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by Praveen on Jun 20, 2008 01:48 PM  Permalink 

china has intruded sikkim & arunchal pradesh not less than 70 times as sources fm a leading news channel. y is that cpi not coming up with a single statement condemning congress for allowing such intrusions.. if our PM who had come on national tv for explaining the reason for hike in petro rises is so concerned abt nation & ppl, wht is the big deal in going ahead of the n-deal even if it invites instability in the govt. who is necessary for PM - ppl or his party??? (if he really believes in what he commented on the national tv.)Passion for politics vl make u corrupt as well as dishonest to his own fly members & our PM is not different

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RE:Chaprasi who served the 10 Janpath.......
by kamalesh vasudeva on Jun 20, 2008 01:58 PM  Permalink
ha;.. a a... LOL...

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Aage Badho Man Mohan Ji
by Manish Airy on Jun 20, 2008 01:39 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

The country will remember you with lot more respect after you demit PM's office on the N-deal. Dump the useless leftists & move on. With crude prices rising to $200 / bbl soon, Nuclear power is the only answer to energy needs. These communists will never understand the situation emerging out of the potential crisis in the energy scenario. Not one but lets go ahead & set up atleast minimum total 20,000 MW cap. nuclear power generation. Forget coal, NG etc. as fuel for this cap. You alone could save the country from a disasterous downturn in the economy. May God give you strength to hit those opposed to you.

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RE:Aage Badho Man Mohan Ji
by All Right on Jun 20, 2008 01:53 PM  Permalink

Wrong. The country doesn't remember any Congressi except the ones ending in Gandhi....

Remember a certain Mr. Narsimha Rao?

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RE:Aage Badho Man Mohan Ji
by Vikrant Athavale on Jun 20, 2008 01:59 PM  Permalink
Thats what stands for I in Congress the Gandhi Family only Congress(I)
Rahul baba is the PM in waiting

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RE:Aage Badho Man Mohan Ji
by Vikas Bhatt on Jun 20, 2008 02:16 PM  Permalink
Actually Manish the Communists understand the situation all too well. More crude rates means more expensive power and essential commodities, more inflation leading to more poverty alround making them relevant by which theyc an continue having power with more poor people around so theyc an pretend to fight for their cause and continue existing.....

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RE:Aage Badho Man Mohan Ji
by Dipak Bose on Jun 20, 2008 01:56 PM  Permalink
One cannot drive one's car with nuclear power.
India does not use oil to produce electricity, in fact very few countries do.
India gets 98 percent of the electricity from coal and hydro.

Thus, crude oil price has nothing to do with nuclear Deal with USA, which aims to take away nuclear weapons.

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RE:Aage Badho Man Mohan Ji
by Manish Airy on Jun 20, 2008 02:07 PM  Permalink
You joker do you know that Delhi's NCR area alone wastes Rs. 1400 crores/year worth Oil (HSD) for generating power thru DG sets. Think about the whole country. If we have reliable & uninterrupted power thru coal/hydel/Nuclear etc. we'll be able to avoid so much wasteage of oil for just producing power. Go & learn more about hydrocarbons before you make such stupid comments

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Efficiency of PM
by Praveen Rao on Jun 20, 2008 01:35 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Dear PM
You know very well that you are highly quailfied and peolpe of India thought that you take us to future by takting all corective measure about the economic front. what a Pity!!
You have ginve a high inflation of 11.055 % How can a poor man survive with this. You know a Govt servent action result in any loss he is summerly dismissed and removed from the service mercilessy. What we the people of India do with you for giving a such a huge high cost of living. An Old saying is realy coming true, that a Highly eduacated, qualified person is good for teaching/and acadimic filed but misirable fails in practicle field.
What do you say about this saying Mr PM
Praveen Rao

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RE:Efficiency of PM
by Samarth Ahuja on Jun 20, 2008 01:58 PM  Permalink
hey u maybe right bt tha main cause of inflation is the soring oil prices.. for ur information i must tell u dat in nda govt regime, oil was 28 per barrel, it is nw 135 per barrel.. so calculation says dat OIL PRICES SHOULD HV BEEN UP BY 5 TIMEs, bt bcoz of this mastermind , inflation is still somewhat tamed.. "nda govt under similar situations wd have either hampered growth or would have allowed inflation to reach 22%".. neways it doesnt matter to mr singh.. afterall he ws the hero of 1991 crisis when he rescued india out of its financial emergency nd bankruptcy... HATS OFF TO MR SINGH..

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RE:RE:Efficiency of PM
by Indigo on Jun 20, 2008 02:26 PM  Permalink
Samart Ahuja, please dont bluff, oil prices during NDA rule were never as less as 28$/bbl not even in 1928. They were some where around 80-85$/bbl. Oil has seen a huge surge since the last year or so.

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RE:Efficiency of PM
by Raghu K on Jun 20, 2008 01:53 PM  Permalink
Did you forget that the same person saved the Indian economy from going to bankruptcy in 1991?

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Nuclear Deal
by Raghavendra Ravi on Jun 20, 2008 01:33 PM  Permalink 

Manmohan must stick to his guns and call the bluff of Left. This PM has done only two correct things in his 4 years as Prime minister - nuclear deal and petroleum product price hike. Everything else he has done is grand bungling.. ironically he is will step down when he is doing the right things..

As far as the Chinese agents in India, less said the better. Blatant Frauds. Nandigram merchants. Third grade liars. Call their bluff

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Indian to think of India, Italian cannot be expected to do so
by Inderjeet Singh on Jun 20, 2008 01:32 PM  Permalink 

After all it appears MMS's 'Indian' has risen over long pressure of Italian, so that he can now discern what India needs, Nuclear Deal and not an Italian to ruin the country.

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what is going on
by amitabh ghoshal on Jun 20, 2008 01:31 PM  Permalink 

have u seen friends today inflaation rate has touched 13 years hign at 11.05%!!! and v poor Indians looking helplesly to this "DRAMA' at centre, whereas this days one STRONG PM & STRONG effective goverment was expected. Now ONLY GOD can save this great country!!!!

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RE:Sardar Bhagat Singh versus Sardar Manmohan Singh!!! ... One worked with anti-imperialism and other worked with pro-imperialism.
by S Narain on Jun 20, 2008 01:32 PM  Permalink
Yechury & karat like traitors should be made naked & exposed of their evil design!!!Pakistan is going ahead with nuclear deal with China for their Kahuta plant...the emnemies of India & base for terrorism in the world.. This is never opposed by Karat & co... in fact they support the deal as they are traitors.. Yechury & Karat never won even a municipal election and plotted to throw out the vetran leader Jyoti Basu from Politbureau of CPM .. These fellows have befooled the gullible Bongs & showed finger like Greg Chappel to Somnath Da when he wanted to contest vice President post...CPM is power by Bengal but all plum position are hijacked by rootless fellows like Yechury & Karat... What a great fooling to bongs !!!!the so called intellectuals Wake up India& wake up bengal before it is too late ,,

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RE:Sardar Bhagat Singh versus Sardar Manmohan Singh!!! ... One worked with anti-imperialism and other worked with pro-imperialism.
by All Right on Jun 20, 2008 01:33 PM  Permalink
Ohhh... so Bhagat Singh opposed you, and Manmohan Singh is supporting you...

So why are you sad?

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RE:Sardar Bhagat Singh versus Sardar Manmohan Singh!!! ... One worked with anti-imperialism and other worked with pro-imperialism.
by raj on Jun 20, 2008 02:52 PM  Permalink
china has signed 123 agreement with usa, and they have nuclear energy from bsg. they have broken the NPT and aupplied arms to pak. but chian doesnt want ndia to sign 123 so that india doesnt have energy. commies in india are sick.

when china attacked india in the 60s, commies in india celebrated. sick flastards!

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must quit
by gr karthikeyan on Jun 20, 2008 01:27 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

thanks very much on behalf all indians. due to non controlable inflation rise you and your finance minister must quit imdly.

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RE:must quit
by Pramod Sharma on Jun 20, 2008 01:43 PM  Permalink
Having failed on every front during the last four years, PM is making nuclear deal an issue to save face. Be it economics or politics, he simply knows nothing. He and his worthless FM must quit, and do not look back Manmohan Singh. We Indians need to get rid of good-for-nothing guys.

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RE:must quit
by R Balasubramanian on Jun 20, 2008 01:47 PM  Permalink
You have left out another idiot Montek Singh Aluwalia. The present all time high inflation is totally because of mismanagement of finance by the MoF. As I keep writing, PC is unfit to be a FM. He only keeps burdening the common man instead of plugging the loopholes in tax collection and pinning the tax evadors.

Balasubramanian - Bangalore

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