MMSingh, we like to see you resign now, if you have guts. You are making the drama at the end of the term. You look very very cheap. You run Govt with endless criminals.
RE:MMSingh: Better you resign now.
by USamanta on Jun 20, 2008 11:01 AM Permalink
Another Drama is going on. Good honeymoon between Comunists and Sonia.
RE:MMSingh: Better you resign now.
by Srinivas on Jun 20, 2008 11:03 AM Permalink
Shut up you idiot!! What the hell you know of Dr Singh, a man of highest order of integrity and wisdom. Why do you post cheap comments like this ???
haha. very nice politics. He knows 5 years almost going to complete. Congress try to impress to people int the name of nuclear deal. Congress think it will help next election but mr manmoham we are not fool
RE:A nuclear deal.
by Amit Phatak on Jun 20, 2008 10:58 AM Permalink
you must have slept all this time.. what do you think the LEFT's decision is going to be?
The latest Nuke Reactor installed in USA was on 1979, why havent US installed more reactors if they are cheap and clean form of energy. Why more than 27% of US energy is comming from Wind and Solar. Whay is the PM so keen on the Nuke deal why is he bending to US pressure. Think
RE:Last Nuke Reactor installed is usa
by K Sathyanarayana on Jun 20, 2008 11:17 AM Permalink
We won't think. We always appreciate any foreign country, especially US. We want to be slave of any foreign country. So is our PM and his party is trying hard to put us into another slavery i,e, of US.
These are exactly the words that some of the PM's colleagues would like to hear.
Besides, the PM seems to be thinking of getting out of the way before election as the Congress and UPA is likely to loose and the blame should not be on the PM. This threat by the PM is therefore a very well thought out strategy. MMS has indeed metamorphosed into a politician.
I do not know about nuclear deal but I feel we (INDIA) are not enough strong and making our nation strong is utmost priority.
Take the decision that is good for INDIA future. I am sure rest things (withdrawal of Left support, your own image, political situation after taking decision etc) will be history one day.
RE:Thanks a lot Dr.Prime Minister Ji
by Act First on Jun 20, 2008 11:01 AM Permalink
My dear friend, you are writing this message using internet and enjoying all fruits of globalisation only because of P.V.Naramsiha Rao and ManMohan singh. Otherwise you wills till use Ambasssador and never working land line phone.
He is one of the best PM India seen who is respected by world leaders.
The present situation is not only India's issue. In srilanka petrol prices iis 127 IRS. If BJP or some "so called great partoies" has any graet plans to get out of this global commotion, let them come out wit their plans. We don't want preachers, but we want doesr. Manmohan sing did 1. Opened the dopors of India 2. RTI act(Even UN acknowledged that) 3. Rural employment bill. 4. The Nuclear deal( I am sure no PM hs the guts to talk with US guys as manmohan singh did. All other will either shy away or trumble)
These are land mark achievements.
So now its time for BJP to come out and support this deal and get this nation out of the blck mailing tactics of Left