 20, 2008 10:51 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

WE need more people like Mr Manmohal Singh to run our country

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by Gladiator on Jun 20, 2008 10:59 AM  Permalink
Dear Mr. PM,
Why don't you fire Mr. FM and take his job on your shoulders?

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PM should resign
by sameer surve on Jun 20, 2008 10:49 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

It would be better to resign rather than dance to the tunes of the Left, who have no intention of welfare for this country, only empty talks. Cong will gain more respect by relinquishing the power rathen than follow meekly the dictates of left for sake of the seats.And, Left will get a good lesson, they deserve not to be a part of the ruling govt. in any case.

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RE:PM should resign
by Hebbar R on Jun 20, 2008 10:57 AM  Permalink
The damage to the Congress is already done with the support they have taken from the Left for the last 4 years. In the next elections, it is probably not just the Left that could get a lesson from the aam aadmi.

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by fanie on Jun 20, 2008 10:46 AM  Permalink 

I appreciate our PM's commitment to the deal which is crucial to our energy needs.When all politicians think for thier self interests we have a leaders like Manmohan whi thinks for country

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by Sugata Ray on Jun 20, 2008 10:46 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

While anti-China, anti-communist stands are surely fine within a democratic setup, it is curious that why we so confidently accept certain thing like a religious belief without giving much logical thought to it. Why it is so that the Chinese Govt's statements are always false (there are certainly few such cases) while what US says are always true (do I need to mention that in how many cases they said blunt lies..Iraq for example?). Similarly, why we so clearly accept that this deal is truly very positive for us? It is more or less accepted that alternative sources of energy is must but is it nuclear energy only? Even USA has only 19% of its energy from this. Nuclear waste disposal is a big problem. Now, for India scientists say that even with the deal we will produce maximum 9% of our need by 2020. Additionally, Hyde act says that India has to align with US in Iran question, no nuclear tests are allowed, fast breeder reasearch is restricted which might allow us to use thorium (India has 24% of world reserve). We will not be able to use money for research or Thorium mining but spend a lot of money for buying reactors, equipments and many warmachines from US companies. The Iran gasline is naturally dumped. Moreoever, Australia recently stated that it won't provide U fuel to India unless it signs NPT. So, is it reality that we will anyway win by it? The lefts are blindly anti-US but aren't we blindly pro-US then? So, they are slaves of China, and we are slaves of US? Wondering..

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by Tridib Sarma on Jun 20, 2008 11:08 AM  Permalink
It is not about being anti-china or pro-US. Did these communists show any kind of patriotism during the Indo china war in 1962 ? They have the policy of anti-US all the times regardless of what is good for India. The deal will put India in the world map as a responsible nuclear power nation. In this age, no country will dare to fight using nuclear bombs, in case of war, after seeing the Hiroshima. Now nuclear power should be used as an alternative energy source, may be it 5%, 10% of total need of India, whatever. Because this deal will affect china, thus Pakistan, Myanmar and Bangladesh, should not India go ahead with this deal ? China signed a similar kind of treaty a few years ago, why not India.

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by fun guy on Jun 20, 2008 10:57 AM  Permalink
Beautiful comment

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by Haramohan Ray on Jun 20, 2008 10:48 AM  Permalink
Good observations.

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by sudhir on Jun 20, 2008 11:04 AM  Permalink
Mr Commie,

How much has u r communist govt developed WB ruling it un-interrupted for 30 years

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by Sugata Ray on Jun 20, 2008 11:13 AM  Permalink
Firstly, I don't take commie as an insult. it is just another ideology, some may like it while some may not. UN doesn't say that being a comminist is criminal. So, you attempt to insult fails.

Question of WB is irrelevant here but that is common in this rediff replies. Anyway, I may still say that the situation in WB is still better than your neoliberal capitalist driven Africa or Latin America or even some EU nations. Do you know that even after 60 years of independence India stands at 128th place in the UN's HD report among 177 countries? So, what exactly capitalist system provided in terms of development in last 60 years, sir?

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Nuclear Issue
by Jayaraman .T.S on Jun 20, 2008 10:46 AM  Permalink 

Rather than consenting to head a Govt cobbled together by the so called democratic parties having divergent views and vested interests,no ethics and morals, Mr.Singh should have quit the post long back as he is forced to carry on without any authority or self esteem.After all,Politics is for people without ethics.

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Mr.Manmohan, Its too sad that peoples are insulting a person like u for the nonsnse done by soniya & Co.So Its better to leave with strong descision and to keep ur prestige.all the best
by Ravan Raj on Jun 20, 2008 10:44 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Mr.Manmohan, Its too sad that peoples are insulting a person like u for the nonsnse done by soniya & Co.So Its better to leave with strong descision and to keep ur prestige.all the best

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Let him ....
by Haramohan Ray on Jun 20, 2008 10:43 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Let hin resign. If you have to depend on someone else for survival, you have to accommodate their feelings. There is no logic crying over somebody else's refusal to move from their own stand - right or wrong.

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RE:Let him ....
by Sohail Khan on Jun 20, 2008 10:48 AM  Permalink

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RE:Let him ....
by Haramohan Ray on Jun 20, 2008 10:49 AM  Permalink
Ha ha - good one!!

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RE:Let him ....
by MaKSo on Jun 20, 2008 10:47 AM  Permalink
Jane wale ko kabhi koi rok paya hai...

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Governmnet must 'decentralize' 604 districts into states.
by usa on Jun 20, 2008 10:42 AM  Permalink 

Due to the intrinsic cultural diversity, it is difficult to 'productively' govern (legislate,administer,justice) more than 2 million citizens.

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Thanks for Leaving India from trouble
by kesavan subramaniam on Jun 20, 2008 10:40 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Thank you very much Mr. PM enough to work for US after retirement go and settle there if u like US. Dont put country in trouble. In this four year acheivement u r cancelling existing plan Indo-Iran Oil deal enough sir please stop this and take rest.

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RE:RE:Thanks for Leaving India from trouble
by abhishek on Jun 20, 2008 10:48 AM  Permalink
Do you even know about the agreement?
It is the best thing that could have happened for India in current scenarios, and its a deal with US alright but it will open avenues for India to get nuclear fission material from other countries.

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RE:Thanks for Leaving India from trouble
by DAWA JACOB on Jun 20, 2008 10:54 AM  Permalink
i believe the nuclear deal is in the best interest of India.we Indians have the tendency to over react to every thing.this time we can trust US,caus US WNT LIKE CHINA BEING A POWER HOUSE IN THE REGION.

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RE:Thanks for Leaving India from trouble
by Zomiee on Jun 20, 2008 10:43 AM  Permalink
Kesvan just like his commie brother have proved that he is also a chinese agent.

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RE:Thanks for Leaving India from trouble
by Haramohan Ray on Jun 20, 2008 10:46 AM  Permalink
This is pure insult - you cannot question one's patriotism just ecause he does not like America. The world knows the diabolical designs of the USA.

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RE:Thanks for Leaving India from trouble
by DAWA JACOB on Jun 20, 2008 10:46 AM  Permalink
I think the PM wnt be able to lay the pipes for the Indo-Iran Oil deal...
Its the most difficult thing any Indian PM can ever achieve.Indians are only worthy of having Corrupt Leaders.

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