RE:Better u both suicide
by Radhika reddy on Jun 20, 2008 02:11 PM Permalink
You correct Boss.I Can give poison to them with my own cost. He is bullshit PM in History. We need to send chidambaram either to Pakisthan or Srilanka
RE:RE:Better u both suicide
by All Right on Jun 20, 2008 02:20 PM Permalink
:-) me too?... OK ... then I know for certain that there are no road side goondas in BJP...
hey u maybe right bt tha main cause of inflation is the soring oil prices.. for ur information i must tell u dat in nda govt regime, oil was 28 per barrel, it is nw 135 per barrel.. so calculation says dat OIL PRICES SHOULD HV BEEN UP BY 5 TIMEs, bt bcoz of this mastermind , inflation is still somewhat tamed.. "nda govt under similar situations wd have either hampered growth or would have allowed inflation to reach 22%".. neways it doesnt matter to mr singh.. afterall he ws the hero of 1991 crisis when he rescued india out of its financial emergency nd bankruptcy... HATS OFF TO MR SINGH..
Why does the PM want to quit now....he is responsible for all the mess that the country is in now. As an emminent economist was he not aware that bad fiscal measures and populist activities do a great harm to the nation, then why did he let all that happen, he should have put his foot down saying either you dont do it or do without me.
Why did he not oppose to rural employment gurantee scheme when he knew it wont benefit the intended, why did he support the waiver of farmers loan, why did the govt not take steps to bring business man and shopowners in tax net, why did he remained a party to all policies which were for minority appeasement and add to it he says he lost sleep when Hanif was arrested in Australia, how come you never lost sleep for all this bad mismanagement.
Now he should not be allowed to resign and run away rather he should be made answerable at forum, make him say that we bungled and did blunder with the economics of Indian for which all Indians are suffering.
RE:Why Now, Wont allow you now.
by Kaushal Sah on Jun 20, 2008 02:42 PM Permalink
Looks like all you know is to criticise... and not look at the good things.. Waiver of farme loans was very step indeed... Inflation is not just in India... It's world wide... Open up, perhaps you will see what's happening in te world where the oil prices have reached 140$ a barrell. There are food shortage even in the developed countries. Thousands of acres of crops have been destroyed in floods...
Don't put all blames on PM. People always bow to rising sun. If discredit of price rise/inflation goes to PM then one must remember the credit for bringing back economy on rail also goes to Manmohan. The robust growth rate and foreign exchange reserve is due to the policies enuntiated by revered Manmohan Singh first as FM and then as PM. Remember the days one INdia left with only 15 days import currency and gold has to be mortgaged by the nation. BPO/IT/Manufacturing/Real Estate/Agriculture/infrastructure/communication/Education and also the Population is booming and every hardworking indian from rickshaw puller to piolet earning enought to their standar of living. Only sloth/lazy indian are cursing the economcy. There are other factors like Oil prices on which neither Manmohan or any body else has any control. Do you think any PM/or ordinary indian and for that matter Manmohan can donate their personal assets to counter the rise in oil prices. Every Indian has to bear the burnt of inflatin triggered by price rise. So is the case with rising standard of living the cost of living also goes up. Even afer the Govt. school are doing well in ?Delhi, my house-maid preferred his son to education in private/public school, can she blame the price rise. Choice is with the people either to travel in IInd/Economy Class. If one who beyond his means travels by J Class/Ist Class has no right to curse the price rise. If Manmohan goes, let his critics take responsibility, they may contain
RE:PM a suave economist
by Sylendranath Dwarak on Jun 20, 2008 02:00 PM Permalink
Inflation is at 13 year high. Do you know who was the Finance Minister 13 years back? Dr.Manmohan Singh!! Now make your own judgement about great economist and his dream team!!
Excuse me.... did I correctly hear you say "Agriculture is booming"?....
You seem to be an incorrigible optimist.... the one who when under a guillotine will be happy that soon when the blade comes down, he'll be losing some weight fast..
The communists have always a tendency to oppose every issue & latter on admit their mistake as historical blunder. they are doing the same thing with nuclear deal
RE:communist culture
by popatlal on Jun 20, 2008 02:00 PM Permalink
Communal Party , Onoly Congrss can be called COMMUNAL PARTY.
They say'sam dharm &sam bhav. Then why congress differciate in Hindu, MUslim Sikhs and Cristchan. They give reservation to MUslim saying that because they are minority. This is pure communal mind of congress.
One has to go either leftist or entire UPA and be ready to next lok sabha election. It is known matter for all of us. But this is lesson for Congress and Comrade also – where they are always thinking that “SECULAR” forces only can run this country. In fact corruption is bigger issue than secular. It is better all over India people please keep in mind we should elect 2009 election based on individual personality whether they belongs to any party. Person should be good, faithful to public, honest, sincere and work in the interest of nation not for their pocket expense.
One has to go either leftist or entire UPA and be ready to next lok sabha election. It is known matter for all of us. But this is lesson for Congress and Comrade also – where they are always thinking that “SECULAR” forces only can run this country. In fact corruption is bigger issue than secular. It is better all over India people please keep in mind we should elect 2009 election based on individual personality whether they belongs to any party. Person should be good, faithful to public, honest, sincere and work in the interest of nation not for their pocket expense.