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Best step for this corrupt and ungratefu nation
by pramodm on Jun 20, 2008 11:37 AM  Permalink 

We want goondas, murders, regionalists, communalists as leaders. Not good, honest and efficient.

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by shankar aurade on Jun 20, 2008 11:37 AM  Permalink 

MMS PLS RESIGN. If you think this deal is in interest of India take a big decision now.

this will show your boldness & firm commitment on nuclear deal.

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Get lost
by Indrajit M on Jun 20, 2008 11:34 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Very good decision! Quit as early as possible

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RE:Get lost
by raj on Jun 20, 2008 02:50 PM  Permalink
china has signed 123 agreement with usa, and they have nuclear energy from bsg. they have broken the NPT and aupplied arms to pak. but chian doesnt want ndia to sign 123 so that india doesnt have energy. commies in india are sick.

when china attacked india in the 60s, commies in india celebrated. sick flastards!

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Time for Soniaji
by Jelly beans on Jun 20, 2008 11:34 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

It is anyway high time for Dr. MMS to step down & Soniaji to become PM of India. Rahulji can become Dy. PM. Only Soniaji can handle the situation in this hour of crisis ably assited by Rahulji.

Take on the mantle of PMship now Soniaji and be sure that we indians will vote for you as PM in the forthcoming LS elections.

All the best Soniaji & Rahulji.

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RE:Time for Soniaji
by rajesh on Jun 20, 2008 11:41 AM  Permalink
dear, jelly beans go and lick congress people's asses.. shame on u. u sonia ji is in power and just what is our countries position now. when they took charge petrol was 38RS and now it is 60RS... can't this enough to kick their backs, bloody hell

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RE:Time for Soniaji
by Piyush Gupta on Jun 20, 2008 11:47 AM  Permalink
Do not worry. Even today, Soniaji only is (mis)handling all these issues. So no difference is unlikely. The scene when Soniaji is PM and Rahulji Dy PM is likely to remain a dream as Rahul Baba cannot win even a MP's election outside the selected safe constituencies and Congress otherwise is already in ICU.

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RE:Time for Soniaji
by pramodm on Jun 20, 2008 11:51 AM  Permalink
how many elections vajpayee won for BJP?

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RE:RE:Time for Soniaji
by simple on Jun 20, 2008 11:51 AM  Permalink
Instead we can ask the Italian Prime Minister or Pope to take over the administration of India.

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RE:Time for Soniaji
by harsha kumar on Jun 20, 2008 11:39 AM  Permalink
How much did u get form congress for writing this supportive message

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To Left, Take Right..!
by Nanda, Blr on Jun 20, 2008 11:30 AM  Permalink 

N-Deal is very important for india's ever growing energy needs...deal should go ahead...
If u guys continue to oppose N deal, we, people of the country will not forgive u guys... this will be d last time, representing left in lok sabha... u wil not get a single vote... Get out of d country and go to china....

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doesn't fit the bill at all...
by adi sap on Jun 20, 2008 11:29 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

May be he is not corrupted personally, but bowing down to pressure on crucial national matters, without any proper thought about the future of this country, makes him even more dangerous than a corrupt person. He may be polite and clean, but certainly not bold, efficient and upright to himself...He knows that he is not efficient to be a PM and so should not have taken up the post...whatz the point in resigning now after the damage is done to the fullest extent. Let him continue till the term finishes...

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RE:doesn't fit the bill at all...
by unknown on Jun 20, 2008 11:33 AM  Permalink
what are you trying to convey in your message..
what is your qualification to post a message like this here..

have you ever seen his resume ?

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RE:open fact
by Hemant Kumar on Jun 20, 2008 11:31 AM  Permalink
If only injustice is required to produce terrorists, fundamenatlist countries like Iran, Pakistan, Afghnistan and Saudi Arabia would be full of terrorist Christians, Hindus and Sikhs you idiot. Look within to seek the real answer, pal.

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RE:open fact
by rajesh on Jun 20, 2008 11:35 AM  Permalink
abey oh, muslim ke lule. u don't have any rights to comment on my country and hindus. why are u here in india??go and live in your country. this is HINDUSTAN and not MUSLIMSTAN/ISLAMSTAN. shame on u people. mehmaan banke hamare desh mein ayein ho,mehmaan jaise hi rahna, nahin tho kaat dalengey

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RE:open fact
by Mahavir on Jun 20, 2008 11:37 AM  Permalink
Bhaktar Ahamed Jeahdi (aka TRUE muslim )
Terrotist are not made because of injustice.They are made by brainwashing them from the early childhood. Making them beleive that thier God wants all Kafirs to be Killed - by killing Kafirs they will be rewarded after life.
You very well know that yourself.
Want a reference from

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Nuke deal- what you may not know
by suneera rahman on Jun 20, 2008 11:27 AM  Permalink 

The nuke deal is already signed; I wonder how come media do not know this.
It was the need for all the big industrial consumers of electricity and non-nuclear weapon dealers and their middlemen in India (who can not be distinguished separateley from the new generation recruits like Tom Vatakkan etc)..
Till a situation comes that it has to be announced in public, CPM has to cling to power..

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The country is safe in the hands of ''neeli pagri wala''
by Deepak Chawla on Jun 20, 2008 11:27 AM  Permalink 

I believe that Dr Singh is playing his cards right. If he believes that the deal is in the best interest of India, then he should go ahead with it, no matter what is the outcome. It does not matter whether teh govt remains or falls, and people will remember him as "the good doctor"

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RE:Hi Friends
by Jelly beans on Jun 20, 2008 11:30 AM  Permalink
Hi priya. I want to take u from up front & back. U will luv it i promise. Do say yes & give me ur id.

Urs truly,
Jelly beans

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