It is a shame that he wants to quit on Nuclear deal (which he knews from the starting that LEft parties will not support him) rather than quitting when he was signing Reservations issue and dividing the society on caste, creed and religion. Even after studing at high level universities, he is still a beliver of old caste, creed and religion division.
So we welcome his resignation on any ground but he must go.
They used to say that there is only one "mard" in the congress party - Indira Gandhi. The situation is more or less the same today. SOniaji is the only "mard" not only in the congress party but also any other party in india. She represents the true "Bahu" as is shown in our gujarati serials who gives her everything to the home & salvages the sanctity of the home in the most adverse conditions with her sincerity & ability. She really has admirable qualities, something which we people can imbibe. We are proud of you soniaji.
by rajesh on Jun 20, 2008 12:08 PM Permalink
shut up u bloody madorc**d mona... go and jump from your building. inflation is 11.05%, what is your soniaji's answer for this???
by parvinder on Jun 20, 2008 12:12 PM Permalink
wow .. what a quality sonia has ? has she ever won any elections ? has she ever spoken any speech from her own mind? has she ever applied her brains on any problem on india?
She got just one quality that she is from Gandi family and nothing else.
If she is so brilliant ask her to come and have discussion on the Indian issues LIVE with any opposition leader on TV.
by Bakwaas on Jun 20, 2008 12:09 PM Permalink
yeah...hiding in 10 Janpath. Not giving even one interview to any news channel or person. Never preparing her own speeches. Does not understand our language...Just because someone is Silent does not mean they are Wise. She is in politics because her kids are not able to get a foothold. thats the reason why she did not take up PM post and is just whiling away time till Rahul grows up (god knows when)
by RRAMESH on Jun 20, 2008 12:14 PM Permalink
Whenever cong comes to power inflation will rise.This is my observation.Inflation is is created by cong in the process of their making money in the election year.They know how to control also.After their kitty is filled inflation will come down,then election will be held.
COngress tried to play the game of delaying the karnatake polls by giving week arguments and still ended up loosing not just elections but there face.
Now Sonia is trying to delay the polls with the same logic. They would anyway loose with or without the deal...but may gain some respect and urban votes by going ahead with the deal. Best of all, the deal is good for India wheter congress gets it or BJP
RE:PM wants to quit over nuclear deal
by parvinder on Jun 20, 2008 12:13 PM Permalink
as congress got the culture of doing DRAMAS, even Mannu got the same habit .. so it is an another DRAMA - a LIVE REALITY SHOW.
The left calculation is simple. Milch Cong as much as possible and then pull the rug. The countdown for Gen election is nearing. BJP is in strong foot hold. They know in the next Gen Elections, NDA will come back again. Also left needs its base in tact. So they have to make some issue, not to support US under any circumstances. If the Nuke deal is from China or Russia, it would have been OK for them.
So just keep the coalition going as rough as possible without pulling the support. Now the UPA Govt is in "Ventitator". Next is ....
This is the only opportunity to milch the unholy Cow.
Like the Cong, the Stock market has also been kept unde ventilator. One negative statement from left , Sensex collapses and the left will buy stock. Then another positive statement from them will affect the so called "market sentiment" will pull up the sensex. So they made their money ... easy money. Public money is is transferred to political pockets. Like this 5-6 times, all market funds will get transferred to polititians and when the funding is over, elections will be declared.
Be ware !!! blood bath in stock market is on its way ... shortly, very shortly.. Better clean up your portfiolio and get ready to pick shares on that holy day. So that you go along with political sentiments and not loose further money. Don't contribute to the political funding.
RE:Left & Right ... Cong in Thrishanku ...
by ANJAN MUKHERJEE on Jun 20, 2008 12:24 PM Permalink
Left will bein a tight situation. Either indirectly lead NDA to come in power by not supporting Neuclear Deal or adopt some face saving method thru' mediator Sri Pranab Mukherjee for the time being. Anyway they will be out of power as they failed to fulfil peoples aspiration. Congress will gain if they are able to strengthen the hands of PM, Sri Manmohan Singh.
I think let him quit. That's the best thing at this hour, because he is more concern of his prestige outside, but is not concern with the negative aspects of the deal. I am not concern of the role Left has to play, but The nuclear deal should be according to our need, not according to their rule. If the PM is so keen to work on the deal, then he should also address the concern in the deal & should be brave enough to explain about the nature of the deal to the people of this country. If that can be done then it's fine, otherwise no need of him continuing as the PM because if he goes, someone better competent than him can occupy the chair & safeguard the interest of our country.
The BJP should keep aside differences and have some of its MPs vote for the deal or for the govt if the communists move a no confidence motion agains the government. it will get some milage out of this for the coming lok sabha elections for sure...
RE:i hope BJP will provide the necessary support for vote on floor of loksabha
by ANJAN MUKHERJEE on Jun 20, 2008 12:47 PM Permalink
Will BJP vote against Nuclear Deal if tabled by the left or abstain from voting.