RE:When did we appreciate good men?
by raj on Jun 20, 2008 11:50 AM Permalink
manmohan singh could have been a good leader, if he weren't tethered to 10 janpath.
This MMS is nothing but the face for Italian Lady. this neuclear deal is his but italian lady's illeagal child. she wants to destroy indias freedom in neuclear field. Freedom to do reasearch, building our own plants. Testing the neuclear weapon. Reuse of neuclear fuel are some point which needs to give attention.
by Tridib Sarma on Jun 20, 2008 11:47 AM Permalink
What about the Communists, chinese illegal children in India, throwing over the borders ?
by JUSTIN GEORGE on Jun 20, 2008 11:47 AM Permalink
Have you gone thru the details of the deal......don't speak of things you don't the Gist of per the leading journalists of this is a way forwrd and will help gaining many ways....other than what the always Grumbling BJP thinks......
by Sadhak on Jun 20, 2008 11:51 AM Permalink
Deal needed true nationalist analysis. this communist and congresses are prochina and pro usa. we need people who are proindia.
RE:Left parties knew well that when they begin to sleep, Manmohan Singh and Chidambaram will take their working tools again.
by raj on Jun 20, 2008 02:50 PM Permalink
china has signed 123 agreement with usa, and they have nuclear energy from bsg. they have broken the NPT and aupplied arms to pak. but chian doesnt want ndia to sign 123 so that india doesnt have energy. commies in india are sick.
when china attacked india in the 60s, commies in india celebrated. sick flastards!
Rediff when u block id and censor then why not say so !Speciaaly when a member vishnu sharma when I demand Social Security for Indian Society want me dead and put in concentration camp then do I hv any right to answer or not !And yes vishnu sharma if by hanging me and putting me in concemtration camps for ever Infdian Socirty gets justice and Social Security as america practices for its citizerns then do hang me or put me in concentration camps I am ready to be hanged !
prime minister of our country is the head of the government as per indian constitution which is xerox copy of brtish constitution. we respect our prime minister, we also respect apj kalam, our former head of state. if these persons in authority have to depend on persons of the ilk of yechuri, karat, bardhan, lalu etc who spend sleepless nights thinking how to develop india and how to remove poverty,it will be more appropriate india should cease to be a multiparty parliamentary democracy, india needs a ruthless dictator at the center who can send these holy characters to the holier than cow jails in andaman islands.
They put off the deal for as long as it took to stay in power. Now that General elections are around and with runaway inflation getting worse and still slated to worse, Congress thinks this is the right time to bow out claiming a moral highground and also avoid the public ire over continuing inflation. They know that things will get worse nd if BJP wins more seats in coming state elecctions, Political pressure by allies and rising inflation will kill them completely. The current Nuclear deal cannot be legalized by Bush administration now and if Obama wins, the non-proliferation lobby will get more teeth to call it off. The damage is done. Jingoistic posturing now is more an attempt to divert public attention from inflation and washing one's hands off the responsibility in a face saver to minimize damage that they will suffer the next general elections.
RE:Nice stunt by Singh and Sonia.....
by Vikas Bhatt on Jun 20, 2008 11:43 AM Permalink
Last time he challenged Left on the nuclear deal he backed down shamelessly and continued in power for a eyar saying one had to deal with Life's dissappointments. I don't think this puppet yet ahs the guts to resign and even if he does. It is too late. The deal is as agood as dead. Congress stayed one more year in power and as a result and with increasing BJP rise, inflation and allies presure, is only likely to do more bad with every passingd ay leading to the next Lok Sabha elections. It's a case now of Deal or nod eal in political survival.
RE:Finally Mannu Got It Right!!!
by mahe on Jun 20, 2008 11:42 AM Permalink
The prime minsters of the sub continent have always been under pressure from the US. No country in the sub continent has the lungs to go againts the US and if they do then we all know what to two Pakistani ex-PMs who lost their lifes
People till the time we dont find leader we will always be like this,No congress No BJP. But true leader like Mr Sardar patel.This is the only solution.
Mr Ramvilas paswan talks of national intrest people must ask him why price control on other pharma medicine and not on Vovurgen from Novartis?
all this are really shameless creatures
This left,bsp,dmk,dmk,jds are worst than beggars really opportunist.
RE:RE:Our country needs leader
by seenu on Jun 20, 2008 11:48 AM Permalink
we have to take all these on a plane and drop in Bay of Bengal .... the Country will have peace..