Congress In already having a Bad image Due to may reasons But Left parties are the worst Educated people to come together to throw out left parties out of Indian They are just always against West .West has contributed everything to this world . Even the Car the Prakash karat is using Is invented by a western guy Even the bulb which is his house given by Thomans Edision (My hero) Even the Microphone what he talks to the fountain pen ,to his mobile To his even his underwear Let him come to street wearing a langoti and on a bullock cark if Left are so much Anti west He should not even allowed Talk him English All the left should be pit and spit in it till they get drowned in that .If west is imperial they have earned that status by their caliber .Youngsetrs should at least Not get demotivated bt Left You know what ? Left parties always get the Votes of the Underprivileged section of the society even if it In kerala or in WB .Once they come to power They do some silly things to make that Section happy life some Releasing presoners from Jails like in Kerala ..Give small discounts to purchase Rice ,hen etc .They try to hamper the educations system wherever they come because once people get educated they wont get their vote .They are real cancer for the India
RE:Hate RED Hate Communitst
by Manoj Khandelwal on Jun 20, 2008 07:33 PM Permalink
The left have never been for the country,(they are for China, they were for USSR)they will never be for the country.Get rid of them on this account of neuclear deal,the congress will never come to power in next elections, so why not be martyrs
RE:Hate RED Hate Communitst
by optimist on Jun 20, 2008 07:41 PM Permalink
FYI Kerala and Bengal are the most educated states with Kerala having 95% educated ppl.
I think they just tricked poor ppl and made them think tat without working u can get money. Which they Succeeded initially But now things are so bad tat i thing both states dont have even a single good comapny functioning properly.
RE:Hate RED Hate Communitst
by Vishnu Sharma on Jun 20, 2008 08:04 PM Permalink
This is how the LEFT came up with ridiculous literacy figures in Bengal and Kerala.
They Conduct a survey: Do you know how to spell KARL MARX.
If you do then you are 100 % literate.
All bogus education. A person who is an educated Marxist does not contribute an iota to the society he lives in . Rather he becomes a termite in the wood that gives him shelter.
RE:Hate RED Hate Communitst
by Sam Mohan on Jun 20, 2008 07:38 PM Permalink
Hate Praksh karat Hate Pinaraiyi Vijayan Hate Brinda karak Hate Red They love China More than India ..They wont talk about China Intrusions India Cant develop any time with RED Wipe them Out In netx elections BJP is better .But I like Lalu also ..Try to accommodate him to BJP But left should not even enter Near to Delhi I am the biggest anti left ..A
RE:Hate RED Hate Communitst
by optimist on Jun 20, 2008 07:46 PM Permalink
yes takiing into account all the corruption he has done He does qualify for joining BJP.
Dear Mr Prime Minister: We, the people of India salute you for the peace and stability you've helped India to attain during your Prime Ministerial tenure of India.Now please go ahead- not even pausing to hear the raucous self-destructive calls of the Left and some selfish political leaders alike- just go ahead sir, and please do sign the Indo-US nuclear Deal. Please show once and for all that Mrs Sonia Gandhi is only party president, you, the head of Governance of India. Just do it, sir ! Just do it ! NOW !
RE:Manmohan Singh, Mr Prime Minister, sir !
by rajarajaraja on Jun 20, 2008 07:31 PM Permalink
I support you dude....... Dr Manmohan singh you should go with the deal
RE:Manmohan Singh, Mr Prime Minister, sir !
by secret on Jun 20, 2008 07:37 PM Permalink
Peace - 71 chinese incursions in Sikkim alone..not to mention the ignominy heapead on India in every international forum by China. Government too weak-kneed to even dispute leave alone confront. Several terrorists attacks with guilty still at large...Afzal guru still being fed with tax-payers money...
Stability - 3 days in a working week Left threatens to pull-out. Infaltion is closing the double digit..!!
i mean do people who post in this forum read or watch NEWS...!!
RE:Manmohan Singh, Mr Prime Minister, sir !
by rajarajaraja on Jun 20, 2008 07:51 PM Permalink
did you read that and tell us why we should not sign thi sdeal...
RE:Manmohan Singh, Mr Prime Minister, sir !
by secret on Jun 20, 2008 08:06 PM Permalink
its clear that you are nothing but a loser trying to get some attention...are atleast familiar with the non-proliferation caluses imposed as a result of this deal...and how the entier American edifice of non-proliferation has blind-sighted to the proliferation going on in Pakistan and China..??
without knowledge and possibly even awareness for the heck of posting some crap you are asking India to enter into perpetual slavery..where not only are we dependent on US for Energy security but even for defence and military predominance..!!
Dr singh is a highly qualified person- he knows what is best for the nation. The country where the illiteracy rate is 30-40% can not even imagine what he wanted to do for the next generation
I am not a supporter of congress or any other party - because i know every party is corrupted.
But what he is doing at this point of time looking for the future.
Dude he is a nice man but does not know the dirty game of politics that's the reason he wanted to sign the N deal.. which illeterate parties are opposing because of chinese interst.
Do you all support INDIA or china -- tell me one thing from the heart.
RE:Nuclear deal should be signed
by secret on Jun 20, 2008 07:30 PM Permalink
you are definitely sufferning from inferiority complex..!!
what kind of statement is this..?? "The country where the illiteracy rate is 30-40% can not even imagine what he wanted to do for the next generation "
the so called 'visionary' nehru an erudite elitist of his times is the single cause for ALL border disputes we face today. the Americans are NOT dumb or charitable to stick to a deal where they no self-interest. the long term benefits of the deal are seriously under question and threatens the Nuclear independence of India. No Party has a right to force this down the throat of future genrations..!!
educate yourself before writing some sweeping statements..
RE:Nuclear deal should be signed
by secret on Jun 20, 2008 08:05 PM Permalink
its clear that you are nothing but a loser trying to get some attention...are atleast familiar with the non-proliferation caluses imposed as a result of this deal...and how the entier American edifice of non-proliferation has blind-sighted to the proliferation going on in Pakistan and China..??
without knowledge and possibly even awareness for the heck of posting some crap you are asking India to enter into perpetual slavery..where not only are we dependent on US for Energy security but even for defence and military predominance..!!
RE:RE:RE:Nuclear deal should be signed
by rajarajaraja on Jun 20, 2008 07:55 PM Permalink
tell me what are the clause of N deal you don't like and which you think should be revisited
RE:Nuclear deal should be signed
by tarun kumar on Jun 20, 2008 07:35 PM Permalink
one of the WORST & PATHETIC CONGRESS goverment ever seen in Indian history. Dummy PM and hopeless Sonia.I really fed up with this congress.Dear indian people in next elections please DO NOT VOTE for congress. you can vote to any party except congress.I never seen such a stupid and unclever rule by congress. things are becoming from worse to worsen and worsen.
RE:RE:Nuclear deal should be signed
by rajarajaraja on Jun 20, 2008 07:46 PM Permalink
That is true the governmnet is bad but that N deal is very important
why dont you understand that ---- otherwise face inflation
Congress In already having a Bad image Due to may reasons But Left parties are the worst Educated people to come together to throw out left parties out of Indian They are just always against West .West has contributed everything to this world . Even the Car the Prakash karat is using Is invented by a western guy Even the bulb which is his house given by Thomans Edision (My hero) Even the Microphone what he talks to the fountain pen ,to his mobile To his even his underwear Let him come to street wearing a langoti and on a bullock cark if Left are so much Anti west He should not even allowed Talk him English All the left should be pit and spit in it till they get drowned in that .If west is imperial they have earned that status by their caliber .Youngsetrs should at least Not get demotivated bt Left
RE:Two bad don%u2019t make a good ...
by Sam Mohan on Jun 20, 2008 07:28 PM Permalink
You know what ? Left parties always get the Votes of the Underprivileged section of the society even if it In kerala or in WB .Once they come to power They do some silly things to make that Section happy life some Releasing presoners from Jails like in Kerala ..Give small discounts to purchase Rice ,hen etc .They try to hamper the educations system wherever they come because once people get educated they wont get their vote .They are real cancer for the India
RE:Two bad don%u2019t make a good ...
by Rajesh Raman on Jun 20, 2008 07:43 PM Permalink
You are abosolutely wrong. Ofcourse left is opposing lot of developments, but we all should think about the lower lovel people, who dont know about internet, rediff discussion column and all. The country where the illiteracy rate is 30-40% is not because of Left. Kerala if not 100% atlest 98% are literate and living standard in urban as well as rural is better than any other state. They are not 100% opposing. They are tellling to modify the deal. why govt is bending to US?
RE:Two bad don%u2019t make a good ...
by Sunil Chaturvedi on Jun 20, 2008 07:22 PM Permalink
All politicians are leftists.They still use the same old ambassador car and not the cars from west.
What is Dr. Singh waiting for. If he firmly believes that the Nuclear deal is good for the country he should put his foot down. The problem is he has also become a politician and loves to be in power. They say power corrupts and Dr. Singh is no exception (and I pray he proves me wrong)
I really fed up with this congress.Dear indian people in next elections please DO NOT VOTE for congress. you can vote to any party except congress.I never seen such a stupid and unclever rule by congress. things are becoming from worse to worsen and worsen.
RE:Throw congress party into muncipality dust bin
by optimist on Jun 20, 2008 07:22 PM Permalink
First understand what this deal is all about! With this nuclear deal INDIA will generate more electricity. So electricity will be cheaper , u will find more companies coming up with electri car like REVA. This left is not doing anything and they dont allow others also to do.
RE:Throw congress party into muncipality dust bin
by TIGER MAN on Jun 20, 2008 07:06 PM Permalink
RE:Throw congress party into muncipality dust bin
by Manoj Khandelwal on Jun 20, 2008 07:19 PM Permalink
The left have never been for the country,they will never be for the country.Get rid of them on this account of neuclear deal,the congress will never come to power in next electrions, so why not be martyrs
RE:Throw congress party into muncipality dust bin
by RAVINDRA BHOSALE on Jun 20, 2008 07:15 PM Permalink
First take out the other parties thrown by Indians in dustbin after 2-3 bad experiences.
ever since he got into power either as fm or pm, mr. manmohan singh has acted as if he is employed by the US regime.he has been an obedient administrator for the US power wonder he follows suit in nuclear deal also. one need not be so learned to see that this deal will be more than beneficial to the US. everyone in the US administration keep on saying 'this agreement will benefit india more than the US'. what a joke! whatever the US has done all these years has been good for them and them only. (you can't blame them; thats the way every country should think). one has to think hudred times before inking a deal with US. that is precisely what karat says. it is a fair one. let manmohan and co. publish the draft document and see what it contains, deliberate and if good for both the countries, sign. but our PM won't do this because bush won't say so!
RE:please, don't do unless bush says so!
by Sridhar n on Jun 20, 2008 07:19 PM Permalink
Yes, you are right he will make whole India as Bihar and feeds media with unbelivable money to write Laloo Mangos, Laloo marriages etc.. and he also transport bufellows in air conditioned vehcles
RE:please, don't do unless bush says so!
by Manoj Khandelwal on Jun 20, 2008 07:17 PM Permalink
Hamari majburi hai Congress,Kyuki doosre aur bhi bure hain
RE:Make Lalu PM
by Sridhar n on Jun 20, 2008 07:20 PM Permalink
Yes, you are right he will make whole India like Bihar and feeds media with unbelivable money to write Laloo Mangos, Laloo marriages etc.. and he also transport bufellows in air conditioned vehcles
RE:Make Lalu PM
by Sridhar n on Jun 20, 2008 07:35 PM Permalink
Can you tell me in what way he is better than other party leaders. See in decades of his ruling how bad is Bihar, just he feeds money to jornoulists and news like Laloo tamatos, Laloo mangos, Laloo shit will comes in news, are you saying he is better by seeing these news. He worked as CM to Bihar for decades and Chief Minister (as CEO), but he made Bihar as Jungle Raja. I believe he is one of the worst polititians in India.