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Mera Bharat Mahan
by swapnil saurav on Jun 20, 2008 01:27 PM  Permalink 

PM wants to quit over nuclear deal... and no concern for soaring Inflation rate... Mera Bharat Mahan

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Safe Exit for Mr. Economist
by Sanjeev Kumar on Jun 20, 2008 01:26 PM  Permalink 

He wants a safe exit. Very shrewd politician. Before the nation throw him out due to rising inflation and terrorism he wants to go at his own. Very clever politician.

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Yechury & karat like traitors should be made naked & exposed of their evil design!!!
by S Narain on Jun 20, 2008 01:26 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Pakistan is going ahead with nuclear deal with China for their Kahuta plant...the emnemies of India & base for terrorism in the world..

This is never opposed by Karat & co... in fact they support the deal as they are traitors..

Yechury & Karat never won even a municipal election and plotted to throw out the vetran leader Jyoti Basu from Politbureau of CPM ..

These fellows have befooled the gullible Bongs & showed finger like Greg Chappel to Somnath Da when he wanted to contest vice President post...CPM is power by Bengal but all plum position are hijacked by rootless fellows like Yechury & Karat...

What a great fooling to bongs !!!!the so called intellectuals

Wkae up India& wake up bengal before it is too late ,,

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RE:RE:Yechury & karat like traitors should be made naked & exposed of their evil design!!!
by Great Khali on Jun 20, 2008 04:32 PM  Permalink
Please, for God's sake, don't inflict this torture on Indian minds. What will happen to all the culture that we have grown up with? The BJP will oppose your actions as they are against India's rich heritage.
But if you were to go ahead and do what you proposed, be sure that the designs you may see will not be acceptable. You may actually find that they bear a similar resemblance to the Chinese underneath, but only look like Indians outside.

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Dead Deal?
by pradeep kumar on Jun 20, 2008 01:24 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

MMS should put pressure on Sonia and the party.
The deal was made after hard and tough discussions. There is no justification in dumping it now. Those who participated in the exaspering discussion might feel let down as the present deal is the best one we could hope for. Leave the Left and BJP alone. They are opposing it for their own reasons.

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RE:Dead Deal?
by pradeep kumar on Jun 20, 2008 01:46 PM  Permalink
Both of them worked for India... not for their masters in the name of Imperialism or any ..isms.

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Be Brave and Go ahead
by nitin sachdeva on Jun 20, 2008 01:24 PM  Permalink 

Cmon MMS.. Be Brave and go ahead... 1st time since u became the PM, U have shown some good intent and i hope this time, u'll stuck to this. It wud be a gr8 gift fr the people of this nation.... SO...... PLS QUIT
PLssssssssssssss QUIT

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Right decision...
by Josyula Murthy on Jun 20, 2008 01:21 PM  Permalink 

It is 100% right decision by this PM. After he has become, the inflation has shooted up too high and uncontrollable. Even though he is PM, it is name sake and is not capable to to cotrol the situations. Simple example is the Petrol Hike. Where the real cost of the Petrol is 25 Rupees, He is selling the Petrol at 58 Rupees. He is uncapable to reduce the unnecessary taxes except increasing the prices and screwing up the people !!!.

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PM wants to quit
by The Goodwill on Jun 20, 2008 01:14 PM  Permalink 

PM is likely to my wife who always warn me to go her Parent's home but never goes , PM always warn for resignation but never tendered .

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bye bye PM
by Soodhra Vessy on Jun 20, 2008 01:13 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Yes, alright, very correct and bravo..no...no..no...not bravo.

India is a great country, it doesn't need spineless Prime Minister, corrupt President, Foreign-brained Super Prime Minister and Poopie Congress Govt.

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RE:bye bye PM
by devdass on Jun 20, 2008 01:23 PM  Permalink
But India needs power and 123 deal is the best option. One thing India does not need is Left. BJP should act in the interest of the nation and support the deal. It will do good to all concerned!

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The Commies are the biggest sycophants!
by kabir sachdev on Jun 20, 2008 01:12 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I firmly believe that both the BJP and the Congress work in the larger interest of the people of India, though in slightly different ways. The Left on the other hand is a pain in the ass of any party who has to collaborate with them. Even though the Prime Minister has been somewhat weak in the whole scheme of things, I think he has now made up his mind to assert himself on the one issue he really felt strongly about. He either quits or the government will try to go through with this deal. We must respect the man for his brilliance and spotlessly clean image rather than pull him down for his flaws. The people at large can never really be satisfied no matter who is ruling so its time to introspect and make sure we become responsible citizens ourselves first.

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RE:The Commies are the biggest sycophants!
by Srinivas R on Jun 20, 2008 01:24 PM  Permalink
Correction - Congress work in the larger interest of the MUSLIM people of India - Dr. Manmohan Singh

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RE:The Commies are the biggest sycophants!
by arp on Jun 20, 2008 01:21 PM  Permalink
Left is worry on nuke deal becoz it labled the name of USA.here left tataly failed in check the inflation which direct hurt common ppl.Left is enjoying power without accountability.

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