Mr. Singh has failed on all counts.He is more concerned about his personal prestige , and not about India's. Somebody who matters in Congress or a ginger gropu within the Party should ask him to step down. He is a baggage.His exit can do only good.
RE:PM may resign
by ashok kumar on Jun 20, 2008 01:03 PM Permalink
Well, MMS hasnt failed on all counts....nuke deal, India-US defence pact, increase in SEZs, Delhi-Mumbai industrial corridor, airport modernization, freight corridor etc are achievements of this government...MMS deserves some kudos for pushing all these things....
These communists are mentaly corrupt. And always against the national interest. If communists are so keen then why do not they ask their chinese mentors to handover over our illegally occcupied land in Tibet. On these issues they never open their mouth.
RE:Communist mentally corrupt
by Sameer Bhagwat on Jun 20, 2008 01:01 PM Permalink
support Communist movement..It is going to make a global superpower like beijing china in their hour of need
RE:BJP was asking Bharat Ratna; BJP was stalling Parliament. BJP was attacking and trying to kill the Left leadership. A good party for nothing.
by MP Raju on Jun 20, 2008 01:04 PM Permalink
Hello Sahadevan :)
RE:BJP was asking Bharat Ratna; BJP was stalling Parliament. BJP was attacking and trying to kill the Left leadership. A good party for nothing.
by pradeep kumar on Jun 20, 2008 01:15 PM Permalink
Well said Raju...that chap cannot hide his ID even when he roams in his arch enemy's skin.
RE:BJP was asking Bharat Ratna; BJP was stalling Parliament. BJP was attacking and trying to kill the Left leadership. A good party for nothing.
by All Right on Jun 20, 2008 01:13 PM Permalink
Who is Bharat Ratna? Why was BJP asking him? What was BJP asking him?
It is high time the PM should go ahead with Nuke Deal to save India from future miseries of powerless nation. If left leaves and the Govt goes let it be. then the PM will not be to blame for it instead of going without taking a decision. Col Chaha
pm shud hv resigned months ago on this issue its too late now, h'ever to save what little prestige he has in himself he shud sign the deal, he will recover some respect of the nation, to counter his puppet image. he shud n't care for the commies, they are useless rabble rousers,without an iota of dignity in them. my vote is for the pm to sign let the left topple his govt.he will get the trust of the nation.
infamous commie quisling mr sahadevan k.k bcoz of his cowardly nature has arrived in the "FAKE" name of "IMPERIALIST"..wherever you c him plz attack as commies are very dangerous and are planning to sell sikkim and arunachal to china
The Piddu , Mohan and Sonia should immolate themselves to save the country after owningup the responsibility and their failure to control prices. They should be publicly flogged
by CatchTwentyTwo on Jun 20, 2008 01:01 PM Permalink
You guys should immolate yourself and should be publicly flogged as well. Why dont you realize that inflation is creeping up in every developing country due to high gas prices and high demand for food and energy caused especially by us Indians and the Chinese.
Whether it is Congress or any other Govt., Nuclear Deal is in larger interest of India. It can be a major step in achieving the energy security in future. India has all the technical expertise to harness neclear energy but no access to nuclear fuel. This dela will close this gap and it can bring dramatic changes in the energy scenario in coming years in face of depleting oil sources. In absence of this alternative India is likely to hit a major roadblock towards becoming a prosperous & industrialized nation. So whatever dirty politics may be going on among the political parties or within congress party, we as citizens must support it.
Truly speaking, none of the political parties want Parliamentary Election to be held soon after fall of the Union Govt. lead by Dr.Singh after withdrawing support of Left Parties.All of them want that the UPA lead Union Govt.& Parliament should complete its full term including left parties as well. So, all the stalwarts of UPA lead Union Govt.will try to find ways & means hard for it and see that nuclear deal issue may defer for time-being till they find ways & means to save the prestige of the UPA lead Union Govt. as well as deal issue too. Nevertheless to mention, it is an old saying that let stick not be broken & snake dies. It is the same thing that the politicians will do. Let us wait & watch its outcome!